I am disgusted and disappointed

I got hired recently to work on a game at some studio, a dark fantasy souls/moba hybrid. I'm more a cyberpunk guy myself, but thought maybe I could give this a shot. Then, I saw it...

one of the character designs, that has to be singlehandedly the most sickening character I have ever seen in a video game. I mean more disgusting than even characters in those rape hentai games.

>member of a "holy church" which seems awfully similar to the catholic church
>called "The Grand Inquisitor"
>looks a LOT like this character design, eerily so, notice it looks like a fucking high ranking KKK member
>this character's plot involves persecuting and eliminating any threats to his god and church
>fights using a bladed whip and a crossbow, one of his hands emanates a glowing "holy" power he can use to "smite" foes
>the most offensive part of all, his main enemy just happens to be a rival religious group and culture that resembles Islam and Middle Easterners a ton, which is racist as fuck
>has many voice lines with him talking about purging scum from the world, death to the enemies of his god, sounds very fanatical and deranged

I'm sorry but I cannot in good conscious work on or support a game with such a repulsive character. I need to find a way to make them change this, or I am walking. This is absolutely disgusting, I can't believe this is 2016, and a design like this gets fucking lauded at this studio.

Other urls found in this thread:


but that character sounds cool

>character that looks like a grimdark KKK member

Go back to Sup Forums

what's supposed to be the problem exactly?

Haven't seen this pasta in a while

How about the fact that it's racist as shit?


You can't bump your own thread on Sup Forums, dumb-dumb

Looks awesome and metal as fuck. Sounds even better, too bad its bait though. Also Warhammer 40k exists.

> the situation reversed would be fine though.

That design looks like a fucking Klansmen, how is that awesome?

I never saw a game that had you play as muslims killing christians

Reverse psychology viral marketing

Assassin's Creed?

Fuck off, ghazi cuck

Rethink your fucking life my man

doesn't know about Nemesis the Warlock or Torqemada

Fucking millenials.

And every 2nd male character looks like a muscle buff, every 1.000000006 female character like an hourgalss-shaped topmodel and the rest like whales.
How's that an ok thing, but le big bad ol clansmen is evil incarante?

Is it PC? Hell no.
Does it have to be PC? Pff, as if.

Don't get triggered by games user......

You're right. You should scrap the whole game and make it about cute girls instead. Doing equally racist things.

In Asscreed 1, you run around as a muslim assassin, mostly slaughtering christian crusaders.

You can also play as Egypt in Medieval 2 and go on a jihad to Rome.

That's not the same. I never saw a game that let you play as Isis or something killing christians. This character looks like a goddamn high ranking KKK member, his title is "Grand" Inquisitor for fuck sakes. Only time I saw an Inquisitor in a video game was dragon age inquisition, and they did not look like a fucking kkk member or act like a deranged fanatic,

This guy gets it

Uhm.... Postal? Hatred? *insert random violence fantasy game*?

Look at the art in my op post. You cannot justify that shit. Does he need to wear fucking robes and a cone shaped hat thing on his damn head? Also some of his lines so you can get an idea how fucked this character is:

>"death to all the enemies of the Lord!"
>"purge this unclean pagan scum!"
>"bring death and suffering to these godless heathens!"
>"we are pure, they are not. we are righteous, they are not. we will live, they will die."
>"torch them all, let none survive!"
>"burn the rotten flesh from their heathen bones!"

Yeah, who wouldn't be proud to play as this guy right?

Mudslimes aren't pagan, they're heathens.

>dipshit that thinks nazis looked cool and badass

oh so you're one of those

I sure hope you don't go to college with that attitude

I see nothing wrong with the op art.

Hugo Boss is stylish as fuck. You have shit taste if you don't see it.

That sounds like a damn fine inquisitor.

Play Dragon Age Inquisition to see what a proper Inquisitor is like. Inquisitors aren't about purging anyone, and they don't scream like deranged lunatics.

Can't believe this bait got this many replies.
Sage and move on, friends.

>Dragon age Inquisition

It amused me how more than half the posts in this thread are OP talking to himself

This isn't the 90s game industry anymore. These days, we call out racist, sexist, bigotted, problematic. designs when we see them.

Yeah, what "we" are you talking about?

We, the modern gaming community.

>hurr ill just stand here and make silly poses
>while the endwar continues and my squad gets slaughtered
Why are women so fucking pointless? When I develop my vidya, there will be no women characters, I can assure you.

Sounds pretty fucking gay.

>playing as a girl
>not gay

Whatever you say, man. More for me.



Sounds gay, don't do it again.

Them mafuccas look like klan members