Why is the combination of being /fit/ and being a gamer so rare?

Why is the combination of being /fit/ and being a gamer so rare?

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fuck off queer

both are extremely time consuming

CSGO has a lot of fit pros.

That guy is utter shit, though.

Both require fuckloads of time.
Unless you don't work, it's pretty hard to balance both.

pol really is cancer, you need to get back to your containment board. no one in real life cares about you.

You're not gonna have the time you need to dump into both to be good at either.

I don't have enough money to buy food to have that kind of energy, let alone gain mass.

I don't spend it video games either, I just been in a shit situation for a while. I usually eat once a day.

You usually don't have great stats when you're purely an entry fragger. Once you get out of Silver, you will understand. I'm not saying he's amazing, but he is still very solid.

He's not from Sup Forums. Most of us are accepting now after the nightclub incident. Anything to keep shitskins out.

Why cant you just do both? Its like you dont have to do both in the same day. 24/7 gym membership helps too. Gym takes like 2 hours of one day if you count in travel.

what's it like having a big schlong?

I'm /fit/ and I play vidya, it really is surprising when I go to my video game club in college and you look around.

Also for any user who want's to get /fit/ to get women, don't bother, it doesn't work. It's a meme, women care more about your attitude and personality more.

t. /fit/ Sup Forumsirgin

That's not true. I lifted and played video games as my only two non-work activity for years. I became great at some of the games I played the mos,t and I became strong and aesthetic. I still do both to this day. Working out isn't hard. It's diet that kills most people.

>mfw I am a wageslave, make lots of money (paid 50k in taxes this year)
>no time for gym but I am tall and decent looking so I fell for the bodyweights meme

Otter mode is best, only manlets get buff to compensate for their napoleon syndrome.

>hur dur I'm a gaymur so i have to play at least 8 hours a day
>I cant possibly fit an hour every 2-3 days of going to the gym in my 1337 schedule!!1

it's not impossible, or difficult...you're just lazy and like to make excuses, not to mention that gym membership for an entire month costs as much as an average game



being fit is hard as balls

Well with a decent body you get better looking women though. If you are a sperglord with shitty personality to begin with looks wont help you that much though, you are right about that.

cuz their all nerds lol fukin geeks lol

But it's not rare at all it's very common actually

I think it's kinda overrated.

I mean, it's sure nice to take a look at the mirror after a bath and seeing a big dick and knowing that it's your own, but having a big dick will not instantly make you a good partner, or makes you less socially awkward.

Also, my first girl literally stopped talking to me after seeing my dick. It's 24cm, and she was like 1,56m.

>what is work
>what is university

Anyway, I just bought some weights and lift at home, it's way easier and you can do some other shit while at it.

How do you know its rare? There are tens of millions of people who play video games.

> Also for any user who want's to get /fit/ to get women, don't bother, it doesn't work.

Shit, I've been going for a month now. How do I train my nonexistent women skills alongside getting /fit/?

Yeah but bodyweight mode doesn't allow you to lift the optimally thickest chicks for standing sex fun time. :D

>an hour every few days
...will not get you /fit/. You need to be going at LEAST 3 days a week, if not every day, and for at least 2 hours. Otherwise you won't see any noticeable improvement.

I'm thin as fuck, your typical skinny nerd. I can get plenty of pussy just because I have a likeable face, pretty smile and a "deep stare" or glare or whatever.

I probably have the average personality here, aka: I'm autistic as fuck in social gatherings.

So you are wrong fagget, its all about being pretty. Everyone should get /fit/, even myself.

>gamers likw to spend most of their free time playing games
>playing games involves hours of sitting

Gee, I wonder why?

Take your anti-autism medication.

>what is work
>what is university

second year of uni, decent grades and social life, play vidya every few days, look fit because I go to the gym 3-4 times a week

what's your point?

You're not looking hard enough OP
Typical excuse for someone to not go to the gym
You have plenty of time, you don't go to the gym every fucking day

I'm guessing it's an ego boost but I've read quite a few times it has its problems
>tfw average length but thicc girth

Dudebros don't count

Get a stationary bike, mate.
At least you don't get fat.

3rd worlder

>he fell for the university meme

No it isn't. 20mins to 1hr 3-5 times a week. Lift heavy weights, lift light weights for reps, do 20-30 mins of cardio after every workout. It isn't hard, it's just a long game that most people aren't willing to play.

>has its problems

yeah only if you get some drama queen who yells "ow it hurts" all the fucking time. It's not your problem though it's hers

It's still not rare

You're a dumb fucking nigger

>yeah only if you get some drama queen who yells "ow it hurts" all the fucking time
Well I mean I don't know what it feels like but I think if I had something penetrating me and it would hurt due to size, I'd want it to stop pretty fast.

>It's not your problem though it's hers
That's a selfish way to see it, if I ever have sex (hopefully soon) I'd want my partner to enjoy it too, if it was just to please my dick I'd get a toy or whatever

Unlike in Murica', a diploma still means something in Brazil.

>Also for any user who want's to get /fit/ to get women, don't bother, it doesn't work. It's a meme, women care more about your attitude and personality more.

I can attest to that

Every couple of days = 3 times a week you stupid shit


Can someone tell me if this is shopped? Is even possible to get that arm/torso ratio?

Got triggered, landwhale?

fuck off
video games haven't been good for a long while
so why discuss only those

Go lose some weights dickhead

I do fine, I can lift shit up easily.

Back to tumblr.

0 Trixie
1-2 Gwen
3-4 Blossom
5-6 Hikari
7-8 Frankie
9 Penelope

I highly advise you spergs to at least take a jog or go for swimming if you are too obese. Then at least you won't look like a walking caricature.

Words of truth.

7 up plz

vidya is immediately gratifying

the other takes hard work for long periods of time to see progress

I'd say 70% genetics for the body to grow into that shape and the rest by having a top tier workout regimen and having a equally as good nutrition plan.

He's leaning forward a bit so his arms probably look a bit bigger than what's proportional

Trixie or Blossom first.


>that art

Something I've noticed is that the /fit/ gamers tend to play two games: CSGO and Path of Exile. Especially Path of Exile. For some reason players of that game tend to be more jacked than any other game I've seen.

Because the best gaymers are asians and asians are born manlets with noodle arms

Oh boy, self-destruct countdown initiated.

Having people stare at your dick in the locker room if your into sports in high school, having the ratchet ghetto black girls try to grind on your dick constantly for no reason.
Big/Above Average Dicks please women yes, but maybe not the right kind of women.

Had a lady drop me after the 1st time we had sex since she couldn't take my girth..
I'll miss you QT asian..

Everything has pro's and cons user.

Partly right, it's also the type of girls that live around you.

Got me.

>>Had a lady drop me after the 1st time we had sex since she couldn't take my girth..

Pfft this is too silly to be true, all women like big cocks.

You did something wrong user

How about a round of Gwen

If only that was true for all women. Nice pic btw.

I was actually super lucky in high school with this. the big group of jocks in my class all grew up playing shit like dota and WoW, so the jock-nerd group was almost the same. they all took me in as one of their own. asked me to join the football team and shit, and after practice, we'd have LANs. shit was tight.