Nost stress test soon
Ench shamans in pvp aren't viab-
They are, with perfect vanilla BiS and Sulf/Warlord's Axe
Good luck trying to be ehancement vs an equally geared *anything else*
what class are you rolling nostbros?
debating between human or undead warrior, i've always been undead though
Troll Priest.
Going to level as holy
thinking mage, but also thinking they may be boring as fuck in vanilla since they just spam frostbolt/fireball
Thinking either druid or shaman. I want to focus on healing, and i think druid would be more fun.
When does the server launch?
it's already up. mc is cleared. time to wait for next one
>Going to level as holy
Godspeed you crazy motherfucker.
n-not again
Dwarf Warrior
>leveling as a holy priest in vanilla
Either you have a pet Warrior to duo with, or you're insane
Nah, you're not.
Not unless you plan on farming dungeons, which is dog shit.
We will find out in the next few days most likely.
The final stress test is happening in a few hours.
Nostalgia really is a sickness of the soul.
Oh sick. Torrenting now, I'll see you there m8s
Gnome Mage m8
It is going to be a big open world pvp event too.
Blackrock, Gurubashi, Southshore/Tarren Mill
and Ungoro are set as KOTH objectives.
You better be going Horde boi.
ayo what anime is this senpai
Serial Experiments Lain.
>mfw millenial wrathbabbies
>he still plays bugged to the max private servers
You're supposed to post a panda when you do this.
Naturally, my man.
end it all
>yfw nearlyt everyone who played WoW at launch is a millenial
>he still plays bugged to the max private servers
>really want to play on Nost because I started with TBC
>don't have enough time because wageslave and won't be able to compete with the NEET playerbase
A qt female gnome warlock!
Or a even more cute female gnome rogue!
Define millenial.. the game launched 12 years ago buddy.
>le "well technically everyone born after 84 is a millenial" redditor face :^)
Everyone knows the real context, i.e shitstains like you born in the latter part of the 90's who think they know anything about videogames.
Millennials are people born between 1980 and 2000.
Best class for solo?
Not really. People born in the late 90s are pushing it a lot closer to gen z than millennials. I was born in 93 and even I feel pretty borderline.
Hunter is also good.
Warlock, hunter or mage.
a generation lasts for 25 years
Any stealth class, hunter, mage.
I promised Sup Forums I'd be a healer, so I'll be a priest.
>the whole world uses a different definition than me, so THEY must be wrong
>want to play warrior
>there's going to be literally a billion warriors
>want min+bs
>overpopulated server, would probably take years to level up professions
Guess I'll go hunter with ski+lea and play it as a solo game again
grease your little boipucci, slut
I always thought that millenials are people that were born in the later 90s and did not consciously experience the millenia
Good boy.
>that comprehension
elementary school was too hard for you right?
>gonna transfer my t2 rogue from the nost server to the fresh start server when it opens
>gonna camp all 3 starting zones
can't believe they're letting us move our characters over
up to 90s, not late 90s my misinformed special snowflake
Will tanks be in demand on nost for leveling? I want to tank but I hear war is the most popular class on nost.
Here's your attention point
I was planning to roll Ench shaman. While I don't actively PvP, I still like roaming Stranglethorn and killing shits. Are you telling my Enh is not good enough in PvP?
So a generation lasts for a decade?
Roll a class that is the least gear dependant?
Go prot spec and never have to wait for a group ever again.
I can't believe it either. Probably because they never stated that.
I don't think this game has any shortage of warriors and they're total garbage for most of the game so he can probably just shout out for a group and hook up with someone new every time he comes online.
never should of come here
Vanilla WoW was great because of its map design
shush, millenial
I too loved having quests from Hammerfall in Stromgarde and having to walk 30 minutes back and forth every time
Or going from that graveyard in Duskwood to Darkshire over and over, mmmm
I never played WoW during vanilla
I played both modern and nost when it was out and found vanilla was the better game
Now what faggot?
>being this mad just because you got called out
I can SMELL your ongoing puberty through the internet
Yes, you're unironically right.
The fags going on about muh convenience and muh flying are idiots missing the point. You don't get to feel immersed in a big world if you make it your bitch.
What "modern" did you play? It matters a lot during which expansion you came in
>those minor inconveniences
Not relevant
Come back when you understand why Hogger and open dungeons made vanilla wow great.
Thanks I needed some attention to get me going this morning !
Panda, I played for 2 months, leveling one character and using a max character on the other
It doesnt actually matter, the core design decisions to kill the journey and put in things like LFG are what make modern WoW shit to me
>minor inconveniences
nigger I played Nostalrius to level 60, they're a major pain in the ass
and yes open world dungeons like that place in the Hinterlands are awesome, but there is definitely a lot of awful quest design in Vanilla
For what it's worth, MoP was the objectively worst expansion.
