>listen to Sup Forums for pc advice when I was a novice
>Convince me to buy this piece of shit that can barely run modern games
>somehow it's my fault that I didn't know any better
Why is PC gaming such a hostile hobby?
>listen to Sup Forums for pc advice when I was a novice
>Convince me to buy this piece of shit that can barely run modern games
>somehow it's my fault that I didn't know any better
Why is PC gaming such a hostile hobby?
It can run modern games, easily. I can't tell if this is bait or your just that retarded.
He's a sonycuck so yea
Maybe you should've asked Sup Forums or google instead of fucking Sup Forums.
And a 970 will play modern games just fine, so you're a retard.
>playing BF1
>as soon as VRAM hits more than 3.5 gigs, I get slow downs and framedrops lit the ass
>happens almost every minute
Barely run nowdays games?
I play battlefield 1 (even with those retarded bugs and neverending bullshit) at 60 fps capped on ultra, overmeme at epic with 150% upscale, witcher 3 on high ultra, gta v on ultra, etc. You nigga need to stop complaining and learn something about optimization and other hardware parts that are involved.
if you would have bought amd you wouldnt have had gimpworks lower your cards performance over time. my 5 year old amd card keeps getting its performance updated by amd and i can run all modern games at max settings usually @1080p
never buy nvidia. they have jewish business practices.
That's just false. I'm running a shitty i7 from like 4 or 5 years ago and the 970 with every setting maxed out and I barely go below 90-100 fps, let alone 60 fps.
It really is a good card, I have no idea what your problem is.
Anyone who suggests a 970 is trolling, you ignorant dope.
How do you function in daily life without someone telling you what to do? I bet you call your mother and ask her if its the right time to hold hands with that landwhale you've been pining for.
The issue is with the VRAM, not the core speed, you black nigger idiot.
Is going SLI cost effective or is it just a meme?
>that can barely run modern games
Do you know how I know your thread is a b8 thread?
>buying a 970 in TYOOL 2016
Well I mean it's a pretty good budget card. Not the best but it's not shit by any means.
SLI is a meme.
How many times has this happened on Sup Forums?
>user see cool card with a great price point!
>claims he doesn't care about 3.5 - he'll just never use those last .5gb!
>comes back whining about why he didn't listen when he finds out what affect 3.5 actually has on performance
there's nothing cost effective about it. The second card does not double the power and it doesn't share its VRAM.
It's not cost effective but it works like fucking magic on the 1080. Maxed out 4k at easily 60fps+ constantly. (Provided the people who made the game you're playing aren't retarded and support sli)
MEME especially if you're asking about cost effectiveness. For that price you might as well get a titan or a xx80 ti or some shit
>can barely run modern games
Even my 740 can run modern games better than "barely", that's how I know you are a lying little shit
How do i get my refund?
Should've bought a 980, go back to your consoles.
I got a GTX970 last year and I run modern games on high-ultra settings
Nice bait OP
I think the deadline is passed by now.
That's weird. Could have sworn it was a hundred wonder why it dropped so low? Probably lawyer fees.
Actually I think I filed for the claim. How would I get my $30? Did they write a check and send to our address?
>things that never happened
the post
I almost fell for the bait too. Picked up a Sapphire 290 for the price of a 280x instead.
Still maxes out pretty much anything at 1080p.
> he brought the 3.5 meme
the ssc was the replacement for the sc after they fucked up the heatpipes and thermal paste iirc. it was one of the cheapest 970's. cheaper than the overpriced msi, gigabye and asus ones anyway.
You missed the deadline, it seems. No more payouts.
>listen to Sup Forums for ... advice
There's your problem.
Of this is the case this is because of something other than your graphics card. The 970 will easily max this game, could be ram? Memory leaks? Do you have a shitty processor?
>look how well this Super-Superclocked version of the card does in game that uses a mantle-esque threading model
Nah, I did it when i first heard about it. I finished the claim and everything. I totally forgot about it now though and I do need $30...
All of Sup Forums is hostile.
Just bought this. What am I in for, Sup Forums?
Even if it is the in the benchmarks SSC the performance difference won't be enough that the game is unplayable like OP claims.
>Buying reference
You fucked up
4K or 144hz gaming enjoy.
>listen to Sup Forums
Then make sure to scour your junk and not accidentally toss it in the trash.
the fuck are you talking about? all the gpu's there are overclocked. the 480 is probably the highest clocked there. the cards around the 970 being the 390x, 1060 and 970 can still be clocked way higher. the 390x can hit 1.2ghz, the 1060 can hit 2.05 ghz and the 970 can hit 1.55 ghz with ease. most 480's can only hit around 1.35 ghz.
don't forget this is an amd optimized game too and the 970 still dominates.
