
How do you feel about the remake so far?

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Why the fuck is Elizabeth in pathologic

Can you torrent the demo?
Because I don't have spare 80 bucks to throw at this thing, no matter how much I wish I had.!e4QTSbAb!10Qwwq1b4p6M-lDBMmNV0e1sqGP4IZANGQ3QfxOELf8

Thank you, much appreciated! Now give me two hours and I'll give you a detailed thoughts on this thing. As for everything that is not Marble Nest related: there is way too little to go from, but the screenshots suggest the art direction is spot on, and everything else still suggests IPL know what they are doing.

It's still the number one most anticipated game on my person list, so... I might be biased.

It better be fucking amazing if the cunts delayed it by a FUCKING YEAR

IPL, the company that never had any money, now finally got them, along with actual feedback from people (who said the exact same thing: make GOOD GAMEPLAY, for fuck's sake). I have high hopes.

Wait they released stuff for it (outside of the trailer)? Any links?

How does it differ from the original? My main two gripes were
>walk speed was way too slow
>not knowing where to go, and if you spent time walking to an NPC's house that ended up not giving you a new lead then you just wasted a bunch of time walking

I get that there's an atmosphere, but I can only enjoy walking the same streets so many times.

I'm loving it.

It's great having Pathologic threads here again.

>if the cunts delayed it by a FUCKING YEAR
Knock-Knock took almost two years later than they initially anticipated, and it was tiny 2D sidescrolling game. Not sure what you expected this time.

They released a playable prototype/demo thing for backers that pledged above 80 bucks, yes.

Link is here

>along with actual feedback from people
One of the recurring complaints I've seen about the original is that the movement speed is too slow and there's no way to speed it up. In the remake they added a sprint button, but it's only as fast as walking in the original game and walking is much slower.
And the new journal system seems even more vague than before.

Demo is pretty good, but loading times are killing me. I have i7/1070/16gb and it take about 4 minutes to load.

I wonder if they're going to include the flamethrower this time around.


It's IPL returning to their child. I trust them on this.

They openly admited that the optimization is basically not existing at all at this point.

Running from SSD or magnetic drive?

I'm running a less powerful machine and from a magnetic drive and it's about two minutes to load.


I love pathologic but the devs hace a tendency far too prominent in entering fedora territory

>magnetic drive
this. SSD`s are too small for me, and im not good with space management

If the link is legit you get Pathologic, if it's not you get dolphin porn. It's a win-win.

It's cryptic at times but it feels more grounded and less poetic than the original Pathologic.

It seems to want to ask you questions more than simply perform for you now.

I fucking hate using mega, anyone has a different mirror?

Why are you dizzing the greatest Sega Megadrive horror game?

Thanks for that. I now have the image of someone wearing an Executor mask furiously jerking off while screaming kikkikkikkikkikkikkik.

...just hit the button that lets you download without the addon

are you retarded?

There are download limits?

No there aren't.

>bitches about using MEGA
>doesn't understand MEGA

It's literally the best file hosting site there is.

Cheers famalam

>No there aren't.
I guess I'm just imagining the file limit message popping up and telling me to log in to the website to download more, ok user.

So why is this woman tied up??

fucking imbecile.

mega is currently the best, most streamlined, and fastest file hosting site.

its so good it should make you suspicious

but nobody cares about you stealing russian games , so, don't worry about it

post pics.

I don't like the clothing, it looks too modern.

>that skirt
>those stockings
>is tied up
because muh dick of course

You can rape her, right?
I hope user wasn't memeing.

Don't, you'll set me off again...

She dead Jim...

>she dead

Even better! She wouldn't complain, right?

You'll make an Odongh cry.

what is the purpose of immunity bar if you already have infection bar filled up?

>Those herp derp Bachelor dialogue choices
Fuck, I love his logical attitude even when it's obvious that he knows jack shit.

Downloading the demo right now

How does it look so far?

Immunity lessens the chance of being infected. Once infected then immunity helps lessen the chance of the infection growing stronger from more exposure. At least that's how it worked in the original.

Say you were 25% infected and 75% immune to further infection. If you were to go through plague clouds of otherwise come into contact with the Sand Plague then you'd have a 25% chance of avoiding your level of infection increasing from that contact. The plague would still spread and multiply inside you if you take no action but it would have at least helped you avoid a higher percentage of infection.

Ice-Pick mentioned wanting to make the plague mechanics more in depth for this remake. We don't know how though yet.

looks great

nice to see a none sjws game for once

Nice. Moody, detailed and atmospheric. Performance is sluggish and there are glitches but it's looking very promising.

