Male protagonist

>male protagonist
>he's either bald, has a mullet or a ponytail
>or he's a big bulky fat chad

When will this meme die?

When will the stereotypical male MC die off? We need more variety, thin builds, short builds, and more hairstyles but these choices never come unless its a JRPG

I also wish the powermale fantasy shit would die off. I hate playing as a big beefy dude when I'm a thin manlet.

Why are JRPG male mc's the best male MC's?

Who cares, as long as the gameplay is good

posting in manlet general

Imo even if the gameplay is solid, I can't enjoy a game with a shitty looking character. It makes me irritated for some reason.

Just remember that that's subjective and as long as you keep in mind your opinion doesn't matter in the grand scale of things that you'll enjoy yourself way more

Instead of whining about how the standards don't cater to you, why not work into reaching those standards?
I pass the manlet thing, but the other is just the same logic landwhales apply.

>be me
>/fit/ white big bulky chad
>am bug bulky chad every day of my life
>want to play as a little guy for once or a thin guy
>forced to play as renditions of myself

The suffering is unlike any other

Because I don't like being a big bald fatty? I'd rather be a thin dude with great hair.

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You have been visited by Hank Hill. To be insured that your life will be blessed with propane and propane accessories reply "Good tank, Hank"

What the fuck happened to chris redfield?

Then stop complaining. If you like yourself you shouldn't need to play as duplicates of yourself. case in point (in case it's not ironic).

Just search harder.

>t. female who likes her chads in videogames

Tits or gtfo hag


You don't know the struggle


>You don't know the struggle
>skinnyfat with no time or a place to get fit

I DO know the struggle, more than you could ever imagine.


>character is a beefy male
>character is a weak female
>character is unrealistic grrl power
>no fourth option
Where are my weak dudes who need tactics to survive?

I want to play as sneaky goblin who needs to use his brain and not just mash buttons.
I want to play as wimpy lanklet who hides behind allies.
I want to play that as fin dude who killed 1k ruskies.

LIMBO perhaps? You are weak and your only option is to run away from that spider for instance.

>tfw no fun platform multiplatform third person where u play as cute girl
time to steal a consul

>this male protagonist fits one of these wide variety of criteria
>what a meme

what did he mean by this

Good tank, Hank!

>robot protagonist
>it's either a mech or a cyborg
>or a sleek thing that looks like it was built by horny engineers

where's my diversity

>After this Sup Forums will complain about SJW wanting more diversity in games because it's """""""""""""forced"""""""""""""""" diversity
So diversity is only good when it panders to you people?

Sup Forums isn't one person

I like diversity.
Recoloring a character black and making them say "white people be like nenenene, brothas be like ayo" is not diversity.

Good tank, Hank

This year the only characters I can think of that fit that are the Cowadoody MC and the Gears character

>male protagonist
>he's /fa/ as fuck
When will this meme come back?

>"white people be like nenenene, brothas be like ayo"