>tfw get gayman PC
>tfw V-sync actually makes your experience better instead of worse now
Why the fuck are consoles still being made? Who the fuck buys them?
>tfw get gayman PC
>tfw V-sync actually makes your experience better instead of worse now
Why the fuck are consoles still being made? Who the fuck buys them?
Other urls found in this thread:
cheap and simple alternative for cheap and simple(minded) people
Vsync was good for me until I noticed the delay. Even on 120hz I started to notice it. Feels bad.
>get g-sync screen
>everything's great
>get 2 more g-sync screens
>it doesn't work in 7680x1440 for some reason
how to fix delay while vsync is on
You can't. That's just part of using vsync.
>buy the newest alienware laptop
>play everything on high or max if MOBA
>outplay everyone in Overwatch
>top 2000 in LoL
Consoles were a mistake
oh i fixed it, you just have to uninstall the "vsync delay" driver in your programs list
>That feel when too poor for gsync
I have to just deal with the screen tearing and learn to ignore it because I can't stand that delay. It makes a massive difference. I only turn vsync on for slower games with a controller like FF13. I'm playing through it and it's relaxing as all hell. I just run around hitting 3 buttons and watch short movies every 20 seconds.
triple buffering if you're not hitting your monitor's refresh rate cap
>it's relaxing as all hell. I just run around hitting 3 buttons and watch short movies every 20 seconds.
Many would call that "tedious" and "boring."
Other than that, does the game run well?
Not him, but what would be a better value gaming laptop?
>inb4 "gaming laptop"
>inb4 "not building a laptop"
Just answer the question.
triple buffering helps although many games do not support it for some reason
the actual best way is just a hard synchronization between the GPU and CPU although its more demanding
>gaming laptop
What exactly does v-sync do? I always turn it off
I only play it when Im tired and it's more like watching a movie. The game runs like fucking dogshit. Locked at 720p and 30fps but there's a mod to fix it. Zero graphical options and fps dips in certain spots but they're rare. Apparently the fps issue is a common complaint and there isn't much anyone can do about it.
i5 4460
GTX 970
16gb Ram
If you have screen tearing in a game v-sync removes the tearing but adds a slight input delay.
>locked at 720p and 30fps
No, it's not. You don't even need any mods.
Source: I'm playing at 1440p/60fps
So you can't answer the question? Suppose I needed a laptop on which I also wanted to play games, and I'm wiling to burn, but not waste money on it. What should I buy?
It's high-res, but with that extremely low polygon count, doesn't it still look bad?
>he uses v-sync
>laptop on which I also wanted to play games
You can't imagine that scenario?
Doesn't enemy intel (and all sorts of other) disappear if you're running at >720p?
it's a bad decision
If you want an honest answer, there is no value gaming laptop. Gaming laptops are rip offs by definition.
>just answer the question
I can't without more information. What do you need a laptop for? More often than not people who want a "gaming" laptop are trying to find a perfect solution to all their needs and end up with mediocre solutions at best. If you need a laptop for school work or something then you're better off buying a cheap thing second-hand/refurbed and then spend the rest of your budget on a desktop. Few people actually end up utilizing the ability to play games "on the move" of a laptop because of power drain, among other things.
But do go on and sperg out at me for trying to stop you making a mistake.
You'll be wasting it because laptops are for work, not for play. You'd do better to get nice laptop that can run notepad.exe for your job, and spend the rest on a desktop. You'll never play Lemmings or WoW or Need For Speed while out on the town
Why? Suppose I traveled and never had time to play vidya except away from home, but I wanted to play PC games. Naturally, I would use a laptop, and why shouldn't it be Alienware?
Perhaps, but if I could afford it and wanted to play PC games while traveling or away from home, it might be good value to me.
>Few people actually end up utilizing the ability to play games "on the move" of a laptop because of power drain, among other things.
So, should these people carry their rig around everywhere? Most people will always have access to an outlet.
