Is it going to be the Overwatch killer?

Is it going to be the Overwatch killer?

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More like the Quake killer

so is this giong to be DoA?


Pretty much this, don't get me wrong I like Overwatch and that type of game but abilities and such have no business being in a quake game.

>hero abilities

No, this is Quake, not Dead or Alive

maybe q3 spergs will love it
when I hear Quake I imagine Q1 lovecraftian world and creepy SP campaign

id doesn't know what made Quake good

all they're gonna do is make so bastard MOBA arena shooter mix with cooldowns for a target audience that doesn't exist. 18yo kids whining on Sup Forums about how getting into arena shooters is too hard because "muh quake veterans but if they made a new game today i'd totally play it" isn't a substantial target demographic. Hell, just look at the fiasco that was QuakeLive.

The only thing positive right now is that its PC exclusive, so there's less worry about it being a bastardized slowed down console shooter.

>Killing off Quake for a quick buck
Hope it bombs hard

Is this the only hope left for the arena shooter?

>quake moba shooter

Lobbies are super dead when I played it yesterday.
I keep reading that people will give it a try when it's fully out though so I don't know what to think of it. Could become the next hat simulator.

I wanted to try it bu I'm not in the mood for installing the launcher

Negative and zero sum games have no chance in post moba and post cod world

Its still pre-alpha though isn't it? I also saw that the games source code is published on github so it seems like that will be really good for fan content.

yeah, it doesn't help it that it isn't on steam
doubt it will ever be relevant desu

Visor is mah nigga

Gotta play at peak times or when a new patch comes out.

At least we have Arcane dimensions 1.5 fresh out of the oven.

And being honest, it's better than anything modern id could make with the franchise

>q3 spergs will love it
>muh heroes
lol no

Not enough memey characters, and Quake was never big with the normies. It's going to be the absolutely worst Overwatch clone that will the Quake name to the dirt.

This if you put anything from modern shooters, regenerating health, loadouts, abilities, 2 weapon limits etc, Quake 3 players will absolutely hate it.

In Q3, health degenerates instead of regenerating!
I fucking hated it

DESU, I cant think of a way to improve quake in any way that will both make it have a bigger playerbase and be "quake".

QuakeLive is alive by the way. It doesn't have the playerbase because only veterans play it and we shit on all newbs from so high up they think the game is broken. You can't have both, either its casual shit where even a noob can compete, or its quake.

if its MP is as good as dooms SP yes it will be a hit and god i hope so i use to love quake

if Quake is going to be like Quake 3, then it's not going to touch even 10% of OW player base.

if Quake is going to be like OW then it's not going to touch even 10% of Quake player base

By this little scenario we can see that Quake is going to be dumbed down console shooter.

Easy, make UT2k4 with the Quake name slapped to it.

Quake is unfun nowadays.

>we shit on all newbs from so high up they think the game is broken
lmao quakers always think they're the hot shit but putting a rocket in anyone's face in DM is easy as shit

Nope it's already fucked
it's outsourced at least partly to saber interactive and is using their Saber 3D engine rather than idtech
it's just a poor imitation of a quake game

oh god what the fuck?

a quake game without idtech? are they fucking nuts?

>it's outsourced at least partly to saber interactive and is using their Saber 3D engine rather than idtech
[citation needed]

At QuakeCon 2016, creative-director Tim Willits revealed that Quake Champions does not run on the id Tech 6 game engine, but instead works on a hybrid engine made up of id Tech and Saber tech, which means a number of the features seen in Doom are not native to Quake Champions,[5] such as Virtual Reality, Vulkan API, Snap Maps and Mod Support.[6]

nope, it feels like ut3 which isn't a good sign.

it came out of an interview at quakecon where the interviewer asked tim willits if vulcan would be supported, the answer was no because it's using Saber tech rather than the idtech engine
yes this is straight from the wikipedia page


>No Vulkan

i don't like these powers and i wish they don't have a big impact on the game,or better yet just give us a classic mode without them.
it looks better than overwatch as far as im concerned

All hopes and dreams shattered, fuck Zenimax.

We don't care what you think. We are all strangers that play every night after work on our server. We frag, we talk shit. Everyone gets to know everyone after a while. Its comfy as fuck. You can't get that with games nowadays. We don't need more people to play with us.

