Old Gamers

Old gamer thread. Who /old/ here? What did you play when you were a lad? What do you think of current gaming?

89 is born in 80s right?

played ghosts n goblins on my dads C64 when i was 4, with a fucking joystick, where tilting upwards was used to jump (anyone having played this game can imagine how horrendous this is)

nice OP, start a shitty thread to let it die

shut up


fucking what, 30+ yo umaruposter? rethink your life friendo and tell me about your first game

also current gaming is fine if you know where to look, triple A titles are mostly sjw infested garbage

>30+ yo umaruposter
stop bullying me

Came to Sup Forums in 2007, Sup Forums, then only Sup Forums in 2013 and now jojo in Sup Forums and Sup Forums too.
I played PS1 and PS2 because of piracy.

>I played PS1 and PS2 because of piracy.
are you south american? easter euro?

sometimes i just don't know anymore Sup Forums

you have these faglets posting threads that sometimes go ballistic and sometimes these threads that just drift into obscurity with around 5 replies

wonder what OP is doing right now

>wonder what OP is doing right now
crying cause I got bullied

is 30yo considered old?

Damn, I am old.

at 30yo

i can't believe this shit anymore, i guess i am being trolled

I'm 33, at this point I don't know if I'm a virgin because I'm a gamer, or if I'm a gamer because a I'm virgin.

First games were on atari, most of my NES playtime was through rentals, then SNES and Genesis were the shit and I used to always looks to forward releases, saving every little money I could to buy a new game like every 2 or 3 months and a bunch for new consoles. Eventually piracy made it so I could have any game and at first it was great, but eventually being able to play everything made it so all games looked the same reskins of another game. Still played some competitive RTS and the eventual crpg or weaboo rpg, sleepovers playing party games or fighters.

Around 21 or 22, I sort of "lost" all my friends, I guess they're still my friends but everyone started doing their own shit, or grew tired of anime and games, I had very short relationships that ended badly and got myself trapped in mmos to escape any interaction with reality.

Eventually mmos became shit as well, but I keep jumping month to month to the next shitty korean grinder, I have a shitty half time job that makes almost no money but gets me vidya and food. I don't look forward to any release in 2017, and I have daily thoughts about drinking poison to end it all.

When I was little I played Unreal Tournament 98

>triple A titles are mostly sjw infested garbage
Because this doesn't describe 90% of indies, right? Sounds like you don't know where to look.

>tfw you have a thing for the old videogamers type

It was called "Unreal" in 1998, Tournament didn't come out till 99.

I'll always have fond memories of playing those 500 games in 1 cds.
Most of the games were shit and were demos at best, but when you did find a good one you just had to let everyone know.
Those were probably the four hidden gems I ever found worth playing.

Games like Mario Bros 3, Zelda, Mairo World, etc, felt so much more mysterious as a kid. That's really the only major difference I feel on a personal level about games. You found a secret in those games and you couldn't wait to tell your friends about it. I rarely get that feeling these days, perhaps due to the internet playing such a large factor in that.

I still love games, though. Look at new stuff like Dark Souls, or trailers like Death Stranding. The industry, petty drama aside, has made great strides.

93 here
Grew up playing Sonic 3&K, played it multiple times, i got into the MMO scene early, we only had a PC and we couldn't afford gaming consoles because they were really expensive where i live

I played a shitton of Neopets, Runescape, MU and others, only during recent years i picked up actual games

There are other games i've played but they were short PC games like

>Theme Hospital
>Desperados: Dead or Alive
>Simcity 3000
>Heroes of Might and Magic 2

And i'm pretty sure i've played others too but i just can't remember them now. Recently i played Undertale, Crypt of the Necrodancer and Hotline Miami 2. They made me feel like i was playing games meant to be for consoles back when i was a kid

I'm pretty happy with what i got to be honest, even if i haven't touched consoles at all sometimes, anything between PS2 - Today in consoles i haven't played and i don't feel the need to

Same boat as you my man.

I think we're no longer the target audience, it's sad but such is the industry nowadays.

I have a hard time affording vidya too so I just play old stuff and shitpost on 4ch while my life slips away.

Stop being so sad, anons, you're getting me sad as fuck and I'm only 19.