Not him, but it's not worth shelling out the cash for a laptop with a good gpu for many reasons. Just buy a basic dual core one for work/school and build a gaymen desktop from parts
I think a patch might have fixed the 720p and 30fps lock. I pirated that shit and I guess it's the release version because I saw people online complaining about it and someone made a mod to fix it.
There's this guide: logicalincrements.com
>You'll never play Lemmings or WoW or Need For Speed while out on the town
I might. I would say gaming laptops would be a waste of money for just about everybody, but for those for whom it wouldn't be, what should they buy?
>So, should these people carry their rig around everywhere?
If you're a hobo with no fixed abode couch hopping then maybe you would benefit from a laptop. You probably ought to put your finances to better use in those circumstances though. The circumstances in which people actually benefit from a gaming laptop are rare. If you buy one you will find you rarely use it out and about because it's a nuisance and because when you're out you're often busy. You'll then get home to a sub-par gaming experience because you're using a laptop.
It's very unlikely you're one of the small group of people who need/benefit from a gaming laptop. You are most likely in the larger group of people looking for a one-size-fits-all solution who are destined for disappointment.
I'm not in any group and wold never guy a gaming laptop, but I don't think people should be shamed for buying a laptop for gaming laptop when it might actually be good value for them.
>what should they buy?
If you're really that insistent on getting one, and are unwilling to listen to reasoned and experienced advice against the decision, then the answer is it doesn't really matter. All the big name brand laptops are manufactured in the same places by the same people. I haven't looked in a while but Asus used to be good quality at a more reasonable price (relatively). As far as I know MSI and Asus often manufacturer the laptops for larger brands like HP etc.
>when it might actually be good value for them
They need to know that it's very likely that it isn't. It's for their own good. The small amount of people for which that is true will persevere through the criticism but the people who are ignorant of their needs might, hopefully, realize their mistakes.
Getting a good 1440p ips 144hz freesync monitor was probably the best investement I did last year. Was worth all the 400€ I payed.
It's just a good feeling, having a super smooth image, when the fps isn't running at the monitors refresh rate.
Oh and Alienware aren't that bad despite the reputation here and their relation to Dell. They do bloat prices and put together some questionable hardware packages though.
i've never seen anyone with a gaming laptop actually gaming on it.
the times you're actually able to game on it, you're a home. and the times you're out and about, you're not going to be gaming.
Not him, but I do often travel out of state for a couple visiting friends. And they all play games. A laptop that plays games is really helpful since I'm not going to buy a PC to put in their house.
>out and about
This is why people get suckered in. Really the only people who benefit from the laptop are people who are regularly moving home or spend long periods away from home. I've known people who are regularly in hospital getting them for instance, but if you want one to use like a handheld you're going to be disappointed and you're going to waste your money for sure.
my nigga
These fuckers are even more pathetic than Sup Forums, wow.
If you have such a big mouth about a subject, you should know a bit about it instead of just 'h..hh..It doesn't m..matter'
Hardware choices matter, brand doesn't make much of a difference was the entire point I was making. The former isn't something I'm willing to go in to specifics about in a dying Sup Forums thread, especially not when it'd require me to do research given that, as I made clear, I haven't payed attention to the market in a while.
I got the Slim Uncharted 4 + Rachet and Clank + The Last of Us: Remastered for $250 on Negro Friday and Uncharted 1-3 Collection for $15.
It was a good deal and it gives me something to play when I get done raping plebs in Titanfall 2 and fapping to MILF pr0n.
Nope, everything's fine.
why is rectal-plug chan so smug?
Your output resolution may be 1440p, but the game itself is still rendered at 720p like your image quite clearly shows. Without a third-party tool you can't increase the rendering resolution.
Might be because it's a fucking pre-rendered cutscene, you idiot.
M-master race, r-right guys?
