Improve the game in one sentence without the words: kill sjw kikes tumblr

improve the game in one sentence without the words: kill sjw kikes tumblr

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llik wjs sekik rlbmut

Remove runes and masteries.

100% fixed now.

delete this game

Died too soon

fuck esports

Once the game got rebalanced to exist without them, I would say you are completely right

I did his too

Best fucking load out for mina

Triple the range of flash, reduce cooldown to 12 seconds;

It needs no mass rebalancing to compensate for it. There's far worse imbalances than what runes and masteries cause.

Which is why removing that feature should be trivial.

delete the game servers

the game is an autist hobbit hole now and anyone that's still playing is a piece of shit

once all the old guard left and the gookniggers came in the game turned to shit

Did thi gs differently from its competitors for the sake kf difference, rather than for the sake of doing something cool and fun.

It should stay dead.

Either that or remove it outright.

Everyone that played it either had a neutral stance or positive stance on it

Not a single person that played it disliked it. Only the people that say but never played it disliked it.

Unfortunately it doesn't matter anymore anyway. It looks like tour average moba but it stood out them moment you loaded it up.

Remove waifubait.

remove runes and masteries. make summoner spells buyable in game only. leave the slots for them so they don't take item slots but you have to commit to have them. then balance the game acordingly.

Fire the balance department including Ghostcrawler and everyone related to balancing and new items, champions and shit,let Guinsoo do all the balancing in a team with me and /lolg/ while I genocide CertainlyT, Anthony Burch, and all other cancerous shits infesting the art and ideas department so we can rework all shit feminst and jew agenda champions like chrononigger, illaoshit and similar.

Remove runes, yes. I'd remove all the masteries except for the ultimate or apex or whatever the fuck they're called. Choose from one of 9, they're fun nuances.

Make new game that doesnt suck.

revert all changes back to season 2

>wanting to simplify and dumb down an already simplistic game while also removing all variety in champion playstyles

Runes should be free and masteries reverted to season 3 masteries.

season 6 masteries are good, just need more non-keystone options, maybe 1 or 2 new keystones

>variety in champion playstyles

Name me 2 champions with the same playstyles
Protip: You actually can

go back to season 2 and branch off from there

or make them fucking free

Blitzcrank thresh nautilus

Talon rengar zed

Jinx MF Quinn draven

Sona soraka

Zac gnar kat

Gangplank Yorick sej skarner

Ryze brand azir

Annie ivern karma

And then bard by himself since he can do all those anyway

moar big boobed bimbos

I play since 2010. and I have several thousand Malphite games.
There was a time while I could play AD crit Malphite mid or top, AP Malphite mid, tank Malphite top or jungle or support.
The difference was in the runes, masteries, items and playstyle.

Now there is only one viable build and its tank top.

I will never forgive the death of AP Sion.

Back in 2010 it was acceptable to play league tho.
I don't know why Riot insists on gutting their game by making it as boring as possible.
I really miss shit like AD Thresh.

More shortstacks

Stop the fucking mobility creep.
Beta champs should not be completely invalidated because Riot is too fucking stupid to come up with an original toolkit that doesn't step on any toes.

Bring lore back.
Stop trying to get rid of alternative ways of playing champs. If Soraka mid is working well top priority shouldn't be to destroy it but to see why its working so well. Riot trying to have their stupid system of slotting everything perfectly into a lane is cancer.

Make all 450 ip champs AT LEAST free. Probably more really. Denying a player the ability to fucking learn new champions is goddamn retarded. They want to keep their treadmill for the new stuff, fine. But why in gods name would you deny them the basic pool to learn with?

but user they are working on the lore
and shurima is taking the big noxian dick because they're losing alot of fucking territories

If you wanna argue about non-variety in playstyles your best bet is tanks, especially now with the new colossus keystone, and i'll 100% agree with you.
>Blitzcrank thresh nautilus
1 ability doesn't define a champion, even if it did all 3 hooks have different uses
>Talon rengar zed
they're different types of assassins
>Jinx MF Quinn draven
jinx destroys towers, mf destroys lanes/mid game teamfights, quinn is the best roaming adc, draven has his passive
>Sona soraka
sona's playstyle isn't defined by her heal, only soraka is the true sustain support
>Zac gnar kat
no idea how you got kat in there, but zac is more of a engage at any point with a big knockup, gnar can only engage at specific times but if he can start a teamfight he has more of an impact
>Gangplank Yorick sej skarner
>Ryze brand azir
completely different mages, ryze is just blowing up whatever is in front of him, brand is aoe, azir is sustained/kiting based
>Annie ivern karma

Ooh yes don't you love how the much more interesting Order vs Freedom dynamic of Demacia v Noxus was completely ruined for
>dey bright and shiny dat mean gud
>dey dark and edgy dat mean bad

they do have the basic pool when they first start the game, for the first few levels
not saying it's a perfect solution, obviously making 450 ip champions would be a good idea

Eradicate these regressive left Jewish bloggers.

user you're really trying to make them seen different when they really aren't. I'll take the bait but you're wrong

All the groups I listed are the same fucking thing with some small changes.