My life isn't as bad, though i do think part of why i play so many games is escapism at some points, i know i do it for fun, sometimes when i'm with friends and they can't stop checking their fucking cellphones it makes me wish i could be at home playing vidya instead

Its weird too to see how gaming doesn't try to market itself towards kids anymore, whenever i see ads for any vidya stuff i see people from my age or adults in them, i don't understand why but i'm going to asume they get their money from that demographic

I don't regret playing vidya or having fun here in Sup Forums, my mentality is "well, i was having fun, how can i say i was wasting my time"

>sometimes when i'm with friends and they >can't stop checking their fucking cellphones it makes me wish i could be at home playing vidya instead

This. Actually your entire post was pretty accurate.

>Only 19

You're already past your expiration date by a year. Might as well kill youself.

Im 41 and I still love the fuck out of games

you just have to spend more time looking for good stuff, and its rewarding when you find it

I balance my time very carefully between enjoying 'new' new games, and 'old' new games, its very important to not play the same shit over and over, that will cause mental problems, the same way that a bad diet will cause physical problems

30 here, played damn near anything as a kid. Lot of game boy stuff, RPGs, liked the few PC games I could get my hands on.

Modern games are okay but not great. A lot of them are too short or easy to justify the ever increasing price tags. They use these huge budgets to make stuff that looks pretty but has no meat to it.

QA is barely a thing thanks to the "we'll get bug reports and patch it later" mentality which is also fueled by the terrible conditions developers work in.

Save for the few dedicated hobbyists, the independent scene is full of hipsters and scam artists and most of them are not good. That said, there are plenty of diamonds in the rough and usually reviews are more honest for these games

The politicisation of games is at fever pitch and I wish it would stop. I don't care how or why just make it not a thing anymore

I'm hoping the coming years see games expanding in size or scope since we'll be hitting a graphical plateau soon.

graphics plateau was 10 years ago

the only mind blowing change that has happened in recent memory was SSAO

>this thread will be an interesting insight into how older users view gaming
>people my age are posting as old

Fug I'm old now. Mickey Mouse Castle of Illusion was the best shit as a kid.

I think the "us nerds xD" bubble needs to pop real hard for the good of video games and film and TV alike. We need to go back to making more basic and true to the heart experiences instead of always making it bigger and louder.

Same thing in life, we need slower but healthier lifestyles.

That's how I feel currently.


>sega with alex the motherfucking kidd

>nes with smb 3 (iirc)

>GAMEBOY pocket w super mario land and bond 007

Then i got into dook and bg 1.
Freaking lemmings and worms man.

Man, I had a few of those discs on an old win 95 computer. There was one with a prairie dog hunting game on it, that offended my little mind, BUT there was also a game called "crash" I think. It was like a tron version of those old cell phone snake games. I can't find anything about it online. Huge arena, 5 cars that leave a permanent wall behind it trying to trap the other competitors. Orange, blue, green, purple and yellow colors for the cars I believe. Wish I could find that game again t.t

This is why vidya is retarded industry now.
Instead of making games for the 20 -50' with JOBS and MONEY fucking devs keep targetting retarded teenagers.

>we will never have shareware games ever again

Castle of the winds and lunatic fringe were the fucking shit.

30 year old, owned a c64,then an amiga,then a psx, a friend gave me a n64 and we used to trade consoles at times

Modern gaming sucks, most of the thing that made videogame unique are gone replaced with badly imitation or "cinematic" game

>there are people here that are 30+ years old and still haven't gotten laid

holy shit how fucking pathetic do you have to be

I have nothing to offer to a woman, how am I supposed to earn their consent?

Sex isn't valuable to me

Any of you played the demos of some games more than the actual games when you were kids?

>Doom shareware
>UT 2k1 demo
>AoE 1 demo
>All those demos that came in the Windows 98 disc
>Motocross Madness
>Microsoft Encarta mini-games

Hell even the Unreal Tournament 2k4 demo was huge and offered tons of content. Good times.

I don't have much interest in most games these days because I have already played games with a similar concept. The video game industry has no more need for innovation, they can simply recycle ideas from the past that the new kids have not experienced.

I have taken to calling this phenomenon "peak gamer" where you have pretty explored all the genres and struggle to find new novelties. I can recognize games like Street Fighter V are well made and I know I would have invested a couple of thousand of hours in it easily if I played it when I was 17, but now at the game of 32 I am tired of "the fighting game" overall.

You're assuming a lot of things. I lost my virginity when I was 17 and it didn't change me other than make me brag for a few months after.

I still ended up here, sad and alone.

Ah, the jaded, cynical, tired gamer thread. I don't even need to read the posts here to already know people are complaining how modern games are shit and how they want to hang themselves.

