A friendly reminder

To those unfamiliar of how Hideo Kojima works in releasing MGS and how he will release Death Stranding.

Even before you buy it, you are playing the game right now. Kojima is a master of hype generation. Both E3 and VGA trailers are shot and edited in a way to be intentionally vague. Heavy use of symbolism and little clarity create a piece that is prime for speculation and fan theories about the characters, setting and gameplay.

Except there's one problem. The trailers aren't released so you can create a picture of the game before you buy it, they are purely a platform for creating sales. More Speculation = More Awareness = More Sales. This is the game Kojima plays every time he releases a product.

The moral of the story is this: Don't buy into anything you hear about the 'story' prior to release. Underneath all the false symbolism is a simple commercial trying to generate hype. Expect the final product to be radically different to what you have seen thus far.

I've seen nothing. You've got nothing, Kojima. Nothing.

jesus christ

is there a group on Sup Forums more autistic than kojimadrones?

so this is *not* Big Boss Approved?


3ds version...

>Autism buzzword

I swear I have no idea what you're trying to say here

What's autistic about anything in OP's post? Fucking newfags being contrarian assholes and spewing buzzwords to fit in xd

Kojima has lost his game developing powers, Death Stranding is just the product of his own phantom pains. He is an old fool, clinging to a glorious past.

lol fuck u mgsv was awesomesauce

it's no buzzword, user!

And what's the difference between MGSV and Death Stranding?
Kojima working for Konami. Now we'll see what he can amount to without the infrastructure he worked with for most of his life. Now we'll see if there's anything left in him after working for almost decades on a series he didn't even want to keep going.

Consider this:

The babies in the game are used to travel through time.

>Kojima has lost his game developing powers
Someone post the "Punished" kojima edit

Maybe it's not buzzword elsewhere, but it is here

Time-travel babies? How do they work?

And to do that, they master the power of photosynthesis (evidenced by the sun existing).

Your speculation is retarded as mine

wut? Now he has sony behind him

Yes, and?

>Leaves company
>Joins bigger company

He'll have MORE assets to work with you ultimate bonerlord.

This game is PS4 exclusive right?


Venom didn't care about Quiet.

I will point out this fact in every single mg/s thread until all mg/s discussion dies.

too bad the teaser was so fucking bland i couldn't even watch it in its entirety

a teaser's supposed to catch your attention in a few seconds, that's the whole point of it. this was a drab, masturbatory heap of shit, so i guess at least it was pretty close to something else mads mikkelsen starred in.

Perhaps but I will still buy it because Kojima hasn't dissapointed me yet, even MGSV altough I admit I felt sad for the abrupt ending I liked it still.
That's money that sony well invested, now I have another reason to buy a PS4 besides Bloodborne.

I dunno, I just woke up and had a dream about this. Shit makes no sense.

Judging by this drawing. I guess Kojima himself will be in the next trailer.

And will Sony put a lid on his bullshit?

You post it, you lazy shit.

>Kojimer went to normandy several years ago
It's about cobra unit, so another mgs game, but without "mgs" in title.

Holy shit, OP finally cracked the case of "why companies create trailers." The rest of us never figured that out OP, thanks for posting this amazing insight.

Is the fatso Refn?

Mad looks like a twink
Kojima looks like he's a retiree

>The trailers aren't released so you can create a picture of the game before you buy it, they are purely a platform for creating sales. More Speculation = More Awareness = More Sales.

Oh fuck off
Kojima just wishes people to be mindful

There is literally nothing wrong with making people speculate, it's a nice thing to do.

>There is literally nothing wrong with making people speculate
It is when the trailers are designed to be deceptive. Not a single MGSV trailer revealed the actual game

what are you talking about? they had most of the story in them!

Who is bank rolling this?
Kohima was way over budget before getting two huge stars in his game. Is this going to be a 5 minute game because all the budget went to the actors?

They're all connected by the baby
>We use ropes to keep what we want close to us
>If whales die while stranding, it's called a death stranding
>Norman's character loses the baby's presence when Del Todo's character connects himself to the baby
>Mads' character breaths in and becomes clean implying his soldiers got the fetus from Del Toro's character
>Norman looses baby - Del Toro activates it - Mads and four soldiers take it from him - While Norman walks up and 5 entities appear

My guess is the baby is either their chance at life again, and Norman must've been the first one to have(Since he is emotionally connected to it), Del Toro the thief(since he only showed fear for himself) and Mads some mercenary out for his chance(soldiers and no emotion).

Explain the cuffs

>getting hyped over a trailer with zero gameplay

>it's a PlayStation game
It's to be expected


must be nice being a child

idk user, Im just speculating


>The first boss is literally a man with a whale fetus attached to his body

This game is sketching me out really badly

What did Clyde mean by this?

Has no one noticed the poster says. "Eat standing"?

>Even before you buy it, you are playing the game right now

Have you fuckers become so desperate to defend him that you're now saying teasers and trailers are gameplay? fucking hell MGSV broke you all.

the cult of kojima is fucking pathetic.

