>no games
No games
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Sup Forums is nintendogaf after all
From the first left on top:
- cinematic sjw bullshit
- bad remake
- also on pc
- also on pc
- weeb
- maybe good
- dunno
- female strong protagonist movie
- not needed sequel
- already seen is a shit
- maybe good
- no idea what is it
took a lil while but we made it bruh
>comes out in 2019
>comes out in 2019
>comes out in 2019
>weeb shit but i guess that counts
>guerrilla games
>weeb shit but i guess that counts
>feminist DLC
>comes out in 2019
>GT hasnt been good for 8 years
>already on Steam
3 games
>being this pathetic
What do you get from doing this? Do you get a kick from it?
3 of those are literally who games, one is anime shit, one is a car game, there's a fucking spooderman game, monster hunter with robots, one was announced 10 years ago, death stranding was made by a dude whos last good game was over 16 years ago, as for God of War, even sonnygers were making 10 threads a day about how it's gonna be shit because it's not GoW anymore and muh wife's son cinematic experience.
That leaves The last of us 2
Meanwhile on pc...
And console cucks still think they're even remotely relevant lmao
>Pcucks need another reminder
>tfw own PS4, 3DS and PC
>don't care about most games coming out for PS4
I'm glad I bought it still, Bloodborne, FFXV, Last Guardian, Ratchet & Clank, Persona 5... Good library.
But fuck it's been months since I used the fucking thing. And after finishing FFXV, Last Guardian and P5 it'll collect dust again.
He gets to be right.
what do you get out of opening paint and making a collection of ps game covers and posting it here
fighting buyers remorse
>now in ultra high definition 4k
>it actually is just 1440p
>Put cd in
>Play game
Come on, man, this hasn't been applicable since 2 gens ago. If you're going to make a good bait, don't make it too obvious.
if this is the best PC gaming has to offer then I'm so sorry
]>3 of those are literally who games
user half your image is who games. I like PC more too but god damn that image is pathetic, there's not a lack of good exclusives so why choose so much shit.
>We Happy Few
Holy shit PC is my main platform but you guys are pathetic.
Funny thing is PC hasn't seen used since the very day I built it 7 years ago. It hasn't gotten a single game that has made me want to use it. My PS4 seens so much more use than PC
Why is it sjw
because the game contains a girl
Day 1
Day 1
>Death Stranding
Need to see more
Day 1
>Persona 5
Not for me
Day 1
>Ni No Kuni
Depends when it comes out
>God Of War
Need to see more
Getting it in a few days
>GT Sports
Not a racing guy
What I saw didn't look that good
I got a ps4 half a year ago and after 2 months its doing nothing but collecting dust. see? both can play that
Still miles better than what consoles can offer lmao. 3 years later, and there's Bloodborne.
This. And when will these movies come out? Another 4 years from now? Why should I buy a PS4 when I can just buy the Switch next year that will have Dragon Quest, Mario, Zelda, and so on, in its first year alone? PS4 has "games" like Horizon, another boring open world game that won't compare to GTA 5 or TW3. God of War is now another walking simulator. A hack and slash became The Last of Us: My Wife's Son.
Death stranding and spiderman are PS4 exclusive.
Sony have NEVER published an AAA game on PC when they are the full publishers of a game.
My comment was sarcastic. I'm just sick of seeing PC users tyring to push the dust meme when most PS4 owners don't even need to have a PC to even waste fucking dust on in the first place.
It's a subtle jab at PS4 owners and I want to jab back. PC users superiority complex is fukin annoying.
>Sup Forumstard
Like fucking pottery
>Sup Forumstard
No. Where did you even get that idea?
>No gravity rush 2
Are you a bitch ?
heh, if a game isn't made for nintendo consoles its not a game
i bet those games actually have gamepaly instead of cutscene every 5 second for opening a door or seeing a tree like the true great zelda games
>Sup Forums
>ever supportive of Nintendo
Boy are you dumb?
Ratchet Clank is a superior platformer. Mario stopped being fun and interesting decades ago.
Mario is boring ass linear walking sim
>gran turismo
>maybe good
who are we kidding here?
You already see them in this thread treating nintendo as a fucking charity project, like they have to support them out of a moral obligation This place is nintendogaf. It's the place that sent a fucking thank-you card to marketers for doing their job
>Muh dust thing isnt real
When did the last big PS4 exclusive come out? Oh yeah it was MAY
It's funny, whenever I see one of these it's always games that are a year+ off from release.
>like they have to support them out of a moral obligation
Or, here's a crazy thought, people buy consoles that has superior games and not walking simulators. PS4 is obviously the winner of this generation but its library sucks ass.
Makes you think
>Put cd in
>Play game
>Come on, man, this hasn't been applicable since 2 gens ago. If you're going to make a good bait, don't make it too obvious.
So what else do YOU have to DO beside waiting on an 8th gen console?
Enter key codes?
Solve driver puzzles unrelated to the game?
Create a bunch of accounts in publisher's favorite game launcher?
At this point it doesn't matter you idiot. The damage is done. The ps4 is 3 years old and only now it's getting SOME game. The console has been collecting dust for more people than should be acceptable. It's fucking worrying. Not even the ps3 was doing this bad, and that is the console that started the whole "no games" meme. Can I expect the ps5 to get SOME games by it's fifth year?
Early adopters got a rough deal, and yeah that's what you're getting into when you buy a console on release, but again, we're at the third year mark and only now are things starting to look up.
Disappointment doesn't even begin to describe my feelings toward this console.
I can't believe most people are OK with all this.