25. Young side.

Grew up playing SNES and NES i got from a garage sale. N64 on release. GB original, GBAC, GBAV on release. WoW on release.

Pretty much just played vidya throughout childhood. Didn't really let up until about 13 when I thought smoking weed and chasing girls would be more gratifying. It wasn't.

I still play games and played throughout my life, but been looking for a job for awhile and didn't play as much in college.

N64 was the peak of fun I had, along with SNES Mario and Vanilla WoW, simply because there was more mystery. Never had a guide for Ocarina and I sucked at it, but loved the atmosphere more than anything. Still gives me goosebumps. Used to get lil kid boners for Zelda, pretending I was Link.

>>>>>>>>>Take me back

Go kill yourself already. Noone likes you.

1984 here

>sega with alex the motherfucking kidd
Same. I got my Master System used from my uncle.

Also the Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games of all time and anyone who dislikes it truly is a contrarian fuck.

Not all modern games are shit.

Let it die seems like a fun game but I have yet to play it.

First games I remember playing were text adventures like Wishbringer on an Amstrad with two 5 1/4" floppy drives, where you had the OS in one and the software in the other.

I'm constantly amazed by games these days, stuff that me and my brother used to imagine when we day dreamed about making games (It'll be all 3D! And the characters will walk using physics and collision detection so it's realistic!) are just regular boring stuff that no one notices any more unless it's missing.

>you are just jaded
>yet half of the psx announcement were about sucking the dick of ps1 fan with remasters


hmm, en rov med orer

>92 is considered old now
just kill me

I am 36. Most of the games I play now make me feel empty inside.

I'm not old but I can feel my taste in games changing and my opinions on the industry evolving. I'm 23 grew up with a SNES and a Sega Genesis. Played u godly amounts of Sonic and Mario stuff. Loved game boys and pokemon, and my bread and butter became my ps2 and action adventure games like Jak and Ratchet.

Went through the MMO phase is middle and high school, college brought upon my change in taste. Now I mostly play indie games, maybe some AAA online stuff like BF1 if I have friends playing it which I do.

As a whole I feel upset about the direction games went. The ps2 era was so glorious because theveryone games were games and not movies. Quirky, exploration, simple at the core with enough intricacy to keep it going. I just think of games like Jak or sly cooper wherected you sat down, had some otherworldly crazy fun , completed the game and felt like it was worth your time. The feeling of completting a fun adventure is pretty much gone now. Everything is infinite, or open world but too thin to be fun, or new game +++++.

Born in 81 here. Grew up on NES, Genesis, Turbo Graphix 16, and Sega Saturn games. I have fond memories of gaming on consoles until early 2000s then teansositioned to Pc gaming. I do have a PS4 for some games like destiny and such.

I think gaming these days are focused on the wrong parts of it. Instead of trying to create a complete and total narrative it's all about, quick bang for your buck games, dlc and such. A shame really. When a game like FFXV had a level 40 cap and what 30 hours completion it's very telling of the state of the industry.

The world used to be a bigger place.

'85. Grew up with my brothers' nes and Snes. Played Terranigma, River City Ransom(or street gangs), Secret of Mana way too much. Thanks to my brother I had a pc rather early on, and I would go to lans with friends when I was 13-16. As a lot of us had computers. Playing CS, Unreal tournament, quake and other lan games.
Most imporant games from that era was Baldurs gate 2, Deus Ex,

The last few years, aside from smaller western rpgs, I only held on to a few niche titles, such as Etrian Odyssey, Dragon Quest and Monster hunter. I don't watch anime, but I do enjoy Japanese games with little story and few troupes.

My console list in chronological order.

Xbox 360

Pc gamer now. Stopped with the 360.

Born in 84.

First game was Legend of Zelda on the NES, after that I played every Mega Man game, Final Fantasy, Duck Tales etc.

Gaming has changed alot since I was a kid but in general I think it's been for the better, Im a PC gamer now but I can still see the appeal of consoles.

That said, VR is fucking garbage flash in the pan bullshit, and handhelds and phone games will probably continue to grow until the normies move on to the next thing.

Actually got a ps2 before the GameCube. Now that I remember, my dad got it for Christmas in 2001 with gta3.

I had that dinobot transformer as a kid. Loved that fucker.

>Old gamer thread
>93 here

Go away

>20-somethings calling themselves old

I feel that. Its an imposition for me to play games in the living room sometimes since my roommates have to have something to wat h on tv while they browse facebook and send snaps on their phones 6 hours a day

i'm 26. I'm having a hard time getting into current games. I played snes and n64 as a kid.