The first set all have a hook and knock up (yes thresh blitz and naut make opponents airborne) they can all be tanks support or initiators.

The second set are all able to be midlanders junglers and top laners with only a few different ways of doing the same shit. You pop out burst hole you got the kill then leave. An assassin is an assassin.

>Even trying to argue what differences an adc makes

The fourth set I didn't feel like even looking into the roster for other healers even if I can look at other kits for healing. It doesn't matter. Bitches heal shit, both do damage, both are a nuisance, both silence slow heal and deal damage

Kat belongs in this group now for mana manaless playstyles. I could have said riven but I didn't want to upset people. These champs rely on moving around a lot to keep things going. They have enough cc to fight back without much effort

>He doesn't know about high cc bruisers and strategic champs

Brand blows shit up in front of him, ryze blows shit up in front of him azir blows shit front of him.

Annie ivern and karma are literally more cc the champs. What's hard to understand here user? Each has a defensive skill. Each has a stun/root, each have aoe skills, what's the problem here?

I'm glad you ignored bard because you couldn't even argue it if you tried.

All champs are clones of each other. Its a fucking joke.

Kathy's and raja are the same if you want some.nice parallels. Only difference is one heals one doesn't yet both have global its, slows, aoe skills, and a bullshit passive

We here at the NFL feel that the field is too easy to score touchdowns, so next season we will change the field and have boulders placed on certain yard lines to make more interesting plays.

Point is you're wrong and I gave up fighting autocorrect

Remove all rng

>regressive left
lol you fucking what? you can't just mash two terms together like that. that's like calling someone a libertarian leninist

Remove summoner spells

so by your logic, all dps characters in a mmo are the same? or all mages? doesn't matter what their abilities are.

also what about bard?
not sure what's the point you're trying to make with him

I'll never understand how people liked this game, it was just an even further retard proofed clone of LoL

>implying runes have anything to do with variety in playstyle


>but user they are working on the lore
Do we have an explanation for why everyone's fighting and what the map and all of its structures are yet? You know, like we did since the fucking beginning before Riot threw it all away rendering the title of the game and a shit ton of its systems and mechanics obsolete?

What RNG? If anything the game needs fucking more of it. I'm sick of all the
>land 3 right-clicks/abilities for x extra damage

>You know, like we did since the fucking beginning before Riot threw it all away rendering the title of the game and a shit ton of its systems and mechanics obsolete?

When did that happen? Is there a forum post on their website where I can read them say "we're retconning our original lore"?

>I'm right because I say so so I win the argument

Remove Anthony Burch

eliminate reddit jews and feminists

you already did

remove sjws and tumblr

Stop adding new champions when you can revamp the mass-production champions from 2010-2013 to something actually unique.

Don't mandate a meta of 1 top 1 mid 2 bot 1 jungle. God forbid someone runs an aggressive tri-lane.

Add turn speed so you don't have to give every single melee champion a gap closing ability.

>not a single person that played it disliked it
I hated it
Everything in the game was bad

Okay but explain why user

Just shut the fuck up, everyone but lolbabbys know that one of those worst aspects of the game is the samey nature of most heroes. I don't get why people defend the hero design team at riot theyre such a weak link, look at their art team, they've gone so far with such a dogshit engine.

>Stop adding new champions when you can revamp the mass-production champions from 2010-2013 to something actually unique.
This mentality is exactly what's killing the game.
>Let's shove a giant middle finger in all our older players' faces by deleting all their favorite characters and creating new and completely unrelated modern streamlined garbage characters with the same name as them! Who the fuck needs player retention!

What you're requesting has already been going on for years

Erase CertainlyT from history and everything he has tainted.

Stop giving new champions 11 different passives with a wall of text to describe each.

Stop naming every single aspect of an ability.

I guess Lee Sin and Jax just don't exist then.

>Not a single person that played it disliked it.
I played it through its entire life cycle because I had friends who were into it. It was streamlined boring garbage and I hated it.

>Only the people that say but never played it disliked it.
Source: your ass

>Blitzcrank thresh nautilus
same playstyle

..are you retarded? Just because they all have a hook doesn't mean they're the same.

>Ryze brand azir

You honestly couldn't have picked 3 more dissimilar mages, it's amazing. You're definitely retarded.

Literally all of those have different playstyle LOL.

Comparing Annie to Ivern and Karma is just going full retard. No one here plays the game though, so no one is going to call you out.

>I hate this game
>plays nothing else all day for years

>Bring lore back

They've been doing this for over a year. Each new champion has a fucking wall of text story for a "Bio". We've also had like 4 events: Bilgewater, Bilgwater/Shadow Isles, Mt Targon, and now Piltover/Zaun.

it's called addiction

just uninstall it

nice argument

Jesus Christ, it was a really easy question but boy did you fuck it up. You could have just named any of the toplane TF tanks, or old talon and zed, or Leona and Alistair. Trying to lump junglers and midlaners together is just nonsense.