It's your fault for not consulting Everyone knew about the 3.5 meme.
You have no idea what a reference card is.
The Nvidia Founder Edition is a reference card you don't know what a "reference" card is.
>asking Sup Forums about nvidia
Sup Forums is amd central because of muh butt coins and muh deep learning. Sup Forums still thinks the fury x is better than a gtx 1080.
Ignoring the retarded OP, how significant was the jump from 900 series to 1000 series?
Go away.
I'm not the user you replied to. I'm . Can you explain what a reference card is, and whether or not I made a bad purchase?
Sorry for newfag questions.
Yeah this they would tell you to buy an AMD card and install Gentoo.
>The Court will hold a final approval hearing at 9:00 a.m. on December 7, 2016, at the United States District Court
Not yet it seems
you do realise dx12 mode is broken on this game, right? both amd and nvidia lose performance in dx12 when they should gain.
Stop lying you sonynigger
In order to get more than 3.5Gb of VRAM usage on battlefield out of all games you need to be running at 4k ultra and I garantee you a 970 or an r9 290/390 will not get anything above 30fps regardless of VRAM limits.
>playing BF1
>VRAM hits more than 3.5 gigs
I'm playing it on High with a 2GB 960 and I haven't come across any issues. Only drops to ~45fps when there is a lot of this on screen.
The 1070 is pretty much on par with a Titan X or 980ti outperforming them in many games.
its never cost effective unless you get the second card for like 80% off.
it came out only 2 years ago you goof most games are still developed with that card in mind
And holy shit why would you solely go to Sup Forums for advice, there are so many resources on reddit, youtube, everywhere else that are better for PC parts.
It's not hostile, you just kinda goofed and have high expectations of a 2 year old card that still works fine. I'm on a 2GB 760 and that still runs things decently.
a bunch of regret
>Buy a GTX 970 because my 570 was pretty dated
>Go from 1.2GB of VRAM to 4*GB
>Experience no performance issues in any games
>Open monitoring software and never see the VRAM even get close to 3.5GB
>Do some research and find out the 3.5GB thing is actually incredibly rare to experience since most games would never even demand that much outside of extreme texture packs and resolutions that potentially border on exceeding 4GB anyway
>Come to the conclusion Sup Forums has no idea what they're talking about
Business as usual.
What did you mean by this?
heh, the website of the chart you posted even confirms this. maybe you should read better next time instead of blindly believing a random chart.
That card is not a reference card.
Reference card is the original card sold by AMD/Nvidia that is given to their partners to make their own variations of, its basically a template hence the term "reference".
>and whether or not I made a bad purchase?
No 1080 is the most powerful card available right now besides the Titan-X Pascal.
If your 970 can't play all modern games then the problem is on your end OP. you fucked up your computer, don't blame other people.
Thanks mate.
>muh bf1 gets frame drops
I'm playing at a solid 60fps at mid settings on a fucking 760, you are full of shit, Jesus I even have a laptop that plays it at 60fps on mid settings and it only has a 670mx.
The "1080" is only the big chip inside the card (it looks like a cpu. It is up for the assembler (asus, Msi, evga...) to make the card proper (with vram, cooling, overclock, all the capacitors and shit like that)
Nvidia also makes their own version of it, which is known as the "reference". It is usually weaker than the ones assembled by the other groups
Basically the reference is the one pushed out by nVidia themselves and then the other companies (MSI, ASUS, etc) use that to build there own with the different coolers, clocks, etc.
There's nothing inherently wrong with reference but it's somewhat pointless to get a reference when better options exist.
>There's nothing inherently wrong with reference but it's somewhat pointless to get a reference when better options exist.
Well, you know, price.
If you're only concerned about that chart you might as well buy the 780.
the msi gtx 1080 with the custom fans is a great card, no worries there
reference cards are the base model designed by AMD and nVidia that manufacturers like MSI or Asus use as reference when designing their own versions of a graphics card.
AMD reference cards actually have good PCB's (the board itself) while nVidia reference cards are fucking trash, however both use awful blower style coolers that are only efficient in very specific case setups. You really shouldn't ever buy a reference card, even if you want the blower cooler there are aftermarket models that do them better.
a reference gpu is just as the name suggests, it's a reference model for any of the add in board partners (asus, gigabyte etc) to build their own non reference (more commonly known as aftermarket) models.
the reference models come with no overclocks or any special features you get with your asus, gigabyte or etc models. it's also these reference models which are used in most benchmarking charts like but these aren't representative of real world performance since the average person in the market for a gpu doesn't buy reference, but aftermarket instead. aftermarket gpu's generally come with overclocks and performance between a reference gpu and an aftermarket gpu can be wildly different eg .
don't believe reference benchmarks or at least take them with a pinch of salt.