Thinking of buying a 3ds for that nintendo feel. Also gonna get a switch.

87 here
First game was Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt for the NES.
Not entirely sure if I should count that since the NES was pretty much Mom's.
If not then Sonic 2 for the Genesis, since that was a Christmas present and my first console.
Got an SNES, but my dumbfuck cousin broke it.

Me too. And the Stegosaur I believe.

Yeah he was my favorite too.

>being "old"
>watching chinese cartoons and browsing Sup Forums
I bet youre one of those weird 30 year olds whos life never took off and only hangs around 20 something year old college students while desperatley clinging to his youth and blaming society for his failure. Also I bet you compulsively smoke weed.

How accurate is this?

33 here. I played river city ransom, streets of rage and NBA Jam a lot as a kid. Never understood Brand loyalty. I went from NES to Genesis to Playstation to xbox. I do miss Sega though. I can't get into big budget games much anymore but indies have kept me gaming with stuff like spelunky and Nuclear Throne. Gaming in our 40s-50s is gonna be sweet.

>if it's not one extreme, it has to be another

I live on disability and have no friends at all.

Kinda sad, I had more fun playing Inside than Dark Souls 3. It didnt have to be that way. Also fuckin companies giving into few feminists and censoring games. That is fuckin worst.

Born in 85. I was mostly playing Amiga games when I was a kid - Settlers, cannon fodder, Dune - everything pretty much. I got into PC gaming as a teenager mostly because of infinity engine rpgs but I still kept playing everything, every genre. I still do.

I still love vidya too, I think that I love vidya more now than when I was a kid. There's just so much variety these days, so many great games in every genre.

I don't get this whole tired, old, jaded vidya is shit these days meme. Vidya's great now.

90s kid born in 1996 here.


Had a SMS where I played pretty much anything there was, from Alex Kidd (first game) to Shinobi to Bonanza Bros to Phantasy Star to Running Battle to Land of Illusion to Sonic Janet Jackson etc. If I was lucky I was able to borrow my cousin's Neo Geo with Art of Fighting, World Heroes, KoF94 Super Sidekicks and Metal slug. Had to beat SMB on the SNES collection because that's what my other cousin owned.

Gaming creatively bankrupted in the sixth generation, afterwards there was only room for improvement in the racing department and cinematics because of graphics. Even sports are inferior despite all the technology, never played something as unfunny as modern nba, fifa and madden.

Some people will never accept this, but if you look at the facts: the best fps, survival horror, action games, adventure games, platformers, interactive adventures, third person shooters all belong to gen 1-to-7. When you look at sandboxes people are blinded by technology but it's still debatable that V is a better GTA than San Andreas. Even Souls in the end is nothing but a reboot in third person of King's Field.

Haven't watched cartoons in a decade either. The only cartoon show I actively watched was the Simpsons.

But, I don't watch tv series for homosexuals like GOT, TWD either. I watch old movies and that's it.

Also, you have no idea how different are those 20 something to you if you hang around them. 5 years can make a world of difference, 10 years it's like speaking to aliens.

There's several thousand games that look like indies but were made by professionals in the good age of gaming. Go play them and make your backlog actually legit.

Also used to play settlers. Got really into gaming with ps1, it has some of my favourite games.

Implying you won't be here in your 30s

A 10 years old is too old for diapers.
A 20-somethings is too old for video games.

I got laid a lot in high school, but never again since. ;_;

I never grew up. I feel the same as I did when I was 16.

Am I the only girl around here who grew up with retro games?

As in you're a early 20 something who grew up playing the same games us 30+ did?

92 too

My early years were spent playing Zelda II and Mario 3. Then we got a snes with mario all stars and alttp. on my 5th birthday I got the empire strikes back on snes and to this day I still enjoy this game and I think it's still pretty good

Relationships are a tradeoff. You might be friends with your wife, have occasional sex with her, and have fun playing with your kids. Or she might be a selfish, impossible-to-make-happy cheater who leaves and takes your kids away. Instead of any of that, you're free to do what you want when you want. Be glad not to hear nothing but criticism and get literally shunned ("cold-shouldered") on a daily basis.

Does a library near you have games? Mine loans them out for free.

>he's 30+ and still shitposts in Sup Forums
Eww get the hell away from me you loser creep

>Who /old/ here?
31, full wizard, good paycheck
>What did you play when you were a lad?
Mostly bootleg PC games my dad got from work. I had some NES games. My parents overpaid for a Genesis and subsidized some guy's Saturn once.

