Playing this for the first time

Playing this for the first time.

What am I in for?

Anything I need to know?

You have to use a sound patch to get the voices to work but otherwise it's as straightforward as it can get. You shoot people in slow motion.

the sound-fix's required on any machine running OS made after XP.

Other than that, the game's simple, there's a handy, optional tutorial I suggest taking first. The game can be tough at times though, so don't fool around.

Top tip: bind shootdodge to right mouse and bullet time to shift. Don't use combo bullet time/shoot dodge. As you get better, you'll find bullet time more useful.

Just play it, you sack of crap.

I've played it for a bit but the sounds seemed fine? Can you elaborate on the issues?

You can't hear the voices in comic books and some dialogues on newer systems unless you get the sound fix.

Weird, it's working fine for me and I'm on W10.

it's not always as obvious, but if you ever see there being voice-overs for some subtitles / effects feeling muffled, you got problems.

Eternal constipation.

You are invincible to bullets when you roll, and this is how you can beat the entire game without bullet time or shootdodge
Enemies don't need to be alive to throw grenades, they are actually thrown by scripts

It's pretty basic, linear run n gun. When you enter a new room, use bullet-time 'cause there will likely be 2-3 guys shooting at you with no warning. Also quicksave often, cause enemies can kill you easily.

Actually there is no way enemies can kill you in max payne 1 if you run circles around them. Their aim constantly lag behind you and bullets fly at arrow speed. What happens when you enter new room, enemies aiming and firing are 2 separate actions actually, and when you enter they didn't aim at you yet but fire as soon as they spot you. And the point the aim at happens to be right spot to hit you as you move.

May need a widescreen fix if all your shots are slightly off.




How about you shut the fuck up and just play it already?

Cucks these days, man.

>playing video games


This and widescreen fix.

Yeah, it's certainly a game built around quicksaves. There are also many occasions where enemy scriptedly lobs a grenade on you when you enter some corridor/room/etc. and those are extremely likely to 1-shot you on the first time.

But yeah, it's still surprisingly fun as whole, it's just that sequels make the actual action part of it a whole lot better.

It's still a lot of fun even now. I just recently replayed it and it reminded me just how much I missed the setting and narrative. Still very well worth the play.

I totally recommend the kung fu mod though sometime. It's ridiculously fun.


Threre is no other game like the first Max Payne.

Max Payne 2 i differente and Max Payne 3 is completely different.

Do what I did. Play it and then play Max Payne 2, then never touch the series again (unless replaying the first two). I never had any problems because I played the games at release, but if you have any compatibility issues, there are patches.

you should also play the third game, it's good, just different (the shooting is top tier, and it's a huge part of the series)


Why wouldn't you play 3? It might have too much cutscenes etc., but it also has the best shooting in the whole series.

Don't answer, it's a rhetoric question.

The first game is the best one

the rest are fucking trash



>setting and narrative
This. I have memories of playing it in the middle of the night, in winter, lights off, windows open... Was really easy to immerse myself & feel all alone in a huge city


I can't say you have to rely on quicksaves that much since Max Payne is a ridiculously short game, something like two hours on subsequent playthroughs.

Doesn't the wide-screen fix add weird visual artifacts to hallways put of the 4:3 view? I just played at a higher resolution in 4:3.

the game's atmosphere is less fun after you kill the boss jack lupino

Be prepared to abuse the games mechanic. a Lot.

>Abuse bullettime in a game literally built around bullettime

Rhetorical questions.

OP here lads, made it to chapter 3. I'm really liking it so far, the game's tough at times but the combat still holds up. Digging the narrative and atmosphere too.

I really have to abuse the quicksaving though, as you guys have said. Enemies aren't exactly sharpshooters but they do a lot of damage when they do hit so it comes down to trial and error a lot, especially when I try to go into a new room.

Also the game has bugs when it's running at above 60FPS so I needed to cap it.

have fun with machine gunners in later levels

Glad you liked it so far. I found a physical copy in a kiosk a few weeks back, for no reason sharing.

>CD in a bag

I legit thought Crowbcat had released a new video. Don't trick me like this OP.

The fuck is this?

I didn't understand what was going on in this scene when I played it for the first time as a kid, until my dad who had been watching it with me forcibly skipped the cutscene, which to me implied that it was something that little kids shouldn't see. And that's how I became gay.

Hahahahaha that looks like how they would sell games at a gas station

is he "our" guy?


>mfw I didn't bother with MP3 because they downgraded his face
>mfw it turned out to be great decision

No, that was a dumb life choice, MP3 is perfectly cromulent and worth playing through.




>thug snipes you 1000m away with a sawed off shotty

Is this a rhetorical question?



>not backdiving and blowing his head in

1. They changed his face in MP2 already
2. 1>3>2

Max Payne 2 is superior.

Mona best girl

Vinnie was my favorite thug