>mgs4 was only subpar because he was tired of the series!
>it was konamis fault for everything wrong with 5!

dont blame sony when he burns you again.

>Kojima has lost his game developing powers

This. It's sad to see the same man who created MGS1 become this shell of a developer he is now.

the only good thing about mgsv was kojima releasing sick cutscene filled music videos every year prior to release.

here are some important points to consider:

>The baby seemed pretty conscious when the tank was turned on. It immediately put it's hands on the glass and looked out. I don't think newborns are this aware of the environment. (this point isnt too important, but is interesting)
>Norman was very sad/emotional when he realized the baby was there with him, but was not sad/angry when it was taken away
>Toro's character seems to not be afraid when he turns to face Mads in the sewer, he almost seems ready to meet his fate or fight.

So I think the biggest question that should be asked would be:

Why would Toro's character bring the baby (which seems to be important) to his dimension/time/space if he was literally in the middle of a warzone and seemed to currently be hunted? The only ways I could answer this are:

-He did not actually teleport/move the baby and it was always in his tank

or (and this is one that would make more sense within the context of the first trailer)

-The baby is some kind of weapon used against whatever forces are attacking the "good" characters. This could possibly explain why Norman's character is so sad when he wakes up next to it. It could have been because he knew that he should not have had the super weapon with him because other people were much more in need of it than him.

Do you people have any idea how stupid these story ideas sound? They sounds so incredibly dumb that speculation is futile: the game will be totally off-the-walls and defy your expectations and flaunt any logic you think the story should have.

not the person you asked but:

>cuffs are attached to both characters involved with the baby/babies
>both characters only have one hand cuffed
>Norman's left hand, Toro's right hand

It's some kind of device that keeps people linked across dimensions or space. Norman and Toro at one point were in the same dimension and were linked together with these cuffs.

"Hindsight Bias"
The post

>Expect the final product to be radically different to what you have seen thus far.
I thought you just told us to not buy into anything we hear about the story prior to release? How can it be radically different if we don't buy into anything?

>don't theorize or speculate because you could be wrong.

and? that sounds incredibly insecure. The only people wasting time here are the idiots that try and tell the theory posters to stop.

>pcucks are this mad they will NEVER EVER get to play death standing


You could try, but at this point, it's like looking at trailers of a Jodorowsky film, (might be better examples, but I don't care for abstract shit), and trying to guess the plot of the movie, which would be impossible.

I would not surprised to find out that the Metal Gear setting, (despite the freedom it allowed and how preposterous it became at times), actually restrained Kojima's imagination and kept it grounded, so his new game will be nothing but incoherent, abstract nonsense.

I thought the whole "WW2 US forces fallen to nurgle" aesthetic was pretty cool.

Not usually a fan of kojimas work, but this looks interesting.


i sold my pc and bought ps4 along with bloodborne and now waiting for death standing.pc being good is a meme

>I just started taking business/psych classes: the post


>muh jew boogeyman

no fucking shit you moron. literally everything around you works that way, why do you think AAA publishers spend well over half the budget in marketing?

that doesn't take any merit of the game itself away.

and? what's the problem with abstract?

They're not even proper Kojima fans, they just dabble in the twitter drama and go with whatever that terrible hack tells them. If you ask them about snatcher or policenauts they can't discuss them because they started the series with V.
These are the same sycophants that claimed they were postponing suicide for MGS 5. They only pretend to be fans of his games to fit in.

you dense mother fucker

It bypasses the challenge of having a coherent story and progression of events just to have impactful images, forgetting that special effects or visuals in general without a story are a boring thing, and that there are plenty of great stories with impactful images, yet actually make sense.

>There is literally nothing wrong with making people speculate
There is, specially when the end product turns out to be unfinished action schlock.

>pecial effects or visuals in general without a story are a boring thing
I wonder who said that originally.

your post makes no sense. you can't have a coherent abstract piece. it's physically impossible.

I'm not gonna be that guy and say that abstract is the high point of our society because, yeah, lots of talent-less hacks abuse it, but maybe you're just dense.

> coherent abstract piece
This was my point.

Probably. I haven't heard anything stating otherwise.

so you're saying abstract in general is bad?

to each their own, I guess.

I've yet to see anything truly great in that genre.

Sometimes, a genius could produce something under that head, (Picasso), but it's hardly among the greatest artistic works.

If the game has the same tone of this trailer, I might say it looked nice, but I wish it had a story that was coherent, or that I cared about.

You are now aware Kojima thinks you want to know more about what celebrity faces he paid for than you do what the game is actually like.

I want off this cruise

someone surely must have organized everything we have figured out so far into an easy to digest image?

I'm trying really hard not to reply with pic related and call it a day because I know that would make me look like a smug asshole with a superiority complex, but goddamn. you keep pushing it.

there are lots of great abstract pieces. and generally the people who share your opinion just don't understand.

>when you want to make a film but no one will let you

>Even before you buy it
But I don't like buying films.

>don't understand
K. I'm sure I'm missing so much by not understanding the genius behind abstract "art."

>there is an unironic jerkoff between two film majors itt right now

At last, the true face of the plebians lay bare before me

>film major