Times when meme magic went too far

>knack 2

Other urls found in this thread:



can't believe a president got meme'd into office

>trump promises to make america great again
>all-american grand final actually happened this year

>Your country on democrats
>Muslims killing whites and fucking their wives

>Your country on republicans
>Lower crime rates, no terrorists

Does Sup Forums being stupid enough to believe they played a role in electing Trump qualify as meme magic?

>he doesn't know

Meme magic shows how pathetic Sup Forums and /r9k/
Just because they are the shityiest boards on Sup Forums whom are never mationed by mainstream they think any good thing right-wing that happens is because them and their meme magic
Kek such a patheric virgin beta faggots
No better than muslims or miggers

shhh Sup Forums just can't harness it

>all these roasties mad at Sup Forums

Why did they use a picture of Detroit for republicans?


what was any of that

I come here from Sup Forums to talk about video games and it's like I never left.

Fact: Sup Forums is the most powerful board in the world



Da joos xd xd
Anyone who disagrees with me and is not a muzzie or nigger = jew
I know how bad kikes are you fucking beta faggot waste of oxygen
But you know why they are successful
It is because they do not waste time on a japanese image board like us you cunt

thanks for the laughs m8

articles in vice an buzz feed about shitposts, hailed as the second coming of hitler, a bunch of virgins posting frogs

When did Sup Forums gain so much traction, I don't remember it always being so popular.

>Sup Forums is powerful
>This is what Sup Forumscucks believe
Even r9k is more populated and mentioned by the Mainstream
I donot hate Sup Forums
And I love anti nigger muslim and jew memes they make
But meme magic and that they believe that they make any change in mainstream or realife makes me mad

>Democratic side is pretentious and boring
>Republican side is industrial hell built around the 1%'s bubble neighborhood

Because Detroit is what happens when mega-corporations rape a city to death?

>Voting without presenting any form of proof of being a legal citizen of the country the voting takess place in
? ? ?

Fappening and gamegate attracted a lot of reddittors and normies to the site. Moot even posted proof

r/The_Donald took off in popularity, then they all migrated here.

Mainstream media is dead, we are media now

>memeing a jew puppet into office
Thanks Sup Forums

Elections and memes.

>one politically related thread per thousand means you're in Sup Forums

don't even pretend like the vast mayority of Sup Forums threads isn't videogames you meme loving fucks.

everyone is a jew puppet



It is not
They leak like pollution they are in other boards
Sup Forums is hated by everyone only we wuz and few other Sup Forums memes are popular on other boards
Sup Forums always ruin good Sup Forums threads
And hates by every board else
Only /mlp/ loves Sup Forums and that makes them even more pathetic
Only Sup Forums memes are loved
Not Sup Forumscucks and Sup Forums itself

But the Democrats have been in control of Detroit for like 40 years straight.

Hillary's foreign policy chiefs were Paul Wolfowitz and David Frum, and relied on using a "feminist face" to bring the neocon agenda back to American politics. You would have likely seen a big terrorist attack ala 9/11 early in her term that would have been used as justification for intervention in Syria and Ukraine. Meanwhile she would have secretly started arms shipments to Iran.

hi /qa/


There is one true god

>muh pol

>Because Detroit is what happens when unions rape a city to death?

Meanwhile in reality.. city run by democrats

When it became Reddit. They even have their own sub now and it's one of the largest ones. With gamershit and the election pol has been flooding this place with newfags.

Total meme game.

Crash Bandicoot remake. People need to stop nostalgiafag over their childhoods. You're not a kid anymore.

Whos the chick

This. The election and all the alt-right bogus in the media brought in far too many faggots

left works like that only in a homogeneous community.

your mom before she got blacked


You guys think knack 2 will be better than 1?

literally the only single reason obama was elected twice is because of 'first black president' memery

Then what about Detroit?


The problem is getting any of those IDs takes a bunch of money and time lots of people plain don't have. The reason dems are against voter id is because republicans deliberately try and make it difficult to get an id

This is what roasties and nu-males want to turn Sup Forums and by extension Sup Forums into. Beware. They are here. And they're getting influential. They even have a janitor or two now.

Name one president that wasn't memed into office.Trump wasn't simply memed.He was chosen by a chaos god.

McCain is debatable but he was 100% a better pick than Romney. Sup Forums went full retard believing Mitt stood a snowball's chance in hell

I'm only on Sup Forums because /leftypol/ has a mole that is a mod on Sup Forums shitting the place up

too bad that reality does not conform with this picture

Sweden is the most "progressive" country in the world and it is also going to be a third world country in 10 years

>The reason dems are against voter id
Is because millions of illegal immigrants vote Democrat. Don't be a liar, you whoreson.

How about the part where you want to turn it into your fucking pissing grounds to repost your reddit memes instead of a board for VIDEO GAMES

this is accurate

I don't recall anyone giving half a fuck about Mittens.
If anything his ring-kissing and knee-bending to Trump has shown how big of a bullet was dodged in 2012.

Code Geass Season 3.

I feel like the show ended on a decent note.

It takes $35 and a piece of paper you should have had since birth. Go be stupid somewhere else.

when almost every form of entertainment became unbearable left with constant sjw propaganda being shoved down our throats

>I want Sup Forums to be VIDEO GAMES
>except the part of videogames that trigger my liberal sensibilities
We all know the hypocrisy. The ones always shouting VIDEO GAMES have an awful weird tendency to remain in that one single thread among dozens that isn't video games.

>Mormons getting into the presidency
America will never vote for legal polygamy.