Stars.. of the midnight ranges

>Stars.. of the midnight ranges.....

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really dont got get why people are obsessed with this mediocre game.

the writing is literally fan-fic tier too.

i'll stick to fallout 2

i thought it was cool how the deathclaws on that road don't respawn. not many developers would consider doing something for players who don't use fast travel.

Kill yourself my dude

>writing is literally fan-fic tier
>i'll stick to fallout 2

Thanks user, you're always good for a laugh



>ywn play it for the first time again
why live?

I started blasting this stupid ass as soon as I saw him charging towards me. How the fuck am I supposed to know he wanted to talk?

das racist

Stop it , OP. Don't you fucking do this to me. I didn't need feels today.

+500 HP

+350 HP

I want life to be Jingle Jangle Jingle Sup Forums, but it's always Johnny Guitar..

Maybe if you weren't such an idealist, things wouldn't be so shit. Learn from Arcade's example.

>install jsawyer overhaul
>turn on hardcore
It just quadruples the time I spend hauling loot to merchant or looking for a bed the game will let me sleep in. Enemies are still the same, I still became an invincible god of death, science and b&e in less than twenty hours, and the changes to the way armor works turned 95% of all weapons into vendor trash.


If I help people, they will hunt me down like a dog and lock me up for life?

Literally every single one of his endings is some form of sad, you fool, including the ones where he doesn't go into hiding.

Is there any mod or anything that expands the soundtrack?

should be one that adds the soundtrack from fallout 3 too

>Arcades happiest ending is the one where the courier never recruits him and he spends his days in the old Mormon fort

>the writing is literally fan-fic tier too.

>i'll stick to fallout 2

Wouldn't it be funny if you actually said that unironically?
Because I think it would be funny.

it buffs more weapons that it nerfs, though famalam

But ain't ya glad you're single?

man if FNV was made with the F4 engine id play the shit out of it

>wanting the game to be uglier


so youre saying fallout 3 and new vegas look better than fallout 4?

Don't feed the trolls, newfag.

In terms of art style, kind of.

They're all ugly, don't get me wrong. But the color palettes in 4 are god awful

laser gatling gun definitely does not look like that though

New are better. Would have liked original laser rifle to be its own heavy weapons-type deal, though, like the plasma caster.

Because the first super mutant you meet in the game is also non-hostile and tells you about Jacobstown?

>taking the b8


You can't even write properly yourself so please shut the fuck up about writing in the future you uneducated 2nd worlder

There's something incredibly soothing about FNV's radio.

madder than my boy Mattis

You mean the way you hypnotizes you into a coma by repeating the same three songs?

What a breath of fresh air it was when I discovered that you could add your own mp3s into the soundtrack of the new Carmageddon.

>the writing is literally fan-fic tier too.

>i'll stick to fallout 2

Mmm, talking deathclaws, ghosts, Pinky and the Brain, scientologists, kung fu fighting. So good.

Don't forget the ayyliums!

>not "stars on the midnight rangers"

If new vegas writing is fan fic tier, what tier is fallout 3 writing lol

new ones are ok except for the plasma guns(they look like they were made in a shed, not a factory)
and the new shotgun is awful

Grade 1 Journal tier

Todd's lies tier

>The Elvis joke from Fallout 1 is now canon
>The Elvis jokes caused the war

>Bethesda didn't even bother to explain why the weapons looked radically different
>not even some throwaway line about most weapons being broken after 200 years

>Obsidian actually did explain it wrt. plasma weapons
To be fair, I like Bethesda lasers more.

Actually I prefer Fallout 3 over New Vegas. Fallout 3 had this post-apo feel and New Vegas is annoying for me because of wild west themes which are really out of place.


>post-apo feel

You mean that feel when NPCs all act like they lived through the war which was apparently last week? That feel when there are healthy humans living in a place that was bombed into being so poisonous that 200 years of unchecked nature has not managed to let plants grow back and overtake the city ruins? That feel when everyone is living in junk and nobody has bothered to rebuild? That feel when people don't know that filtering radioactive water through literal sand purifies it? That feel when a non-contagious virus that broke out from a single lab in southern California has affected nearly every animal in Maryland? Or how unmaintained subway tunnels under the Potomac are mysteriously dry despite having needed 24/7 pumps to keep them from flooding before the war?

some are better, some are worse.

Fallout has had cowboy shit since the first game.

Even 3 has cowboy shit with the regulators