If you dont care about 4k, the 1070 will run everything about the same as the 1080, for like 300 less. If you do care about 4K, then that card will only run it at around 45 FPS. They will most likely have 4K 60FPS gaming in like 2 or 3 years, and usually when I purchase a $700 card, i dont want to change it that soon.
Reference is usually more expensive than some non-overclocked builds
i can run almost every game on ultra @ 1080p with a 180$ r9 380x i bought a year ago
get fucked Sup Forums
b-but Sup Forums told me you have to spend $1000 upgrading every 6 months thats why I bought a PS4
So what's up with the daily HAHA LOOK AT THOSE IDIOTS THAT GOT A 970 threads?
What is the goal here? To try to scare uninformed people away from purchasing a 970? Because they shouldn't be getting one in 2016 when there's a new series out anyways.
you can't even buy a 970 anymore anyway since it's end of life. people just like to meme about it out of jealousy because it's the most popular gpu in the world.
So i want a decent card at 1080p 60 fps.
Is the 1070 enoug?
Price seems decent, but i'm worried it will be obsolete in the near future.
1060 is the 1080p/60 card. 1070 is overkill unless you plan on getting a 1440p or 144hz monitor.
I currently have a 1070 and it gives way more performance than I need but I plan to get a new monitor and future proofing is always nice.
The 1080 is the 4K card.
Most people using PC are older, 20s and up, and expect you to do your own research before you buy anything.
You know, like an adult. When I built my first PC I was a total novice, spent 6 weeks researching each individual piece of hardware and what they do and how much I need i.e ram/cpu/gpu/mobo/etc.
Dropping 1200+ $$$ without knowing your shit is a retard move user. And you can't blame anybody but yourself.
>buying a 970 when a 390 exists
Congratulations on not being retarded. Seriously, the only games that need more then a 970/390(x)/1060/480 are shitty ports like Watch Dogs 2 or Mafia3
and see
>buy gaming pc parts last week
>had to buy magnetic screwdriver
>had to buy usb to transfer shit
>had to buy plastic cable ties
>had to buy an extension cable for a piece
If you ever build one, just fucking let Best Buy or microcenter whatever build your shit for $50. Gayass, frustrating, non-fun experience
wow what a shit card the 970 is
are you retarded or just trolling? he even said dx12 mode was broken in this game. the 970 btfo the 390 in the actual working dx11 mode. and seedamage control harder.
Not doing proper research makes it "hostile"? The 970 shouldn't even have been an option once NVIDIA's lies and its gimped nature were exposed. Buying a 390(X) would've been a much better choice, but you're not going to come to that conclusion by listening to others because NVIDIA has the most marketshare and the most fanboys, so if you come to a place like Sup Forums to make purchasing decision the voices of reason will be drowned out by the fanboys. That's why you need to do sufficient research to understand what you're buying. Having experience certainly helps, but with the 970 in particular the lies should've been an absolutely huge red flag.
Sup Forums in general isn't a very good place to get graphics card opinions from anyway. Yes, there are people who will actually give you information based on facts, but there are way more fanboys. There are shitloads of NVIDIA owners and shitloads of fanboys and the AMD group pretty much responds in kind, with the same style of rabid fanboyism and lack of objectivity.
Why do Sonyfags have such an inferiority complex?
there's worse, be lucky you didn't experience the linux community
The future is dx12 m8, in a couple of patches the 970 will be irrelevant, like any other nvidia card not released literally last week.
>have Google to investigate sources and articles
>ask Sup Forums knowing full well it's not exactly Sup Forums or /r/
It is your own fault
I just went the easy route and got a custom one from Cyberpowerpc. Picked out my parts, got some "free" shit like mouse and keyboard, and got it mailed to me.
I don't doubt that I probably spent like $100 on manufacturing, and another $50 for the "free" shit, but I'm a lazy fuck/
>cant even get 60fps on some current gen titels
Seems like the 1060 is already obsolete.
>The future is dx12
yeah in 3/4 years when it becomes the industry standard and when both of these cards will be outdated. for now dx11 is the standard and all available steam, gog, origin etc games come with a dx11 mode which the 970 thrives in. anyone who bought a 390 and sacrificed performance over a 970 so they can play games at 30 fps in 2020 is a retard.
1060 or rx480?
Also rx 490 when?