
How come nobody post nothing
Give me the funny Sup Forums


I will never stop pointing out that the original comic was about comics and he only changed it to quiet later


Why does this guy care so much about how owlturd makes his comics?


>in LOL threads

I know i may sound retrograded because we are on Sup Forums, but i feel bad at the thought that paper books are going to disappear one day.
Maybe i'm the only one because i used to read a lot and i have quite a library of dusty books but whatever.

>male sex-negative feminist telling artists what to do
really makes me laugh



Now do loss edit

I had an incident at a Barnes and Noble yesterday where two cashiers and a manager wouldn't recognize the coupon code on the website, even though I pulled out my phone and showed it to them. This happened over the course of 30 seconds and I just gave up and paid the extra $5 that I would have saved, even though I was "legally" within the right to demand something that their corporate office arranged.

People can be idiots, but I'm not going to blame a bunch of wage slaves just because their corporate office didn't communicate something well to them. I don't know how old Dobson is but the fact that he's still bitter about this is astounding to me. I guess we don't grow wiser just because we get older.

this can not be real


Is Dobson literally our guy?


That is a loss edit.




>I don't know how old Dobson is but the fact that he's still bitter about this is astounding to me.
Ever read the rest of his comics? He's bitter about everything that happened to him, and sulks about how he was bullied. He's perpetually stuck in 11th grade.

How much must someone be autistic to feel bad about something like this after 5 years?
I don't kow this guy but holy shit.

I don't understand, is some tranny bullshit?

I don't understand

I actually feel bad that I even tried to press the issue. The only people I see who flip out over things like this are middle-aged women with huge egos and no sense of purpose. I don't want to be like that.

It's terrifying to me that so many people seem to stay like that as they grow older.

women fought for the right to wear pants......


0 Trixie
1-2 Gwen
3-4 Blossom
5-6 Hikari
7-8 Frankie
9 Penelope

Yes. It's a tranny being 'disgusting'. It's utterly baffling. I refuse to post the one about bad Thai food or whatever it is. Not that guy either. I saved it for pure security reasons.

Yes, dont give it attention that's what it wants.

So hella epic only true Sup Forumsros will understand!! Haha, suck it newfags lurk moar!!

LOL men being men

Its a trap

> in mid-20s
> genuinely turned off by sexualized depictions of underage girls

What the fuck happened to me?

Please baby please.

I wonder if that summer camp porn comic is still updating

would you?

this is genuinely funny

nah he is just transparent.

Look up his cattyN work and you can tell he objectifies women as a fetish. Like literally carrying them around as helpless balloons. So him preaching women rights and such is hilarious. Even more so since he takes himself seriously.

Why is this pedo shit in every thread?

but gwen tho

autism now means any behavior from people i don't like

I am gonna be sooo ashamed of my deeds in about 10 minutes.

I remember emarrasing stuff from when I was a kid all the time but man, i don't go posing my retardation over twitter or facebook for everyone to see, comment and mock. Clearly this type of person wants to be trolled.

Trixie is fucking THICC

>The only people I see who flip out over things like this are middle-aged women with huge egos and no sense of purpose. I don't wanna be like that.

The fuck dude, are you me?

The joke is that most women's clothing is HELL for women with penises.


Books are superior until the mold kicks in

protest against shit posting.

Thats why you buy cute women panties that have been made for trannies.

i got a 9 last time lets do this 7 & up


>women with penises

What people never notice is the asterisks around most of these coupons and deals, with a little message at the bottom that says "may not apply at all participating stores," or something to that effect. Basically, if corporate doesn't tell a store to run a deal, they're not going to run it, no matter what your little coupon on your phone says.




Nah, it happens. You are there on your couch and something about ages ago hits you but you dismmiss it right away, maybe shrug for a second or whatever. You don't go to social media for everyone to know about it.

Why does anyone care about anything at all? Really makes you think.

>Serious look at a relationship
Is the relationship dysfunctional?

Seriously though. What is it with artists?

You can get your way in retail situations without sperging out. It happens all the time. But its understandable to think that ways since some people go nuts and make it seem like nutting under is the polite thing to do.

>le silly faec

aw yiss, sweet thicc tricc


god trannies are freaks.

>i literally can't understand why a masturbation material has sex in it
Fucking Dobson



where does Gara post now? I know he has a Pixiv account and a few other but it seems like you have to go all over the place just to find his new stuff. Surely he posts everything in one particular place?


I haven't seen this before. How recent is this? Has this been edited in any way?

My blood is kind of boiling from looking at it.

It's been a long time since we had a Blacksad thread.


There is also a Patreon. As far as I know that character sheet is for a comic he's working on.


How come Dobbo didn't kill himself yet

Dobson is a sexist loser who adopted feminism as a way to asskiss and make himself desirable in the eyes of women. Didn't work.

I think most young men (who aren't narcissists) feel this way.

There's something anti-masculine over making a fuss about something that doesn't matter.


Can someone edit the last panel so that the red book has 'Your opinion' written on the front?

I would still feel bad, but because I was acting like an idiot.

How many girls do you think it's helped like him?


Cheers, I'm getting sick of Dobson, trannies, and bum tickley every thread

>tfw 7, 8 or 9

Prolly has something to do with the 'pre-teen' girls beihhg drawn with the hips of a greek goddess.


When will the next one be released?

It hurts me so hard that I'm saying this.

But Dobson is right, in this singular instance.


I worked at Blockbuster years ago. Some people would argue for an hour over a 2 dollar late fee. people with 20 dollars or more would just pay the fee and not give a fuck.

>he draws himself with hair

You turned gay

I don't get it, is the guy that wrote this a flat-earther?

Never. Muhahahaha.


>We will never have a genuinely funny LOL thread anymore.
>Now it's mostly you realizing how degenerate all these comic artists are.


Wait, it's always been that way.

Why are comic artists, or artists in general, so disgustingly beta?