Is there a game we can all agree is good??
Is there a game we can all agree is good??
NO, because Sup Forums doesn't consist of one(1) person, stupid ass frogposter.
Tetris is garbage! Too much repetition. Needs more shapes.
Weak storyline desu
anything made by hideo kojima
Chrono Trigger
Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden
fucking garbage balance
straight block is op
burnout 3
soul calibur 2
No, but there is ONE game all of Sup Forums agrees is bad
the game of Life
Jackie Chan
What about the cereal of Life?
Why you'd look to any big anonymous mass of random assholes and expect to find a consensus is completely fucking beyond me.
Think your yourself, faggot.
Sup Forums has to be the most unmature board. I'm in r9k mostly and there isn't this amount of ass holes there.
Ghost trick
Runescape 2007
Old RuneScape
Mario Kart DS
Pokemon HGSS and BW
Medieval TW
Club Penguin
Did I miss anything?
sdt desu
Yeah not bad.
I'd also say WoW TBC.
Just morrowind has more haters than players.
Still the best 1973, fite me
Rocket league
Honestly probably the best multiplayer game made last gen
DKC 2, Paper Mario and AOE II are universally loved
You have a fine taste, user.
Undertake :^)
Replace skyrim with new vegas
World at War?
bloodborne, even if nobody likes it
Old RuneScape - Hell no
Morrowind - Maybe
Oblivion - Maybe
Skyrim - No
MW - Maybe
MW2 - Fuck no, the point of decline
BLOPS II - It had a good campaign, but that's about it
Mario Kart DS - Yes
Pokemon HGSS and BW - Maybe
BF1942 - Yes
BF2 - Maybe
Medieval TW - Yes
Club Penguin - No
Cave Story
Shit, how did I forget about New Vegas?
100% Orange Juice
Everybody loves that game!
One of my fav games, but there is a ton of cut content & new game+ doesn't have higher level enemies
Idk about you but the half life mod The Specialists is the shit. The last bit of active community needs more daily players
no one mentioning this?
Max Payne 2
f-zero gx?
The game where you get (You)s
splinter cell chaos theory
Morrowind just too hard for the post 2010 gamer to get into. It requires real critical thought and abstract problem solving. Most haters say it's bad cause it's the popular opinion, but what do you expect from popularity sheep.
at least one of the STALKER games
Deus Ex
Unreal Tournament 2k4
Killing floor. Not the garbage sequel
>Morrowind just too hard for the post 2010 gamer to get into.
Bullshit. It might be hard for retards to get into. I started playing it this year and had no issues whatsoever.
Red Dead Redemption
reinstalled, thank you green jesus.
all bethesda games except oblivion
>Medieval TW
>not Rome
>burnout 3
don't you mean burnout paradise?
Wow, I actually can't argue with these. I don't like JSR but Sup Forums never dogs on it.
Battle for bikini bottom
TimeSplitters 2
system shock 1 was better
I don't think I've seen any overwhelming hate for Mount & Blade.
Wait until SS3 gets released and System Shock automatically gets called a shit series.
Like its spiritual successor.
drop your pathetic facebook maymays and maybe ill try to respect your shitty opinion
but bioshock 1____ is a good game
Anyone who denies Sup Forums loves HGSS is a lying faggot and wasn't here in 2009
It singlehandedly caused /vp/ to be created
Doesn't matter, all the Bioshock games are now ''objectively'' shit or so says Sup Forums.
I also liked Bioshock 1, and still have B2/I on my backlog, even though I don't really play games anymore.
>I don't really play games anymore.
Yet you browse Sup Forums?
Same here, user
I don't browse Sup Forums either, I just occasionally check to see if anything here changed at all.
It didn't obviously, it never will.
Undertale b4 tumblr popularity
Deus Ex, Super Metroid, Fallout New Vegas, Metal Gear Solid, Planescape Torment.
Yeah you have two incredibly overrated open world rpgs that gave a company free leave to turn out more trash and ruin an entirely different ip
2 of them are shit. find which ones
>it will never be time to split ever again
pic highly related
It doesn't have to. There is still good content hidden in-between all the inane shit, and there always will be. That's Sup Forums for you.
I too have all of them in my library, played infinite, never finished it, same with 1, but i finished that game a long time before on ps3, for some reason i just get obsessed with games for a period of time and if i don't get done with them in a few days, tough luck, i usually end up forgetting about them, or i just give them a try and don't really get hooked.
The latter example is lisa, that game illustrates a world in mechanics, writing and art beautifully but the world itself is so twisted and sad i have to force myself to play it.
And i really can't be bothered with a game that makes me feel like that, and i feel i might end up like you sooner than later.
although i'll still be here doing nothing productive
The ones you don't like?
It really isn't worth your time to try and find the 'decent' content. I've been there, swing through a pile of shit to get to a simple fun thread isn't worth it.
But after all it's your time and you can waste it however you want.
Trick question, they're all great games.
>cinematic experiences are good
fuck off sony shill. tetris is a movie.
Fucking shit, there aren't enough basketballs
arena shooters.
I get that.
And that's why I gave up on games at the moment.
I just can't bring myself to finishing games and to me not finishing a game that I've wasted hours on is just wasted time regardless of the fun I've had along the way.
But that's not the game's fault, that's just my general shittyness.
If you ever find yourself in the same spot just try something else, movies,anime,music, anything really.
Bioshock 2 was wonderful, and I'd say it was much better than the first
Skip infinite it's incredibly mediocre
Life isn't bad once you learn proper hygiene, and how to socialise
I wouldn't say I really try particularly hard though. I don't browse Sup Forums all day, I just spend a few minutes scrolling through the catalog, if there's a thread that interests me I read it, if not, I do something else. I absolutely understand what you mean though.
Paradise was garbage and not a burnout game.