So yeah. I died. Like five minutes into the Marble Nest. By making a poor dialogue choice. The game literally just mocked me silly for it too.
Yep: this is the IPL I know and love alright.

It looks beautiful. It runs like SHIT and controls like shit though. Also, not even the doors are animated, and it's all very awkward and stilted. By MY GOD is the art direction and environment fucking beautiful, and so is the music and just about everything.

Russia is too poor to be SJW

>the boy wakes me up from the dream
>I check the map and press J to check out a new menu that popped up
>screen dims and three icons show up
>can't do anything
>have to kill the game

Shame about the optimization.

It can be a little *too* comfy at times.

It helps with a desire to save the town I guess though. If they're making places that are lived in and rustic look so friendly and quaint then places that are meant to look horrific and pits of despair ought to be nightmare fuel.

They seem to be putting a lot of effort into the fabrics and furniture. Eve's place was super comfy with the soft bed and fabrics so I can't wait to see how it's going to look in remake.

I remember thinking fuck it on one day and just hiding in that bed all day while the town tore itself apart and my fever rose.


Another nice touch that I hope is used throughout is the house numbers.

It'd be a chunk of work but would be really helpful when people give you directions and locations. Rooms have numbers after all now...

Is it doing it consistently?

Might be worth sending Ice-Pick the log file?

>Is it doing it consistently?
I don't know, I decided to call it quits after that. I'll check it out later today after I'm done studying, although I'm willing to bet it's just a one-time thing. People say Unity is a good engine, but I've yet to see that.

plz respond

The game runs too poorly for me to able to enjoy it. My computer isn't even bad, I can max most games on the market right now. I hope they optimise it for the full release.

Too early to really say. The shift from a journal to the mind maps seems to indicate that you'll pick up tasks based on what you see going on around you rather than via letters.

The medicine store, food counter, guarded house, Ospina's "belivers" etc.

Why do people like pathologic?
Am I just not getting it?, I played the 1st day as doctor character and I had no fucking idea what to do, where to go and all you did was walk around.
It was basically a fucking walking simulator in some weird ass world that was not interesting from what I saw.

>I played the 1st day as doctor character
First two days of Bachelor are basicly a prolonged tutorial. The plague isn't even there on Day 1.

>I had no fucking idea what to do, where to go
An icon appearing in the corner of the screen means you got a new letter or updated your journal. Check both.

Will I like it if the original didn't click with me?

I simply didn't know what the fuck I was supposed to do in the original

Is doctor the character to play as someone new to the game?
So its one of those games where you need to read your journal and work out where to go so the game doesnt hand hold you, ok then.
Just wish there was a run button to get around quicker.

These instructions. That and maybe it just isn't the game for you? There's nothing wrong with that.

>Is doctor the character to play as someone new to the game?

He's as much of an outsider as the player, so yes.

Haruspex throws you straight into the thick of things with low Health and 0 reputation (ie. everyone is trying to kill you), Clara isn't even playable on first playthrough

Atmosphere, i guess?
Never played in any of ice pick games.

Maybe I'll give the game another go its just I guess I was in the wrong mindset for it.
I was expecting creepy and maybe a bit more open with the story and not just weird for the sake of being weird and the story is what you make of it and probably get if you play it with all 3 characters.
Is there like an image of what to do for people new to the game like with other games or is it best to go in blind?

We don't know for sure yet but if this preview is anything to go by then it'll start you with an objective given via dialogue you can't avoid. Then using the map you'll visit places to follow the main thread. As you travel to locations you'll see other thing happening on the way there that you can investigate (or not) that will open new threads to follow.

If you're a naturally curious and nosy person you'll likely do well.

Original Pathologic was structured largely around letters that you'd receive at predetermined times. You *could* visit people before receiving a letter and start a sequence of tasks, but not always.

This remake looks like it'll unfold more naturally based on what we have to go on so far.


oh man oh boy oh jeez finally freed up some time to play this, these images look incredible.

I hope the sky looks a bit darker/more diseased in the game proper, some of the shots look a bit too, I dunno, clear? Clean? I've never said this before about a game and will never again but it could stand to be a little *more* brown.

>robably get if you play it with all 3 characters.
You can be satisfied with just one playthrough, each story focuses on diffrent NPCs and there are a ton of them

>Is there like an image of what to do for people new to the game like with other games or is it best to go in blind?

There was but fuck me if I can find it. I'll try.

