Is final fantasy as a series done for for good?

is final fantasy as a series done for for good?

I will make sure you are done for good if you dont share the sauce

I don't think so, FF XV seems to be rather popular. I think it did a good job of making it relevant again.

its julia and anri
if you need more than this you don't deserve it
get to work


Get out normalshits

>its julia and anri
Say no more pham

dead for a long time now move on you sad fuck

Every other mainline game after FF XII is a dissapointment.

>julia and anri never did a video together despite working on the same company together
>anri retired and will never happen

FF7R will determine that

>l-le normies

Very good the fantasy two girls on dick.


>The questionable episodic release of an already divisive game will determine the fate of what was previously the biggest name in gaming

Yep, thats the price we pay for XV's failure.

No other game has the same level of clout as FF7, its do or die.

Kids these days don't know about FFX.

Anyone else lost any interest into women that use makeup ?
I see makeup and automatically go NOPE.

I guess that's because i'm old enough and want to start a family, and deception along with an inability to accurately appraise genetic potential of the woman are responsible for this phenomena ?

is it true anri had to stop because of cancer?

Man fuck that movie. The scene with Lulu is censored like there's no tomorrow. Jacking off to pixels.

XIV exist.

I'm 24 and i think like you.

Julia and Anri are so overrated

>Anyone else lost any interest into women that use makeup ?

Not really.

I mean there are quite a few women who look good regardless.

It just sucks that most women (nowadays) are entitled cunts.

I wish I could say stuff like this in public with being called a weirdo/bitter person.

Oh please, FF was never THE biggest name in gaming. Sure VII was considered "the bes tgame evaaarrrr" by tards but the remake was nothing more than a trump card.

>le shit taste
>le two most overmemed jav actresses on vee
>le who am i greenfonting

It's all about presentation. Would you prefer a woman who dresses normally or one who wears nicer clothes? I completely understand where you're coming from and I respect it, but I still personally feel that trying to look your best is okay. Some women are extremely fake and try to hide it with appearance, but other women just want to look nice and they know they aren't fooling anyone. I can be happy with the latter.

As a fucking shit game, yeah.

No, because normies will buy anything that has enough of a marketing budget.

>Julia and Anri never got BLACKED

Would have loved to have seen it happen

no makeup doesn't mean what you think it means


Please never pass down your genetics. Does anyone else feel like cucks shouldn't be allowed to marry or populate.

glad i dont have to be bothered with this as a man, looks so fucking cumbersome

I just need to wash my face and not have any acne, then i'm good

desu I feel like anyone who watches, thinks about or practices sex with any population originating further south than Madrid should get a complimentary bullet in the head

fo realsis literally look better, or at the very least good enough to not bother.
I will never understand how women get through the day with all their headgames.

The first makes me think about a tired mother busy taking care of our six children and i want her tbf

Ah wait, pierced ear. No thanks.

>Anri Okita will never EVER do uncensored

I mean, it's like the Cold War of appearances. If all women could agree to stop buying makeup, then this wouldn't be an issue at all, yet there are those who can't cope with how they look, so they buy the makeup, furthering its solidity in society. If I just magically changed sex tomorrow, you can bet I wouldn't wear any.

I can almost guarantee you're one of those fucking retards who thinks "no make up" means somehow still having tiny bits of make up.

Here's a tip: it is extremely rare for a woman to ACTUALLY not be wearing make up.

You should try learning the ins and outs of make up so you can be better educated instead of being a fucking retarded 16 year old who always spouts, "girls look better without make xd."

1st and 3rd look best tbqh

>Here's a tip: it is extremely rare for a woman to ACTUALLY not be wearing make up.

This, they put that shit before breakfast

>Ah wait, pierced ear. No thanks.

I'm sure you're a regular Prince Charming type of looking fellow, right? :^ )
I don't give a shit if women are judged over that, but it just makes me laugh when faggots like you gripe about EAR PIERCINGS then go on to complain that "women are such vapid whores these days why don't they like me :("

your image just tops it all off too

It's not a question of looking better.
I don't know about this feel, how to word it. I want genuine ? I want accurate ? I want... Real ?
Meh, i know what i want and makeup isn't it.

U mad landwhale?

it's for the better, she has a nasty busted vag

No. The new game got good reviews and sold well.

>Anri will never ever do uncensored BLACKED

Why even live

It doesn't help that in the no-makeup photo she's making a retarded face and the lighting is bad. Which she obviously did on purpose to try to force her point.

>reviews from paid shills matter when its a game I like

You're already defeated, you can't even come up with a proper response, you have to resort to a template insult to even stand on one leg. It's alright, I used to be a virgin too, but then I learned about realistic standards and became much happier.

What do i care how i am ?
I'm not a woman or an homosexual, what the fuck should i know what type of man would attract what i want, and even if i did, since i desire genuineness for my potential mate, why the fuck would i try to be anything but what i am ?

What kind of logic is that, m8 ?

why is anri so overrated?


Off yourself.

People hate Anri because she got popular. When Tanaka was the most popular JAV and Anri was just getting discovered literally everyone loved her.

I haven't played it. The story seems like the weak link, and that's way I'd play it. Paying for reviews isn't really something that happens.

>Paying for reviews isn't really something that happens.

those 8/10s arent cheap homie

You're just setting yourself up for failure if a perfect women comes along but then a piercing turns you off from the whole thing. I'm not saying that you can't think the way you do, just don't be bitching about life when it doesn't go your way, that's all.

Honestly, how can you even hook up with someone this hot ?

I know I'm putting this chick on a pedestal, she just looks amazing.

>Paying for reviews isn't really something that happens.
No, but paying for """advertising""" with the understanding that your games will be given good review scores is.

>being this mad
Top kek.

you kinda just do it

because MIDE 119, 213, and 233 are the GOAT jav vids if you like POV but aren't into fetish shit.

You seriously sound like a 16 year old.

The idea of what you think, "No make up" is in your head is vastly different than real life.

Whether or not you choose to believe is up to you, of course, but I have messed around with cuck couples before cause it's easy as hell to get in with one, partly due to the fact that the female is usually pretty good looking since that typically plays a part in either the dude wanting to whore her out or the girl knowing she has leverage over him with her looks.

No makeup/body modification, no wasting money on trendy clothes and otherwise being low-maintenance ( since we'd have children to pay for, can't waste money on retarded shit ), and not being monstrous-looking and not being a complete psychopath.
All others variables are literally irrelevant.

That's hardly seeking perfection !

What's so special about these women?

They are ugly.

am I getting reverse-trolled

That's pretty easy to find.

I guess that's true. I usually watch Easy Allies reviews lately. They're pretty solid. Ben Moore's review of this game convinced me it wasn't for me, even though he gave it a great score.

Sure. Still don't want it.

Which one would you marry Sup Forums?

>and otherwise being low-maintenance ( since we'd have children to pay for, can't waste money on retarded shit ),

underage b&

We could keep going down this road, but any further would be a waste of my time and I'm not about to sit here and entertain you all day because you want to cling to anything to feel validated. I've already said it once, but you can't come up with a decent response, which means I was right or the case is you're just baiting for the fun of it, in which case, it's not good or fun at all, so I'm making the winning move by ceasing to continue after this.