Pick your route user

Pick your route user.

In real life I'd pick the 1st girl because the rest are so short that they're probably children.

In a game I'd probably go for the 3rd or 4th girl because their designs are cute.

Anyone who goes 5th or after is a literal pedophile.

If the girl isn't atleast 2 heads smaller than me, she is shit.

t. 1.93m

this you, Mr. Skellington?

The fuck you talking about?

I'm fairly average sized.

The tallest one. Femlets need to be purged.

Almost an impossible choice. Milfs AND lolis? Its paradise.

They're canonically children.

I'd pick either 164 or 160. 164 if she's a loving caring mom, otherwise 160.

You're not fooling anyone, noodlearms

All the flat ones, fuck those bags of fat

>In real life I'd pick the 1st girl because the rest are so short that they're probably children.
Understandable, but you seriously telling me you wouldn't go for that sexy number 2 in real life? 5'2" is short, but it's not child level short.

1st one has boobs that are too big.

The rest are all fair game, I can't pick one based on looks alone. I'd have to see their personalities first.

But if I HAD to pick based on just looks:
The redhead in the middle.

the 158cm one looks cute tbqfwy family.


Assuming she's not a literal child 158cm is the best objectively

where's the version with their ages

I like Genki girls so ill take the redhead in the middle

Oh. Then none because I'm not a fucking pedophile.

If your favorite is above 148 cm you need to be castrated.

>pedo shit

I want to pick up Hachiroku and moosh her cheeks.

why are they all midgets

They're children

They're trains


I thought only the two lolis on the end were trains.

Only a pleb wouldn't say all of them.

>t. 1.93m
>shorter than 195
>being a manlet this bad


>N-no, I'm not a pedo! They're actually just 1000 year old Japanese goddesses who don't age!

124cm for that sweetass loli train action.

In this case they are trains so it's literally ok.

Everyone except the diaper wearing child on the right and the old hag on the left.

Reina. Too bad Sekai will cuck us of the loli H.

I'm not a pedo I just want to fuck lolis okay jeez

>N-no I'm not a murderer! The people I kill in my games are not real!

Yeah good luck explaining this to the judge, that'll be 20 years in the cubes.

Fucking metric system.

6'0, 185 and broad shoulders.

But give me DELICIOUS FLAT CHESTS and/or T H I C C.

Possession of child porn is illegal. Possession of violent content is not.

>literal pedophile
What does a theoretical pedophile look like

Doesn't exist. Also the last 2 girls are androids, they're probably 100+ year old machines.

>gets an english translation
>the sex is getting cut out when that's most of the game's content

They're not. It's a shitty meme. They're all humans but Reina and Hachiroku who are robots. Robots. ROBOTS. Robots, not trains.

>not wanting to fuck a loli robot

Possession of drawn, imagined loli is not illegal.

Depends where you live.

>Elementary school student

>Americans are so dumb they can't understand heights written in centimeters

Posession of porn is illegal depending where you live.

2nd from the left, cause I have a thing for women in suits.

>Look at translation
>It's an all-ages version

>tfw I have noodle arms

Looks wise they are all fine except big tits on the left. I wouldn't touch her at all. So I would just have to see what their personalities are like and go with whoever is the dominate one.