Let us discuss and celebrate the GOTY. When will we see new characters, maps and gametypes...

Let us discuss and celebrate the GOTY. When will we see new characters, maps and gametypes? What would you like to see added to the game?

>no dicks
0/10 pic

I would like to see a none casual shit shooter made for consoles without "ultimate" crutch abilities

o wait

Such pics do not exist

I don't get what you're saying.

What a homo

What's wrong with dick girls?

i would like to see a single player, some competent balancing, custom servers, no F2P-tier garbage, and actual depth in gameplay.

Arcade mode saved this game for me. Brawl mode all day errday

>le ironically liking dick girls may may

Fuck off

>he thinks it's ironically

Drink bleach, normie.

>Being literal faggots.

Yiff in hell.

>Fucking furfags moaning about dick girls when they are the fucking lowest of the low

>F2p garbage


Fuck off fag, not even normie.

Fags should be round up and shot or showered in gasoline and lit on fire.

new map this week

>When will we see new characters
3 months

no single player and loot boxes is exactly what F2P games are like

Fps sp gamers are ruining Fps for the rest of us. It's mp or go home.

>le feminine penis xddd

come out already kid

People still play this shit game?

>Do people still play the biggest new franchise release that won goty

Gee, I wonder

when i think about it, this game actually does feel really unfinished. other fps games have a lot more shit to do and better rewards and customizability.

Is Oasis the comfiest map yet?

I think this is my favorite map in any fps.

Hanamura is best map

Hanamura is comfy but such a shit map to play it infuriates me

Ilios is objectively the best tho

Say it again for the anons in the back

Anyone want to play with me right meow on pc

Wonder how long this thread lasts

>D.va's expression
Literally the same one I was wearing at a strip joint like a month ago

pm'd you ;)
what's your id

What's that supposed to mean?

Gimme a bit

D.VA has a better ass than Tracer.

I really don't get why everyone is obsessing about Tracer's. Anyone can wear tight pants and their ass would look like that.

gotta give me your number too m8

Is D.va the best character in the game?

>Can flank
>Can tank
>Can fly
>Does decent damage
>Can knock people off ledges
>Great ultimate
>Basically infinite health as long as you get your first ult

Is there nothing she can't do?

she's also the cutest
best on every level

Mercy is probably best girl overall

>Is there nothing she can't do?
She can't sneak around very well

I just turned level 25

I'm looking for some people to play with too

Nemesis #14653




For real?

name 1 good FPS that doesn't have single player

Over watch

You play a crappy fps campaign for 4 hours and never touch them again, it should cater to those who are going to play the mp for months/years. Fuck sp

>she's also the cutest

Gotta love the butthurt this year, man. All because people know TF2 is dead and won't come back.

How can she be the cutest if she has the most annoying voice in the game?

haha! gg!

Sombra has the worst voice

Where is Mei?


Eating out Mercys ass

>PS+ shit
>Goty ever

Lol no, just no. Stay mad though.

was it too hard for you? no wonder you preferred overshit

I added it to my library and never touched it again, it looks like fucking garbage.

why do you care so much

i bet if i showed you my pen0r youd submit to me

did you even get past the first boss?


I never played it, I've zero interest in the shit they give us


Yes, I prefer to play with real humans.

>hurr game is shit
>never played it


I'd like to see actual casual game modes added to the game.

At the moment it's just 6vs6, 3vs3 and 1vs1.

It's entirely competitive focused and there's no slower paced, comfy relaxing game modes at all.

Awful for quickplay but great for comp. This is a competitive gamemode and not fun at all casually since it relies on fast paced team fights. In quickplay you just lose immediately if your team is further away from the objective since you trickle in more slowly and since the team size is only 6 (small) you need everyone there to stand a chance most of the time.

1 map, awful casual mode since every team needs ana+roadhog to stand a chance

Fun for a few minutes and that's it, only a handful of heroes are fun to play 1vs1 mirrors

The game clearly needs 12vs12 game modes on larger maps with way less ultimate charge rate where there's a constant frontline and the game doesn't devolve into team fight ultimate spam. This big battle mode would give currently underutilised heroes a game mode where they can excel. It would also solve the problem lined above about trickle in things devolving into large team fights because there would be enough people on each side to negate that. When you only have 8 of your 12 in the fight it's nowhere near as big a deal as only have 4 out of your 6. Also there would be multiple combat areas, not just one centralised fighting spot.

When is the Christmas event starting?

I didn't buy a next gen console to play indie looking trash

And still you're playing watered down AAA.


Even if that was true it's more desirable than playing that shit

so you chose to play copy+paste rooty tooty point n shooties? nice logic. overshit provides no challenge at all. point, shoot, ult, PoTG. Furi is mastering the game and overcoming the challenge

So... TF2?

I'm ok with this.

Yeah I'm sure fighting a.I. is difficult lol

This tbfh

Multiple ticket-giving objectives in a giant map, 12v12 (or 21v21 ;) )

fastest time on ps4 is 31min50s. if fighting A.I. is stupid easy, then pick it up and beat that time. record it too

What's your rank in Overwatch?

Ilios is so fun when playing Lucio.. love when that map pops up.

haven't played it since the first beta so not ranked

Whoa, I submit. I'll never be able to learn an enemies attack pattern and exploiting a.i. while also being autistic enough to run it over and over. You win, you got me.

>Competitive is just a bunch of autists yelling at each other following the "meta"
>Quick Play is just a bunch of K:D ratio chasing faggots that won't help with the objective
>No one plays Arcade mode

Why is it GOTY again? Because it's a Blizzard game?

>heh, good luck trying to get me to play it

if it's so easy, do it

Sounds like normie talk to me

You mean no BLACK dicks.

> new game type
in a week or so when the christmas event launches

>new map
not on PTR or probably january on live

> new characters
no idea but I think they shuldn't be adding more characters just for the hell of it

>Also there would be multiple combat areas, not just one centralised fighting spot.
As if it wasn't confusing enough for players not helping with only one objective

>Is there nothing she can't do?
being my girlfriend ;_;

Data mining says the 13th.

It's also easy to eat shut but I don't want to do that either

So we know Overwatch is the GOTY, but who's got the Ass of the Year?

Tough call.


>when someone knocks you in the well but you wallride yourself up

but you already play overwatch

No fucking way, you can do that?

Fuck off

And it's still better than Furri

Looks like Samus's vote goes to widow.

>>Great ultimate
It's trash


...And Mei

but you haven't played it so how would you know?