>superior games
Persona looks so out of place
Get that weeb shit out of here
It's actually only 1080p. Who ever made that took my launch PS4 pic and put it in that shit.
It may be Nintendogaf but the worst posters on Sup Forums are Sonyggers
LOL sure nintenbrony
When did the last big PC exclusive come out?
Oh wait it was 2008
The day you see console users begging for PC games is the day pigs fly. Meanwhile in reality. it was may since the last petition to beg Sony for video games while PS4 owners still has zero reason to build a PC to waste dust on.
Only the worst posters need to say this
>Funny thing is PC hasn't seen used since the very day I built it 7 years ago. It hasn't gotten a single game that has made me want to use it.
Same for me, but I was dumb enough to upgrade it in 2013 for no reason.
>My PS4 sees so much more use than PC
It's baffling how much game time I already got out of my PS4 Slim and the PS3 SuperSim, I bought at the same time.
And another one is out in a few days.
Whens the last time a big AAA pc exclusive was released?
>another boring open world game that won't compare to GTA 5 or TW3.
So just like the new zelda?
A few weeks ago (CIV 6)
Mario is the most expensive walking simulator that's been released this gen. It's so linear so can walk from either side of the map in every level in under 1 second. There is no gameplay as well, it's just you walk here and collect coins like a little autistic manchild lmfao
>We Happy Few
I mean come on, nobody wants to play that literal trash
>Whens the last time a big AAA pc exclusive was released?
>like they have to support them out of a moral obligation
What the fuck are you even talking about? He's saying it makes no sense to buy a PS4 when the games OP showed aren't coming out for years, when he can just buy a Switch which will have a bunch of games out in it's first year. That's reasonable.
>teasers with no gameplay only name drops
>no release date
>only pre rendered "gameplay" footage to go on
Only one there I can consider is Last Guardian and it's a bit too late for it to live up to the hype.
What is even the point in these replies? If you have nothing to say you might as well say nothing at all. Where's the exclusives? Persona 5? I still have a PS3. PS4 has literally no games right now. Not one. Hell, I bought a PS3 partly because of The Last Guardian and Sony haven't changed at all. Promise games and then delay them forever and you have these Sony fanboys defending that shit.
>tfw you own all the systems so don't need to shitpost to make yourself feel better
so what are you playing now?
>CIV 6
Learn the definition
>not knowing what dynamic resolution means
also enjoy that silky smooth 24fps
>when he can just buy a Switch which will have a bunch of games out in it's first year
lol you're dumb to believe this
No Yakuza
Fuck you. You have shit taste. At least add the good games
playstation live show was so weak last night that i bought xbox one. the crash hd was too much i just want something new
>it makes no sense to buy a PS4 when the games OP showed aren't coming out for years, when he can just buy a Switch
>Nintenyearold still believes Ninty makes games for kids.
Have you seen the advertisements, kiddo?
You are in for a rude awakening.
Video games are not for kids anymore. Deal with it! Nobody in the industry cares about entitled brats anymore.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
you have a PS4 too
You buy a Gaming PC so you can get everything and play everything in the best possible way.
You only buy PS4 for the exclusives, and you only get 2 a year, 3 if you're lucky.
>GT: Sport
>maybe good
Yeah, no. We already know that both are trash.
all PS4 exclusives are weebshit, that meme´s getting old
>2 a year
I think you're pushing it a bit there
Did you make this thread too?
Those were words, not mine, moron.
>not AAA
>In the video game industry, AAA (pronounced "triple A") or Triple-A is a classification term used for games with the highest development budgets and levels of promotion.
Uncharted 4 and then TLG in a few days
What else was there?
Last year it was Bloodborne and The Order, or was there something else?
nahh, I've been the user that has trolled xbone threads over a year like this. But these games are going to get 90s and label such as 'get this console to experience it'.
Same with breath of the wild being able to sell Switch units.
PC also has their share of line ups, Microsoft is still sucking cock 2017. Feels good brah.
as a sony owner I´m pretty disappointed that almost half of them are sjws shit
lol okay, enjoy your paperweight
This is some terrible bait. Come on I know you can do better than that.
OP, Persona did not appear in the conference so why would you add that?
I didn't get bloodborne or yakuza or nioh.
You spend 2k on a pc and have NOTHING released in years as a high budget pc exclusive to itch your horsepower.
There's less than 2 a year isn't there, I thought there was literally only 1 good exclusive (bloodborne). People always shill for the upcoming ones and then they turn out to be crap or multiplat though.
Is GT Sport going to be like the other games where you have to work your way up from shitty used cars to the best? I only ever played GT 2 and want more of that.
future tone is the only game
>have NOTHING released in years
I can play every game @ 60FPS or higher while you're stuck with 20-30FPS.
Well I don't consider The Order a game so yeah, in 2015, PS4 literally only got 1 exclusive.
Nope. 130 cars and e-sports.
>not listing Ace Combat 7
Knob 'ead.
Civilization is the only video game franchise that has won a Grammy, so I'd say as far as mainstream recognition and production quality are concerned, it's a AAA title.
Of course, I don't think it has an overblown budget that's nearing $100 million, so if that's what you consider AAA, I suppose it isn't. But I'd have to ask why you view poor financial management as a metric of quality.
If you don't even know then don't post
Nintendo is going after a mature audience now, they learned from the success of the Wii.
It's very obvious in the adverts.
3DS and Wii U are DEAD. So are kids for Nintendo.
Can't wait until their new shit get's hated to death on Sup Forums.
no gameplay