GeDoSaTo sure was useful to make me play FF13
I earlier gave up on XIII-2
FPS was jumping all over the place when I rotate my camera
they've come
>Why the fuck are consoles still being made? Who the fuck buys them?
People who actually play games.
pcfat here, currently playing a video game while saying your post is just a meme
G-sync or Free-sync monitor
The post.
>not using fast sync
Enjoy your electricity bill.
>mfw electricity is part of my set rent
v-sync makes things worse though, I can't stand the delay
and can't see tearing at 144hz
Fast sync renders as fast as your gpu can, much like vsync off, except with no tearing. So if you play something like Half-Life , it will look like 60 or 144 fps, but actually your GPU is pushing about 300 frames at 100% gpu load, which means it uses all of the power it can get, even though it could throttle itself to reach the desired performance.
>get 100hz ultrawide, curved, g-sync, 3440x1440 display
>Not bothered with peasant. Woes
>Now bothered with shit 21:9 support.
Just kill me.
you'd have to play very limited amount of games for it to work
Pretty sure it just doesn't bother to render any frames over your monitor's refresh rate, rather than force the game to run at the refresh rate like normal v-sync.
should've researched better
40'' 4k display is better choice
Wait a second. If I could run games at more than 60fps stable why would I use fast sync? Isnt the whole point of fast sync to get better rendering speed at under 60? I dont know shit about this though ,so maybe I am just retarded.
No it doesn't. It renders ALL frames your GPU can push, but only sends those to the monitor the monitor can handle to avoid tearing. You are literally computing frames only to throw them away instantly.
>mfw never noticed screen tearing, input lag or the vsync setting in over a decade of PC gaming
Should I just turn back back now and hope I never notice anything?
Because vsync introduces input lag, always. Even if you hit your frame target perfectly.
>Be Nvidia user
>GPU is great but G-sync costs an extra 200 bucks
>Be AMD user
>GPU is inferior but FreeSync is free
PC gaming sucks.
just don't try 100hz+ monitors and you'll be fine
it's like with great headphones, you don't know what you are missing unless you try it
Alienware has the worst price-performance ratio in the world
even a laptop from a discounter has a better price-performance ratio
Blame nvidia. All they have to do is support freesync in their drivers.
nvidia being turbo jews
they can literally implement it in next driver, it's all open source
They would lose on the G-sync sales so it will never happen.
>MFW I have a ASUS 144hz monitor and HD-650 Sennheiser headphones with a good DAC amp.
Poor guy.
They say knowledge is power but ignorance is bliss.
not really, thing is they pair g-sync with very good panels
I got mg279q not for freesync but for being the best IPS all purpose panel at a time
It's not. It's part of the extended display port spec, which costs licensing fees. I can't find a single PDF online explaining the protocol in detail.
worth everything I overpaid for it.
>Dat monitor price!
I got the ASUS VG248QE about 4 years ago and the HD-650s in 2009.
Worth every penny.
you are right, monitor manufacturers should push for adaptive-sync instead of all this proprietary bullshit from both sides
My Gigabyte laptop is very nice.
Got a lot of great features, fantastic specs for the price I paid for it and it doesn't have any gamer ricer shit anywhere.
If you want a sort of 'intermediary desktop' laptop I'd recommend it.
I don't know why people complain about input delay in games that don't require skill, I mean yeah makes sense to disable v sync in Street Fighter or Doom, but in something like GTA?
Have gtx 1070 with one 144hz monitor. When I get my second should I just get 60hz or would the visual difference be kind of jarring?
Because most people are too dumb and/or lazy to bother with pc.
Depends on what you'll use your second monitor for. If it's for playing games then yes, it will be jarring. If it's for background programs then you're fine.
Yes who could better explain the pc experience than someone who plays on console
>Get 144hz display with TN panel
>Colors are shit
>Should've gone for IPS instead
because you never tried it
it's like comparing a stool to a comfortable office chair
get memed
>have 120Hz VA panel
>it's perfect
>cost $600 though