Not even a Nautilus Leona, fucking hell.

>same playstyle
>..are you retarded? Just because they all have a hook doesn't mean they're the same.
Do you live under a fucking rock? As soon as Thresh came out Blitz became practically irrelevant because Thresh was just a better version of him. They're both supports that initiate on kills with hooks, Thresh just does it better and has a wider toolset.
Naut was probably not a very good comparison there because he's not really played as a support.

>You honestly couldn't have picked 3 more dissimilar mages, it's amazing. You're definitely retarded.
Not him, but I'm pretty sure the intent was to illustrate that even characters who appear functionally very different and play very differently on the player input level have basically the exact same impact on the game.

Variety that exists almost exclusively on the player input side is lazy, shoddy design. Variety on the game impact side is actual variety.

A pay-to-play, 18+ age only queue.

why is that?

i´d "improve it" by selling Riot to EA and watch it burn.

A good quarter of the champs have no reason to exist in game anymore. All of the bound ones like Nocturne and Renekton and Fiddlesticks have no reason to be in game. All the rivalries have no reason to exist since most of them only came to the League to figure out a way to kill their rival like Graves.

Fucking hell, league lore was one of the only good things. The idea of a magitek U.N. that settles matters in a series of limited deathmatches as opposed to big fuckhueg magical nukes was great.

I hear a lot of "you're wrong" but no reason to back it up.

They can rehash the same shit over and over, give a different visual, change the order of how each skill is implemented into a kit, but they are still the same at the end. Naut blitz and thresh have the same fucking kit but everything except their q is changed to a different part of the kit

They all play the same they all fight the same, they all build the same - and before you say that's bullshit I can honestly say you're retarded if you think so because any character can play any role with any build and still succeed.

League is a shit game and its not hard to see this

The point made with bard is he can be any role build fucking anything and still do just fine. Re only kit in the game that's unique to one champ is bard

Summoner's Rift is basically not canon. The lore now is basically fucktons of "Short" stories about the characters doing shit in the universe.

remove AP

>summoner's aren't canon anymore
>but players are still "summoners"

Fucking hell.

gain ip faster
took me 3 years to get all champs playing everyday

They have been reworking champions so much that they basically rework three times as many as they release nowadays.

Revert to season 3

File bankrupcy.

OP said improve, not casualize.

It just needs something that prevents matches from lasting forever. Add a timelimit or something.

you could always play adventure time battle party

play dota instead



>>Even trying to argue what differences an adc makes
Well yeah, you can't really say that Lucian, Vayne and MF are basically the same. As much as anything, their powerspikes all come at different points in the game, which makes a huge difference to their playstyle.

>both silence slow heal and deal damage
Sona doesn't silence, raka doesn't do damage and their slows are a pretty insubstantial part of their kit.

>Kat belongs in this group now for mana manaless playstyles
Fucking what
>They have enough cc to fight back without much effort
Are we thinking of the same champion?

>Brand blows shit up in front of him, ryze blows shit up in front of him azir blows shit front of him.
But you build and play them very differently. Ryze builds beefy, tries to get in people's faces and then machineguns them. Azir needs peel, but if he gets it can stand at the back of the team and fuck everyone up. He can also initiate if you want to be really flashy. Brand isn't like either, he just tries to get his spells off in the best combination before running away.

>Annie ivern and karma are literally more cc the champs
But Karma only has one single target root, and that's pretty hard to pull off. Also keep up with the meta, she's a toplane tank now. IBG and spirit vis are core on her.

>Kathy's and raja are the same if you want some.nice parallels. Only difference is one heals one doesn't yet both have global its
I hope you recover from your stroke soon.

There's nothing really wrong with it

It's just not great

>There's nothing really wrong with it

It's basically the "polite" term for people with far-left leanings. The "regressive" implies the want to remove individual rights from the majority to make sure minorities achieve an equal outcome in society.

>Blitzcrank, Thresh and Naut
all extremely different, only similar in 1 ability (all 3 of which have very different timings and results)
>3 assassins are similar
you don't say
Their gameplay is different; their goals are the same.
>Jinx, MF, Quinn and Draven
None of these characters have anything in common outside of being Marksmen, they're all used completely differently in competitive
>Sona and Soraka
Are you even trying? Again nothing similar here outside of roles
>zac, gnar, kat
are you genuinely retarded?
>Gangplank, Yorick, Sej, Skarner
Farm till item threshold, push relentlessly, AoE CC Tank, Single Target CC Brusier
Do you even play the game?
>Ryze, Brand, Azir
Single target burst mage, AoE burst mage, AoE consistent damage mage
>Annie, Invern, Karma
AoE Burst initiator mage, whatever the fuck Invern is intended to do, consistent support mage
For once with these 3 you found some champs that are relatively similar on paper but again they fill different roles and niches

Well I know about a lot of this stuff. And I have to tell you that you are in the wrong sir.