The "using real actors in video games" meme needs to die

The "using real actors in video games" meme needs to die.

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Fuck you, I like it.


Fuck off

Mads is our lads

No it doesn't

Your opinion is that of a minority.

>real actors in game is bad
OP confirmed for faggot

Has been a thing before you were born during point and click era.

Serves as a helpful red flag for games that should be avoided.

why is there no "where da wymyns at" backlach for the death stranding trailers?

It really does tho

While I don't agree with you, I hope Death Stranding fails HARD just so people realise that Kojima is a fucking hack.

And they crawl out of the wood work to defend a game with zero gameplay. Go back to Sup Forums

Technically speaking it will be more necessary as facial motion capture gets better and better.

You can't go changing a person's face too much when doing mo-cap.

Only Kojima does it. Plus it fits since he is a movie guy.

Because SJWs are imaginary?

it unnecessarily bloats the budget of a game which often takes its toll on the rest of the experience

>he is a movie guy.

He's a failed director.

Because they lost with Quiet

Sorry, but I want video games to evolve.

I want to be able to talk to my family and friends about video games and have them be as interested as if we were discussing movies or books.

Imagine the outrage if the theory of this being a world without women is true.


>anything that isn't "muh gameplay" doesn't matter
Love this meme

>We need famous faces to be interested in something.

Literal plebs.

>world without women
>utterly violent and chaotic
>female protagonist saves the day

So nu Mad Max all over again?

I love how "gamers" pretend like Mads and Norman and Del Torro are A-Listers just because they're giving their little hobby the time of day. I had no fucking idea who these people were when I heard about them

This isn't really a new thing. I'd rather have actors doing mocap and voices than some literal whos.

that's really it, isn't it?

death stranding will be the final decider

Kojima wanted to quit MGS after MGS3. He wanted to quit after MGS4, too. So his games got progressively worse because he kept being forced to tap a creative source he no longer had

Now he has a phenomenal amount of money (probably), and free reign (almost definitely)

if it is amazing, then it is true and the man is a genius. If it fails horribly then he's just a hack. If it does ok... then he's just human.

Hannibal is one of the best normie TV series right now. He might not be A-list but Mads is definitely up there.

>have them be as interested as if we were discussing movies or books

What is this poison running through modern vidya?

Games can't compare to actual art. Stop forcing them to.

>Expecting anything but shit from the person who is responsible for MGSV.

And they crawl out of the wood work to shitpost about a game that only has promotional CGI trailers. Fuck off.

>tfw Tim Curry had a stroke and in now wheelchair bound

That's led to casuals and feminists to ruin gaming.

MGSV has better gameplay than MGS4 and 2

>wanted to quit

He didn't quit because his ego didn't let him. He shit talks his entire team and claims credit for everything.

Konami execs aren't making this game

What genre will it be? I haven't followed any of the news.

>I had no fucking idea who these people were
Because you only pay attention to computer games and cartoons?

The fuck did you expect Konami to do? Let Kojima just drain money while making MGSV?

It's only just beginning my friend. All the shitty ex A listers will flock to games now because it pays better than the indie movies they'd be forced to act in otherwise.

you can just tag "meme" to anything, and you're instantly a retard. go shitpost somewhere else, faggot.

>Stop liking what I dont like


you need to die

It was asked in the panel, he said there are more people to announce but he did also say he was starting to feel Mads and Reedus were enough.

It does actually. Or rather the use of Hollywood A-listers does.

If the guy who plays a certain character is a literally who, it's much easier to identify that character as that character rather than "the character played by X".

This shit bothers me in movies too.

Kojima IS a hack. Tomokazu Fukushima is responsible of the greatness of 1-3. He wrote the good stuff.

>female protagonist saves the day
M8, it's Kojima we're talking about. Lads are gonna save the day and maybe some eyecandy bint will be along for the ride.

If you didn't know who Mads Mikkelsen was before that doen't tell much about the popularity of Mikkelsen but a lot about how fucking clueless you are.

>Even with the weird, moody trailer and Kojima's penchant for subverting player expectations, Death Stranding will likely begin in a familiar place, at least from a mechanical standpoint. When speaking with Famitsu, Kojima likened its gameplay to that of recent AAA fare like Uncharted or The Division - just with a healthy dose of that trademark Kojima Flair. "When it is announced," Kojima said, "you might think ‘that’s not that outstanding’, but you’ll understand when you see it and play it. The genre is action."

lol pleb

You probably aren't that into movies if you don't know atleast Del Toro. I mean, he has a movie on IMDb top 200. I can excuse not knowing Mikkelsen because he mostly acts in non Hollywood stuff (he's still a fucking Bond villain though), but not knowing who Del Toro is means you don't really know anything about movies.

for you

>Blank check from Sony to make whatever fucking game Kojima wants
>Save money

t. babby pcuck

>Tomokazu Fukushima is responsible of the greatness of 1-3.
Is there anything to back this up other than correlation?