In short - check the map often, check your journal and mail whenever you hear paper flipping and see an icon in the lower corner of the screen, entry in the journal starting with *** means you finished the quest, jewelry and sharp things are to trade stuff with kids, sometimes your character picks up stuff from the ground when you walk and it appears in the upper right corner

Yep, that's the one I was looking for, thanks user

Infected district.

>Play the one with slow paced first days first
Thats terrible advice

>suffering from ADHD

I stand corrected, that's the good stuff right there.

If they can't stand slow pace they wouldn't like the game anyway.

It's a very nice day.

Post music.


Not to go full autist, but they have EXPLICITLY stated that The Marble Nest is NOT a demo

It's a two-hour mood/atmosphere piece, and nothing else. Not a vertical slice, not a section of the game, not an alpha.

Please stop calling it a demo because that has the wrong connotations, and will just lead to uninformed people bitching that the game "looks like shit because the demo is shit"

Getting fucked raw as Artemy is likely to put more people off. Esspecially if you've no idea *why* its happening.

The pacing for Daniil was slow at first sure but it gave you a chance to learn the game from the perspective of an outsider, which the player is.

Once you've learnt how the town works (or at least think you have) then playing as Artemy fits better. You'll get arse fucked sure, but you'll have a better idea of how to handle t.

Hard to be a vertical slice if the game is gonna be in development for another year but yeah, okay

Bachelors first days is terrible in a lot of ways.
Game Over if you dont' advance main quest on first day might be the best mechanic idea they had, and it was executed quite well.

Menu theme:

If you know how to extract unity resources you'll be able to get at the files.

you get what i'm saying though, right?

>the game explicitly tells you shit's gonna hit the fan if you don't inform everyone of the plague asap
>People are honestly surprised a qucik game over happens if you just sit on your thumb

I didn't even fail a single main task on my first playthrough, git gud.

Thanks for the info and I will give it another go since there is fuck all games coming out till like Feb and I guess I was quick to pass on the game.
If you miss some side quests have you sorta fucked yourself over or is it not like that and they are there for some bonuses but more to add to the game?
Also I think once someone said to stockpile food like a mother fucker on day 1, does that hold true?, I have no idea what happens after day 1 since I never got into the 2nd day or later.

Yes, absolutely. I backed the game for $20 so today is the first i'm hearing about this piece myself, hence the confusion

It's a nice day to go jumping in puddles and watch rain trickle down the windows.


Stockpile everything you can, but don't be overly conservative in using any of it.

>If you miss some side quests have you sorta fucked yourself over or is it not like that and they are there for some bonuses but more to add to the game?

I don't think any sidequest directly ties to the plot. They give you rewards or flesh out the world but not doing them won't fuck you over. That's why they're sides.

>Also I think once someone said to stockpile food like a mother fucker on day 1, does that hold true?
It's a scrub's way of handling the game, but it's viable. Day 1 is when everything is the cheapest because the plague didn't hit yet.

Side quests are weird. They don't have to be done at all (though after the first day you don't even have to do the main quest either) and will sometimes be a huge amount of money/effort for no reward whatsoever. Sometimes you might even make things worse.

Do them if you have the time, or if you can afford to, or if you're feeling particularly generous. Don't be afraid to tell people to fuck off, especially as the Bachelor, who is a very important man and doesn't have time for your shit.

No problem.

Outside of the "Main" task on Day 1 you can fail EVERYTHING else. You'll get what you deserve for it but the world will keep turning.

If you want you can focus on doing nothing but trying to survive. You miss out on the amazing story and its mindfuckery but you still get a pretty grim and unique experience.

And yes stockpile food. You can store it in certain containers as well, the cupboard in Daniil's lab for example. Each character will get a "headquarters" of sorts where they can store items and sleep.
...and shit their guts out.

does the remake actually allow you to move faster than the fucking quadriplegic tortoise it felt like in the first game

maybe I'll actually play it

>Sometimes you might even make things worse

That quest about the hunchback. Jesus Christ what a fuck up on my part

I don't know when, by they added download limits. It's not explicit either, and seems to be determined by how much the site is being used. I usually get locked out of mega for a few hours after downloading 5-10GB, and that's with being logged in (which I think gives you more).

Still, the download limit is pretty high for what mega is typically used for.


Looks great t.b.h

When is the whole game releasing?

Is that new game (not remake) a sequel? How does it tie to the story from game proper?
I am not even going to bother with downloading it, as it surely wont work on my pc


give me a fucking refund right now

old game looks better

it was designed around ipl's engine limitations

it had a voice of its own

unity is shit and this remake is unneccessary.

Q4 2017