If you think its easy, try joining and see how "easy" it is.

where to find servers for vanilla q3?

Don't know about vanilla q3. But quakelive you can play on steam. The servers are usually empty until the evening though.

Already did. If it took no more than quarter hour to learn then I don't even give a fuck about what happens after a while, it's so obvious. Shooters with automatic laser aiming like this are so easy.

Yeah, let me guess. you got railed repeatedly and got mad because somehow you were not able to do the same to others. It became "obvious" so you gave up after 15 min. But its ok because "you dont give a fuck".

nope. why do people consider tracing rockets at people mid-air hard? it's free fucking kills.
since this also plays exactly like every other shooter except with just less mechanics there wasn't really much to learn. quake is just one of those games that just happens once you start playing because the game engine is so easy, it doesn't require much thought. just reaction speed.

Besides, if you know anything about competitive shooters, you know that DM isn't a competitive mode and just a casual box for some casual fun.
Get off your high horse, you're just as casual as the rest and I'd trust the CSfag to be better at shooters overall.

let me put it in simple terms so you can begin to understand: just because it's easy to learn, doesn't mean it's easy to master

you imagine it to be easy, but it's anything but you pretentious scrub

I said nothing about DM, and nothing about air rockets either (although it isn't as trivial as you seem to think). After you play a while all the aiming stuff is just a core skill that you expect everyone to have. CS is the reaction speed game, it helps you in quake but you cant really rely on it. Quake is more about dodging, prediction and mind games. Estimating you opponents stack and position, timing, traps, etc.

Regarding "competitive shooters", I wouldn't know. I haven't played many. I do know that CS is all hitscan twitch aim. While quake has that + projectile + tracing + leading. So i would expect a quaker to have better overall aim in those categories. And yes, I may be a casual, I just play an evening ever few days. But I've been doing it for years, so don't try to teach me shit after you played 15 min.

>doesn't mean it's easy to master
If that was the case I wouldn't be getting kills like everyone else. Instead of getting my ass handed to me like I expected from such renowned game it was pretty easy to get in.
Maybe everyone playing QL just thinks they're good.
>But I've been doing it for years
If you still haven't mastered the game at this point then you really aren't fit to give others instructions.

All QC does is remind me this existed.

... fine, please tell me, what you consider to be a "not easy" shooter? Also, I would be honored to see your 15min skills, would you like to go for a duel? EU?

Honestly after how great D44M SP turned out, no need to hate on QC based on one game play trailer in early stage of development.
not saying im hyped or anything.. but it might actually be good, being a PC exclusive is already a step in the right direction.

yeah yeah your bullshit is showing

The already said they're working on a classic mode without abilities which is nice but honestly while it looks more fun it's not gonna kill Overwatch in the slightest.

Apart for Blizzard having some of the most intense consumer loyalty of any developer part of Overwatch's money making formula is making a "comp" game that also appeals to console players. Quake seems to be primarily PC but Overwatch is always gonna get the casual audience every time and that makes up a lot of numbers.

It feels strange looking at the characters teleporting and dashing, but I think it would make the game better. And that waifu crap in the trailer just feels out of place.

Anything that requires both patience as well as quick reaction speed would be far more engaging. Quick reaction is pretty easy when that's all you have to do, but having to vary between quick and slow reactions would provide a much more varied challenge.
Most games that have the more in-depth tactics are usually fucking terrible with the twitch action though. It's like no one can make a game that's good from both aspects. It seriously inhibits just how good of a genre shooters could be.

Oh man.

That shit was FUN.

Selket is great waifu material, but Anubis was a beast. I loved that full body armor and helmet.

>Patience and quick reaction speed
After you play quake a while, you stop being overwhelmed by everything that is going on, and find a whole new layer to the game.


I always found easy to stay there, riding on top of the flow with just adrenaline. But if you can't just stay there then that provides much more variety and challenge.

overwatch isn't even spoken about anymore and everyone i know says they got tired of it "after 2 weeks". i don't think it would last much longer on its own, quake champions from some of the leaks looks good enough to give a shot but its level design was weird whatever the fuck gametype it was supposed to be. all i know is there will be minor problems in the scope of everything, but these minor problems will be overblown as completely gamebreaking, like that awful "blood on screen" shit when you are hurt, which is an actual problem because i couldn't see fucking shit but i really doubt it will ruin the game