>le crysis meme
>jaggy edge
Fuck you all I'm going out and play sports
>he thinks the bottom one looks the best
>B-B-But true gaymers play on pc!
Needs aliasing, but the bottom one looks the most realistic.
Middle one looks good, but it's like it has some kind of filter to give it an effect.
OP when you downscale something set the thing to bicubic or billinear, if you leave it on nearest neighbor the shit will stick out and idiots will think it's the actual game producing the aliasing
nice try xboner
Enjoy your bloom and overdone sun corona graphics faggot.
Dumbass doesn't know the difference between art style choice and actually failing to simulate a forest. You're comparing a cartoonish game to a realistic game.
But thats wrong. The lighting makes no sense. Several plants stick out lit up for no reason while the rest around it seems like its not even in the same area. Maybe if you went outside once in awhile you would know.
Enjoy your glaringly bad textures and overdone god rays I guess
since when can PC do godrays without serious lag?
How about gameplay?
>play, play, play even when your fingers break
>second and third
>cutscene, more cutscene, épic cinematic cutscene xD
Meh, fuck you, OP.
Reminder that "realistic" is not an artstyle that sets a game apart from other games.
More like
>epic cutscenes AND gameplay xD
Reminder that the forest on the top can actually be explored.
>play, play, play even when your fingers break
You're talking about Mario Kart 8 right?
But it does.
Trust me I'm an art student.
>any ps4 and xbox one
Fucking kek.
Realistic style will always be the worst style for video games. They're supposed to be an escape from reality, not a replication.
Good art direct makes good graphics
Shit ass art direction makes bad graphics. Computer specs won't fix
Graphics are a meme, lighting is qhere the magic lies.
all of those look good to me
Fallout isn't realism you dunce.
A lot of Sup Forumsirgins have this tendency to label anything not outrageously stylized all as "realistic".
Wow amazing pc gaymers get to play 10 year old games and the indie trash that comes up on steam. But hey at least you guys have mobas and the occasional strategy game. Thats something r-right?
Post moar of Marie, she being a little a piggy
A. Red Dead Redemption?
B.Wind Waker
C. Fallout 4
that's awesome user.
now tell me which one that you can take outside?
>Interactive Forest
>Static Forest
>Static Forest
Our standards just get higher the more realistic the graphics become. I thought Metal Gear Solid looked incredible as a kid. Going back to play it now it just looks blocky and ridiculous and it's hard to believe I ever thought it looked good. Meanwhile any game with 2D sprites or prerendered backgrounds looks just as good now as it always did. It's timeless, it doesn't "age". Something like Dragon's Crown will still be beautiful in the year 2200. Meanwhile our current graphics titans will look like shit to people then.
Isnt that bottom photo from Call Of Duty Ghosts which was also a launch title for consoles?
Reminder that as always, 'stylized' is a meme used to compensate and excuse lack of skill and technical ability
>wii u version
shall we compare Skyward Sword and The Last Of Us and see which has more uninterupted gameplay?
Found it
It's from crysis 1 bud.
>I'm an art student.
>one latte for user!
I'm talking pc you fool
I'm not saying that realism in art isn't able to set itself apart from other forms of realism in art.
I'm saying that if a game gets made to look "realistic" there is nothing you can go to from there, if you don't apply some form of abstraction and thus distance yourself from realism.
The only thing you actually can progress in terms of realism in games is (as shown in op) it will look more and more like a foto. The intention of making it "just like in the real world" is there, though. Even if they failed to emulate that perfectly.
I can agree on that when it comes to character design and such, but the enviroment is clearly meant to be realistic, is it not?
>compensate and excuse lack of skill and technical ability
Even if that were true (which it isn't), most titles that people come back to and hold it very dear, are the ones with a clear and recognisable art style.
People mocking art majors is a shame.
Art majors is the reason why your fucking video games are as pretty as they are.
But the forest in Crysis could be torn down by gunfire.
Source for bottom pic? I think thats cod ghost.
>WiiU, 2015
Crysis and Zelda are good games
Uncharted/Last of us are not
What's this futuristic flora garbage?
Don't you have a muslim cock to polish Hans?
yep i knew it, since i found it bad the first time i saw it (god rays aren't coming from the sun).
>Needs aliasing
Crysis has the most dynamic foliage ever. Far better than Breath of the Wild.
Looks like fucking shit.
If this was released on PS4 we could of seen its true potential.
That's a Jungle not a Forest
>Looks like fucking shit.
Mind explaining me how foliage getting epilepsy equals to dynamic?
>art """"""""""""""""""""student""""""""""""""""""""
Well, at least you read it all.
nobody cares dipshit, it's still a movie
what fucking meme image is this?
>when xclusive games for your advanced system are not seen to the horizon, but you must speak however
>when you can't the english, but you must post however
the never ending crysis maymay!! xddd also in 2007 pretty much no one have a PC that can handle that
inb4: it worked on mine :^)
Yes, do that.
At least I got 2 (You)'s, my dear monsieur LeButthurt.
the way I see it Skyward Sword stops you every 2 seconds to explain something to you while The Last Of Us has a total of 2 hours of cutscenes which are all skipable in it. There are walking sections but you can explore in them and are always in full control. Also the gameplay is better and actually has new ideas :)
Crysis simulates the wind. If you throw a grenade, the explosion will move the air and the air will push the foliage.
Try yourself
Then hurry up and bring my pizza you're already past thirty minutes!
>the explosion will move the air and the air will push the foliage
How old are you again?
this, to be quite frank.
Had a quick look at that, found the same shit games have been already using for quite a long time, however absolutely nothing about simulating the air. If you'd mind actually quoting what you wanted to show me that would be nice.
This looks pretty good, actually.
>but the bottom one looks the most realistic
No it doesn't. Go outside sometime and tell me with a straight face that forests look that grimdark.
just say cartoon you fag