See, that opinion is a meme. It is based on.. what? MGSV? Because that is not the reason, or even close to the reason it fell apart. You just think it is because you picked up on the loudest thing being memespouted and never bothered to get real information.

Unless you have some other example I haven't heard of.

No, there isn't. This has been circulating for a while, has been debunked countless times, but it's an image designed for shitposting.. so of course it's in circulation

He's actually doing a lot better.

No, but the correlation is really strong when you consider that Ghost Babel, a game directed by Fukushima, had a better plot than 4 and 5 could ever hope to have.

Should've hired theatrical actors instead.
But do amerifats or any western country have theaters anymore?

>IMDb top 200
really, nigga?

Silent Hill 2 bases its characters on their voice actor/motion capture. They are not 1:1 scans, but the actors really do look like the characters. It also is a legal grey area, as they didn't officially allow their likeness to be used, but officially they are not using their likeness. It could be challenged in court. A modern contract would be more explicit.

The concept is valid. But ultimately can be a colossal waste of time and money if you go with a Hollywood star or model. And it further blurs the line of movies/games. The games are clearly attempting to look like movies and draw in movie audiences by using Star Power.

Kojima can do whatever the fuck he wants.

>Games where Fukushima was a writer = good story
>Games where Fukushima wasn't a writer = shit story

Really makes you think.

> Plot is what made MGS good

Is that what you're saying?

Because you're wrong.

Being a movie guy is less than being a failed director



So as I said, all you have it correlation. What do you actually know about Fukushima?

>Tomokazu Fukushima is responsible of the greatness of 1-3. He wrote the good stuff.

Well meme'd. Fukushima wrote the codec conversations. What he did outside of that I'm not sure.

Wouldn't that make the budget go through the roof? Especially if it ever got a sequel?

It also has a worse story, worse missions and an emptier world than all of the mainline MGS games.

>Wouldn't that make the budget go through the roof?

Yes. Phantom Pain was a great example of blowing money on stupid shit. Joost and Keifer were totally uneeeded but Kojima wants to pretend to be a Hollywood director.

In other words he responsible for the lore and character development, while Kojima is responsible for ebin scenes such as Ottacon pissing himself.

>Throw 40% of budget away on flavor of the month actor
>Ruin game
>People play something better

It's a problem that will fix itself.

Calling anything and everything a meme needs to die, first and foremost, so hop to it and into a woodchipper.


Meanwhile Troy Baker is okay.

Yes, because making someone vice president of their company means that they are putting their company´s fate into his hands, and suddenly cutting him off and locking him up in a different roof is definitely responsible for what became of MGSV.

Dude, Hannibal was gay as it was stupid, main reason why it was shut down.

>implying it makes the game inherently bad


>Fukushima wrote the best parts of each MGS
>the clusterfuck of a """plot""" is Kojimas resposibility

really got my bowels moving

Except Kojima has been doing this since the first Metal Gear

Solid Snake was originally based on Mel Gibson.

>See criticism
>Open thread and ignore everybody to complain about a single word

No user, you are the cancer.

>Hannibal was gay as it was stupid

He stole it like a chink and paid no money though.

Go back to Nov 2016 and take your shit memes with you, fucking retard

>"criticism" is just an observations without any explanation as to why this would be bad for the game
How dare we not take OP seriously! I'm ashamed

But user, they can't use voice actors right now

No voice acting

That's the exact opposite example. The game is actually benefitting from a movie tie in. The devs get money to make that, not the other way around.

>muh boss
>muh nanomachines
>muh parasites

stellar writing right there

Absolutely agree. I fucking hate this shit. I tired of seeing same faces in movies all the time and now I'll see them in games too? Why can't we have original characters?

I'm doing my part here

>muh x
Scathing criticism from an underage memer on Sup Forums. You forgot to do a funny "really makes you think" bit btw

It's got a fat mexican man. That's pretty unique, and a shield against political correctness.

>without any explanation as to why this would be bad for the game

Most people are smart enough to understand that spending a huge percent of your budget on a trendy actor is bad, sorry.

Maybe you should think before you post, instead of being a crybaby until gifted the information by an actual adult.

>Not liking Mads

Can't wait to see the butt hurt when Gosling gets in

And some people that good acting is a valuable use of resources. "But expensive" isn't an argument, it's just an opinion that starts a nothing discussion.

>have them be as interested as if we were discussing movies or books.
What the fuck are you on about? Who would get interested in such a discussion save autists?