Damn, did you also watch that preach video?
It was like so f*cking epic.. and yes, despite starting at the end of WoD I totally know how vanilla was thanks to preach
ps vanilla SUCKED and legion ROCKS
>I have to travel in an open-world MMO
back to retail you go!
I don't even fucking know what you're referring to, I played both vanilla and Nost, see Vanilla is vastly superior to anything that came after early WotLk thanks to the sense of community, but there's a lot of dumb parts to it that shouldn't be swept under the rug either
They are both good things. On your journey, you could encounter random players, enemies or points of interest. The quests felt REWARDING because they took time and effort. Leveling wasn't a shitshow of going from hub to hub doing boring ass quests.
I actually made the mistake of buying Legion and I can tell you the leveling experience from 100-110 was an absolute fucking drag. Meanwhile, I always feel like I'm on a grand journey whenever I quest in vanilla.
Sure you did, cucklord
I have to have a reason to play other than pointless gear grinding, like, you know, MMO features
This guy is right , vanilla WoW is still one of the best MMOs around because its a themepark thats designed well. Everywhere you go you are given opportunities to group up with random people and have an adventure with them on your own terms.
To be completely honest every MMO should have a NG+ rather than an endgame. I think this entire genre has been getting its design philosophy backwards for a decade.
Is the server population going to be high enough to be able to level from 20 to 60 through dungeons? Is that even feasible? I played retail vanilla but never on a private server.
Gnome warrior
In fact Nost had too many people, it was actually bloated in every area
For sure, but that sense of camaraderie and encountering other players doesn't really happen when randomly walking a billion miles from quest hub to quest location and back, it's when you're actually there.
Duskwood (though it has a great atmosphere), Darkshore, and Arathi Highlands (for Horde) are a fucking pain to quest in. Just compare them to well-done vanilla places like Westfall or Eastern Plaguelands or Feralas (for Horde) or whatever.
Holy fuck people, I'm not saying vanilla was bad, it just has its issues.
>want to level a druid for tanking 5mans maybe eventually raiding
>remember what a fucking slog it is getting preraid BiS
>remember that tanking as bear in vanilla was pic related
Should I try Paladin tanking? I rather enjoy trying to main off specs.
Started on Kronos II a few days ago.
Is Nostralius better and could I transfer my character?
raiding in vanilla was generally fucking awful, at least classmechanics wise, until AQ and ZG
Nost is better and no you cant transfer
The Kronos devs are pretentious bitches
Who gives a shit, if you're playing vanilla for raiding you should be sent to purgatory
Well I agree with you then. I think the reason behind those issues is either a rush in development or simply the fact that the game was so big. It was a gigantic game in terms of content if you compare it to it's expansions, and they also didn't think it would be so popular. Probably ran out of budget/time.
Dwarf paladin, what am i in for? I never played vanilla.
Daily reminder:
Nostalrius was taken down because the people who played it would constantly praise it and link it in the WoW forums. Right in front of the eyes of Blizzard. If you're really shocked it got taken down then you're either short sighted or have no concept of self awareness
It does not matter that the code was "rebuilt", the Nost team completely stole all graphical assets and the world itself pre Cataclysm, which, contrary to popular belief. Is still legally Blizzard's intellectual property, so they had every right to take it down the first time.
And they will do so again when given the chance.
Maybe, yeah - it definitely feels like some areas aren't particularly playtested, and some areas just have nothing whatsoever (Blasted Lands has that one big questchain that ends there and nothing else, Silithus originally was really just empty space, Hyjal was obviously meant to be something but never used, Dustwallow Marsh needed to be patched to have anything to do there past a few class quests).
It's too bad, and it's a trend that the expansions followed, too. The worst example is WotLK just completely skipping on Azjol'Nerub and making two tiny dungeons out of all that fucking amazing art, which will forever annoy me.
so how comes people are so butt devastated about vanilla wow?
why is it so hard for people to accept that others enjoy something they might personally not,to the extant they need to resort to inventing reasons like nostalgia just to justify it.
why even care in the first place?
why is it better?
you try saying you enjoy the new wow expansions in one of these threads
The worst part about the Azjol'nerub blunder is that since that chapter of the WoW story is over it will never be revisited.
The window was opened for that short period and now it's closed forever.
Because this is the internet. Everyone is hostile to each other just for the lulz
Its smoother, less bugs, more people, and its development team are not a bunch of self empowering abusive cunts. The Kronos team spend more time in drama and banning people they dont like than they do taking care of the server.