Zen announcements in 9 days

>Zen announcements in 9 days
>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7
>will cost about $199

PC gaming is about to change forever.

Who else hyped?

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It will be on consoles too fampai

>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7
Doubt it
>will cost about $199
Also doubt it. The lower model might be around that price-point, but anything competing with the top-tier i7s will cost a bit more.

Go home pahjeet nobody trust those who do not poo in the loo

>RX480 will change gaming!!!

when will gookmoot do something about all these fucking pajeets?

>10x stronger
>also 10x buggy

Yeah, the clock and TDP should be 10x times higher than an i7, indeed. But its performance...

>Rolling in the hype train
>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7

Until I don't have actual benchmarks from retail CPUs, I won't. Remember how everyone hyped up Polaris and it fell below expectations? ALso, 10x stronger than i7, bs. Maybe a sandy bridge i7, but 10x better than an i7-6700? Impossible




Most likely it will cost maybe 20-50 bucks less than it's Intel counterpart.
But it will be either equal in speed or slightly faster especially in multithreaded performance tests


Just like NVIDIA, AMD never delivers on hype

And really prone to bugs.
And it will fuck up your bios
And it will heat up too much

>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7

It's rumored to be "equivalent" to a 5960x, and that's AMD's already inflated marketting. You're setting yourself up for disappointment when you exaggerate an exaggeration.

Well, potatoes are many times bottlenecked in games by the CPU that can't keep up. A cheap CPU with good performance could bring more people to PC gaming

>Intel shills in panic mode
the $150 quadcore is going to destroy the i3.

If you already have a good quadcore there is little reason to upgrade for games though unless you have issues with CPU limited games.

AMD will always live up to the hype after a few updates and age like fine wine.

Nvidia lies and then tries to cover the truth while eventually moving on to the next product to sell to dumb fucks

Son...a lot of games still use the CPU to a high degree

forgot about your minecraft for a sec there

I've never played Minecraft in my life
I actually kind of wish that was a lie

>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7
a-are you okay user?

CPU speed is beginning to affect games. RAM and PCI-E bandwidth might be a more important reason to upgrade though.
A lot of people with old Sandy Bridge processors have enough CPU power, but only support DDR3-1333 and PCI-E 2.0

>them deliciously wide zen cores

Zen is going to be very, very interesting and should surprise Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

Maybe on scorpio. But sonycucks gotta deal with weak jaguar shit like the cucks they are for 3 years

Let me guess, 6 months after Zen release, intel launches a new processor with a new instruction set making the whole Zen line obsolete.

>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7
What kind of retarded websites are you reading where you see that kind of EXTREME bait bullshit?
I take it you've been one time too much on Sup Forums or are trying WAY too hard to bait people here

Where the hell this pajeet meme come from ?

>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7

More like 10 trizillion times stronger than 7 i7s amirite

It'll be as good as an i7, at best.

>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7


>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7

Nope, lets be real.

The fastest ZEN AMD will beat current gen i5 though, with the price of current gen i3.

cpus aren't that important for gaming and I already have a good 4770k i7 anyway

>10x stronger than i7

it might have 10x the clock and consume 10x more power than an i7, the problem is that the performance will never ever be 10x what you get from an i7.

Nobody can be excited after the last 5 years of garbage from AMD. Nobody except retards.
Zen better be decent

Pajeets can't design a sanitation system and you want to trust their CPU design?

At 1080p yeah, especially with high end cards you're going to be running into CPU bottleneck situations left and right.

For 1080p we're now regularly looking at situations where you'll see basically no gain buying anything higher end than a 480 or a 1060.

>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7
It will use photon blast processing according to my dad who works at AMD so unlikely it will be that weak

Got a 6700k

Literally could not give less of a shit, there is literally nothing that is going to come out in the next decade that could need this level of CPU power

I thought it was leaked that it was going to cost $500 for whatever 8-core SKU.

My dad works at AMD and he said it uses hydropump phase shifting technology

>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7

So it will have 60 cores?

Wait 9 more days.

I hope AMD will not be stupid enough to put that price tag.

We need competition in Processor market. Intel monopolizing the price of processor had already gotten out of control.

>going to destroy the i3.
well that's great
what's AMD's next top of the line target? GTX 970?


I guess you could say their core business plan is lacking some threads

I fully expect the fastest enthusiast Zen chip to trail the i7 6700k slightly, but it will make up for that by being an 8 core / 16 thread part for less than Intel will sell you a 4 core / 8 thread part.

I'm not sure we'll see any Zen parts without hyperthreading, or that we'll see a quad core / 8 thread part in the Zen line till later next year when the Zen/Vega SOC chips launch. A 6 core / 12 thread Zen part for the cost of the i5 could be interesting though.

