What kind of animal is Crash Bandicoot Sup Forums...

What kind of animal is Crash Bandicoot Sup Forums? I know he is fairly anthropomorphic but the closest thing I can think of is a red fox or something.

he's a (you)

He's a faun you dork

He is a fox.

This design better that the original. Fuck you Sup Forums

he's a (you)

crash is a woah

He's a Bandicoot you fucktard.

He's a Bandicoot.

He's orange, so he's a fox

god Sup Forums is full of dumb nu-fags

He's a human in a fox fursuit

An Ottsel, same as Daxter

A red weasel, saw a game theory on it once..

He looks like a fucking furry from deviantart here

a doggie


>liking tatoo'd bubsy
Take this L for me

Hello edgy sparkledog furcuck

He's a bat

He's a cooter

He's a mix between a marzupial and a bandicoot.

classic australian, fuckign faggots

A cockroach or something...