Has this surpassed Bloodborne's Ludwig scene as the most kino moment in video game history?

What's a kino moment?

what the fuck is a kino ?

german word for cinema

Oh shit, the title screen changed? Fuck me, that's NEVER happened in games before!

Seriously though, TLoU is shit.

only to pea-brained simpletons that think these childrens games are something special.

Why wouldn't you just say cinema then? Retarded krauts.

It's a Sup Forums meme

it's not even the same type of window you idiots

Its objectively better than resident evil 4

yea is german word, but /tv use it for patrician movies.

This is Sup Forums

No it isn't. RE4 is superior.

It means more like the highest form of art


kids should stop pretending every mistake and proof of ignorance is a "meme".

>The most kino scene in vidya
>implying anything can top this scene

pic related


im n-not mad...

I will never get that.


I've seen dozens and dozens of poster break down in DETAIL why The Last of Us is a totally underwhelming, bland gameplay, overall 6/10 shit game.

Who can objectively build this game up? How is it good, in any way? How is it fun?

you're mixing pottery up with kino

>Seriously though, TLoU is shit.

What does kino even mean? Keep that shit in/tv/

I wouldn't mind all this TLOU 2 shit if people would stop importing that garbage kino meme.


Resident Evil 4 is shit that ruined the entire series on top of being a shitty game itself. Only you gamecube faggots have nostalgia for it, anyone playing it without having his taste clouded by the gamecube's exclusivity and relentless lack of violent games during puberty will admit it's a shit game and even TLOU is miles ahead in every single aspects and especially gameplay.

How is it shit?

At least RE4 had an actual escort mission, rather than just making Ashley invincible and invisible. Yes, it's a damn shame 5 and 6 became absurdly actiony but that is not 4''s fault.

>escort missions are a good thing

RE4 fags, ladies and gentlemen.

>Yes, it's a damn shame 5 and 6 became absurdly actiony but that is not 4''s fault.

They're the same shit you retard. Linear zombie pinata parties with QTEs all over the place and a retarded storyline.

Escort missions are as good as any other mission if they're done right. There's nothing inherently wrong with QTEs either.

Yes, RE has a retarded storyline. It always has, but no one is playing RE for story.

it's a meme you imbécile


>Not Ludo

Well this settles it, the PS4 may have no games, but sure does have some visual experiences™


>especially gameplay

>the last of us is a movie game meme
Its a survival shooter with a cover system, and crafting.Stop being retarded.

If last of us its a survival game then gears of wars was the new silent hill 2

doesn't change the fact that the "gameplay" is the shittiest gameplay to ever grace the earth

And scandinavian. And dutch. And russian. And french. And literally all other countries dont dont speak anglo

Fuck off krauts

Correct. It's gameplay is also not anywhere near as fun as RE4's.

What scene?