AMD's big problem is Microsoft stepping in and disallowing updates to support Zen in Windows 7 or 8. That could really throw the CPU market to Intel for the next few years continuing AMD's status as a crippled token competitor. AMD's only way out is if they pull off something really unexpected outside of Microsoft's sphere of influence. Their new open source drivers give them a lot more flexibility than they had in the past.

Hydropump phase shifting was deemed as dead end technology and therefore thrown to Intel. Let them eat their scraps.

60 cores and 40ghz overclocked to 50ghz?

In other words, IBM.

Based AMD.

>But it will make up for that by having more cores/threads
That's been their plan for a while and it hasn't worked due to middling single core performance causing their CPUs to be thrashed in games by Intel's i3 line, they're gonna need to have a huge per core performance increase if they're planning to fall back on their old tricks.

Also MS doesn't allow updates to support newer Intel CPUs in Win 7/8 last I checked, or at the very least they said as much about Kaby Lake, so on those platforms it'll a raw performance fight when it comes solely to newer CPU architectures.

>anything but shit

Their biggest problem has been the Wintel monopoly. Something that they're going to face again with Zen where Microsoft is not going to allow the chips to function on 7. Though that shouldn't be any surprise since 7 also never got essential performance fixes for bulldozer architecture chips.

>Also MS doesn't allow updates to support newer Intel CPUs in Win 7/8 last I checked, or at the very least they said as much about Kaby Lake, so on those platforms it'll a raw performance fight when it comes solely to newer CPU architectures.

True, but Zen's design is much more different from their older chips than Intel's latest and it uses an entirely new motherboard platform so Intel's new stuff is more likely to work even if its officially unsupported.

As in the past we'll only see truly fair performance comparisons on Linux based OSes where AMD and third parties can add the support themselves without being constrained by a biased third party.

>>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7
Never heard of that rumor.

Nice falseflagging there Intel retard

take intel's dick out of your mouth

>Though that shouldn't be any surprise since 7 also never got essential performance fixes for bulldozer architecture chips.

It did - you just had to manually hunt down the patches because MS wanted to make life as difficult as possible.

At least you don't have to turn on your heater during winter.

Save electricity = lower utility bills for poor AyyMDcucks

Don't know where you picked that cherry from but it doesn't mean much to me. I've got a 380x and it's performed pretty good for what I paid for it.

i3 4330 already exists for 1080p (read: overwhelming majority) of pc gamers. the g3258 exists for poorfags.

200fps uncapped, on ultra, with a 970+

dunno why people only compare empty benchmarks instead of practical ones. does an i7 from 4 years ago do better in cinebench? ya. but if you're just gaming, u really have to try hard to bottleneck yourself with a cpu.

there is more


I looked it up and they shipped broken cards it seems. It's all over the internet and the support stuff in the video couldn't figure out where the problem came from and thought it was the CPU.

its a problem with the 480's in general

framestutters in many games, a problem with power draw and other shenanigans

The 4 core Zen is supposed to cost only $149 with speed at least on par with the i7-7700K according to wccftech.

Okay, and some versions of the 1070 are going aloha snackbar in people's cases. I've heard the 1070 and 1080s also stutter really bad for lots of people. It's not like this shit is restricted to one company.

that's just guesswork on wccftech's part.
It's probably going to be closer to an i5-4690K, but for $150 that's an absolute steal.

>someones gpu might have had a problem out of the hundreds of thousands sold


>Fallout 4
>Implying the CPU is the problem

>>Sup Forums

They probably won't be $150, AMD is going to charge a premium for them since you'll get nearly the same performance as a 470 out of the onboard graphics.

Maybe they'll have enough quad core chips with faulty graphics to launch something like their Socket FM2+ Athlons though. Either way though expect only the ~$250 8 core parts at launch, maybe we'll get lucky and see ~$200 six core parts too.

They just picked the latest AAA game available at the time you autist.

>garbage drivers
>garbage CPU's for gaming

why would you buy a GPU from them?

Summit Ridge has no onboard graphics. It's just a CPU.

Right, and there isn't going to be a quad core version of it. We won't see that till the SOCs launch.

This guy
said CPU bottle-necking is a problem that is occuring more and more. Which is true because both DirectX & OpenGL APIs until recently could only really be controlled by a single thread. So whilst most people had multicore CPUs, they were under utilized because of limitations in the graphics APIs.

However, if I was going to cite some charts of this problem I would not pick Fallout 4 as my example because the Creation engine is old and has struggled for years. Instead why not use charts from this article: anandtech.com/show/8962/the-directx-12-performance-preview-amd-nvidia-star-swarm/4 which use a special demo designed to showcase the shortcomings / performance gains?

Funny since the press release says they are $300 and on par with 3yo intels but only in multi core

All Zen does is bring AMD to last years standards, its about fucking time though.

>rumored to be 10x stronger than i7
No, don't make up bullshit. Expecting anything better than a decent competition to Broadwell/Skylake is wishful thinking