Wait, Akuma throws the punches himself during the raging demon? Is that how it works?
Akuma in SFV
Capcom retconned themselves to "so ebin and kewl"-ness.
No, it's not. SGS, or Isshun Jigoku Satsu when unabbreviated (it's also the set of 4 kanji that appear for it) causes the target's soul to be barraged by the weight of all his sins and evil deeds. Akuma himself never actually touches the opponent beyond the initial hold. Gen had canonically survived it because he was able to empty his soul.
Whoops, I don't know why I typed out that first part, it's wrong. The kanji is 一瞬千撃 which is different, Isshun Sengeki.
>gimmick of raging demon is you don't actually get to see what's happening
>except now you do because muh cinematic supers
th-thanks capcom
I don't know shit about japanese but the last kanji looks different than in Isshun Sengeki.
Now they need to retcon it in Bayonetta so we can see her get raped.
That's because it's like cursively-written, for lack of better way of putting it. Trust me, it's the same.
>Gen had canonically survived it because he was able to empty his soul.
How? He is a murderous assassin that has fucked over numerous other fighters' lives.
Why does Akuma have a fucking mane? Is he a lion?
Yes, oh god, get in the car!
Hell if I know, that's just how it works. He's magic old man kung fu wizard, he ain't gotta explain shit.
somebody post that angle
>Is he a lion?
I hope so.
its the same, the left most character is right top, second character is right bottom, third is left top and last is left bottom.
Personally i always imagined that, the evil power or dark hadou or whatever, gave akuma the ability of punching REALLY fast for a really short amount of time, so fast, that what we regularly see, is actually in slomo, so the player has some idea of whats happening.
Ive heard about the 'being struck by your sins' thing, but i dont think thats feasible, i mean, those punches have to come from somewhere.
Akuma looks sick, I don't know why people are hating, I bet they're the same people who hated on Alex.
They just never came from him specifically. But now they do, and SFV is canon, so whatever. Now it's just a wannabe hokuto hyakuretsu ken.
the trailer music was sick.
>I don't know shit about japanese but the last kanji looks different than in Isshun Sengeki.
Bottom left is the character you should be comparing it to and it's the same.
This was proven false, someone on srk who can read japanese translated accurately the lore for this. SGS is a type of skill where Gouki basically attacks relentlessly at a speed that is impossible for a human to defend against. The way Gen beat this was not by "emptying his soul", it was by emptying his mind. You have to enter a state of no thought, where your body defends itself without thinking. This requires tons of training to reach, but once you can achieve this state you can defend against SGS. SGS is literally just Akuma attacking you thousand of times in an instant and only by reaching a state where you can defend without needing to think of it, can you beat such an attack.
The thread explaining it:
That soul being dragged to hell as demons attack stuff was made up bs from poor translations.
I'm saying, akuma doesn't drag you to hell during sgs, he's literally hitting you thousands of times in a single instant. That hell thing doesn't even make sense anyway, why would a character whose entire philosophy is about using owns own strength to defeat an opponent use a technique where demons assault you as he stands there watching?
Sounds cool, though. Weight of the sins.
It's inaccurate, the real version is accurate to asian martial arts concepts. It's also found in HNK series as well
>In general, the concept of the "Fist of Nothing"/"Nothingness Fist"/"Empty Fist"/Mu No Ken, is that a person can train themselves to such a level that they react without the step of deliberation. The user becomes so attuned to their environment, that their body simply reacts perfectly to anything that transpires against it. It is a fist that strikes without being told to strike and a defense that defends without thought of defense. Now, as I said before, this "ultimate fist" has actually already been explored in fiction. Years ago in Hokuto No Ken (fist of the north star) the ultimate technique of the fictional martial art the series is named for is the Muso Tensei. Yup, there's "Nothingness" right in the name.
Holy shit people can't be this dumb. He literally says Isshu Sengeki - which DIRECTLY translates to "A thousand punches in an instant".
Nothing to do with hell.
This nothingness is also addressed by Bruce Lee himself, for which Kenshiro is partially based on.
Hell, there's one scene that sometimes gets left out of Enter the Dragon that's at the beginning.
It's sad that Fei Long is nothing like this, though. He's just an egotistical movie star who is more like a Brucesploitation character. Bruce is very philosophical about fighting. I could go on about him.
Jackass. l said it sounds cool. The concept. Where did you pull it out of your ass where l believed it?
Dude, im actually agreeing with you, check the first part....
So it's Capcom's fault. But hell, we accept literally every other translation change as fact, god forbid we discuss Poison.
Pressure point kungfu
Gen aint gotta explain shit
Capcom, you're shit. Please just let Bamco make SF6.
So does akuma get a haircut for sf3 canonically? who is this mans barber?
they should have just gave him the full beard and mustache instead of going for the neck beard
I thought all their characters were going to be free?
It's the same
Probably because the goku in shun goku satsu means hell.
Don't be that guy.
Is that the battle outfit that comes with season pass?
Does SF3 even matter anymore? It feels so retconned...no, proconned...by SFIV alone.
SFIV pretty much fucked the story.
>inb4 who cares about story in fighting games
fuck are you talking about? they said the characters were going to be free.
should I just wait for the Ultimate version three years from now.
Stop being a retard.
>moveset looks familiar, yet different enough to feel fresh
>classic design is still in for those who don't dig the wild look
>new stage looks baller
Can't fucking wait.
Only retards care about the story in a fighting game.
stop responding.
You first.
Please just fix the one sided rollbacks Capcom.
Considering we are getting FIVE BRAND NEW CHARACTERS!!!! instead of returning people from SF3 I'd say they are trying their hardest to delete it from history. Why couldn't it have been an even split?
I wonder who even designed the characters at this point. It'd be weird if UDON designed them, eh?
Who fucking knows, their character artists are pretty terrible these days, I'm all for the statue likeness for Akuma, but they turned my nigga into a fat black lion man with a white-trash mom hair-tie.
His classic design is still in, you double nigger.
Only adds to my point about how the current ones are complete shit when the only good look he has is the classic one, you idiot.