>What do you think of current gaming?
Modern gaming has gone full Wall street.

Blockbusters have sucked the air out of the market for mid-range and lower end games. If it isn't sports, CoD, LoL, or free to play with a very stingy cash shop, big publishers want nothing to do with it.

Indie gaming has proved that devs will make the same shit over and over again until flogged by a publisher. If I see one more faux-16 bit platformer with chiptune style music...

DLC and microtransactions were sold as a way to deliver expansion packs and features without having to make a trip to the store. Then publishers showed their true colors and we got horse armor and color packs. This was a brazen attempt by publishers to mine gamer's pockets at the cost of the mod community.

Sixth gen PC gaming is a complete disaster replete with shitty ports and bitchy publishers doing a poor job of defending their crappy output. We can thank Microsoft for gutting its own PC market for its xbox only to be stung by all the devs going multiplatform anyway. PC gaming has gotten better over the years.

>you cant be on Sup Forums if you've had sex

>Who /old/ here?
31, full wizard, good paycheck
>What did you play when you were a lad?
Mostly bootleg PC games my dad got from work. I had some NES games. My parents overpaid for a Genesis and subsidized some guy's Saturn once.

>What do you think of current gaming?
Modern gaming has gone full Wall street.

Blockbusters have sucked the air out of the market for mid-range and lower end games. If it isn't sports, CoD, LoL, or free to play with a very stingy cash shop, big publishers want nothing to do with it.

Indie gaming has proved that devs will make the same shit over and over again until flogged by a publisher. If I see one more faux-16 bit platformer with chiptune style music...

DLC and microtransactions were sold as a way to deliver expansion packs and features without having to make a trip to the store. Then publishers showed their true colors and we got horse armor and color packs. This was a brazen attempt by publishers to mine gamer's pockets at the cost of the mod community.

Sixth gen PC gaming is a complete disaster replete with shitty ports and bitchy publishers doing a poor job of defending their crappy output. We can thank Microsoft for gutting its own PC market for its xbox only to be stung by all the devs going multiplatform anyway. PC gaming has gotten better over the years.

>Old gamer
>Hamster poster
Back to with you degenerate gramps.

I think modern gaming is like menthol cigarettes, imagine you are addicted to smoking but now they only sell menthol cigarettes because they're popular. You keep buying them because you are addicted, but you hate them, and in the end you're both dying of cancer and spending a bunch of money.

Thankfully there's retro gaming, but one game can only last you so long.

Menthols are so disgusting. But I would probably smoke them if there was nothing else.


The gaming community just supports retarded teens.

You'll wake up one day, be 40 and you'll still be here. Stop kidding yourself.

One thing i hate is everyone has become so sensitive.

There was nothing better than just logging on to 1.6 having a few games and chatting shit to one another.

Now you get reported, recorded and banned for the lightest of banter.

Many opinions in this thread do sound jaded but not necesarily cynical nor toxic

We have indeed grown up and modern gaming just doesn't cut it anymore but is not like we are raging and we are going full retard by saying "games should not be like this".

It just has evolved into something different

On the one hand i like how videogames have indeed become more mainstream and more aviable to the general public, playing videogames is not seen as "a waste of time" as it was before

On the other hand games have indeed become more simple in order to cater to most of its increasing audience. They are NOT shit by any stretch of the imagination, is just that they "scratch different itches" unlike old games did, where it was all based on gameplay

I think there is a simple way to compare modern games to old ones

Old ones are more gameplay focused while every other aspect was designed around it, new games do the same thing but backwards, where the gameplay is dictated by its design


>What do you think of current gaming?
It's mostly terrible but has a few gems here and there. SMT IV: Apocalypse just came out in the UK and I'm loving the shit out of. I ignore the majority of western games because I just can't stand what they've become. In fact the majority of games I play today are usually things from the past that I never got the chance to pick up.

I tried breaking away from videogames for a while to be more social and it worked for a about a good 4 years but eventually it was clear my friends were splitting up because of jobs and other stuff to their own thing and I ended up getting sucked back into videogames again. Still have a job that pays well and go the gym so it ain't as bad as it used to be I guess, I just wish I was out every weekend again.

I think that big and loud can be basic and true-to-the-heart. Just look at Jet Set Radio.

We can be big and loud, but we have to do it honestly.

>nearly 25 years old
>b-but I'm still a teen guys! r-really

Motherfucking Windjammers.