They actualy did it

They actualy did it.

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Gonna buy it just to spite Sup Forums

The absolute madmen.

>Post yfw Knack 2 got announced

>A sequel no one asked for to a game no one liked

Thanks, Sony!

did somebody say knack?




>Sony: Screw what you think, we are going to make fun games for people to enjoy

It's kind of respectable actually


and this one actually looks fun.

I really fucking hate this game's artstyle
Looks so fucking bland
And the characters look so fucking dumb, like a 9 year doodled them up in math class.
What a fucking mess

Wait, I tough Knack was an XBONE exclusive


Actually cool.

I just watched some Knack videos.


Who thought that was a good idea? Its like casting James Earl Jones as Crash Bandicoot.


What a shitty unlikable character. Just look at them. FUCKING LOOK AT THEM. What is that shit? Is like they fused Sonic the Hedgehog with a jenga.


>We could make a sequel to Ape Escape, Dark Cloud and others
>Screw that, let's make a sequel to KNACK

>le e-celeb joke x)

I legit fell asleep playing Knack. It's so fucking boring.

>Environments with zero creativity going into them.
>Characters with zero creativity going into them.
>Music with zero creativity going into them
It's amazing how offensively bland Knack is.

Is the first one worth the $10 buckaroos GS asks for an used copy?

No. I wouldn't play it even if somebody paid me 10$.

Thought the trailer looked better than Crash: Unreal Engine Fanmake Edition to be honest.

>laughing at youtuber shit
That's not how the meme works.

Dark Cloud isn't developed by them so it's hardly a valid choice.


How many people bought Knack?
And I don't mean how many own it because it came packaged in with their system or was free on PS+, I want to know how many fucks actually thought the first game looked good and went specifically out of their way to buy it for sixty dollarydoos.

>Screw what you think

That's respectable?


Sucks they've been cock teasing Ape Escape a little bit with that Year of the Monkey shit and then the PS2 classic releases only to not reveal anything.


Maybe it will be better this time around

They probably had people take information from websites like this and youtube and thought that people actually really wanted a fucking knack 2.


>One more surprise from our Japanese Studio
>Holy fuck it is happening they are trying their luck with an JRPG again
>trailer starts
>Holy shieeeet
>That awkward song
>Knack 2!
and there it goes all my hype

Yes. It shows artistic integrity.

Knack was fun.

sold a million or two i think

This one actually looks kinda fun though.

I usually expect something good to appear after I see the Japan Studio logo, but now I've learned my lesson

I didn't think Knack, Gravity Rush or Digimon looked like much, but might buy them due to impending sequels.

In a very stubborn and immature way. I imagine that they went back to Knack because they're aware of how bland it was to try to redeem its brand and not because "lol fuck the haters knack4life".

>mfw Knack 2 gets announced
>still no news on a Tokyo Jungle 2
This world ain't fair.


>Japanese style games don't sell on a Call of Madden Theft Auto box


>A game nobody gives a shot about, that only sold the amount It did because of bundles, gets a sequel
Is this the hardest we're going to see a game.bomb?

RETURN OF THE KNACK (here it is)

Japan Studio is a hit or miss studio. They published their fair share of turds throughout the years.


looks like a pretty nice couch co-op game
I am sure it appeals to kiddos and their dads. I will give it a try but I hope they don't think charging $59 for the damn thing. Knack with that price killed half of the people who could have bought it.
Yeah it bothered me as well. I really thought Sony would give them another chance (aside from GR2) Japan Studio has potential but I really don't enjoy seeing it wasted like this.
Not sure where you are getting at. Almost every PS4 exclusive has sold well over the million mark. I do agree that the PS4 so far has been muh dude bro console.

I like how they said "knack is for everyone"
thus if you say knack is bad, they can just say it's for kids and familys they probably enjoy it.

i really wish it wouldn't be a weird brawler this time but a proper collectathon/platformer.
the fundamental gameplay of Knack was so fucking flawed.



You probably shouldn't be surprised that the guy who made the PS4 wants to shill the IP he also made.

>All those jokes regarding the sequel at every Sony event
I feel fucking bad man like this wasn't what I was expecting. It was just a joke Sony we didn't actually wanted it.

It's kind of pathetic that Cerney helped design the PS4 and he made his PS4 launch game specifically for that console, but it was shit.
I'm surprised that they still keep Cerney around and let him work on the Pro design


carol a shit

>Not sure where you are getting at. Almost every PS4 exclusive has sold well over the million mark.

The PS4's best selling games are literally multiplats, their exclusives would be lucky to sell a fraction of the multiplat numbers. And even so, games like Uncharted are not only received better, but also sold better than games like Bloodborne. Sony probably spent more money to secure timed exclusive DLC map packs for Blops 3 than they did for Bloodborne.

Looks as much fun as a rushed out Nintendo game.




I have respect for Cerny's past achievements and he has a lot of experience in the industry. People can say what they want about the PS4 but he made all the right decisions there.
Knack could have fed off the 90s nostalgia people have been craving for but ultimately he decided against that, and the PS4 Pro seems to have come out too early to be a substantial upgrade to the PS4 so he definitely has kind of lost it these days.

Its funny how entitled the whole Sup Forums community is when a game not targeted for you gets announced and you all get confused.

Knack is one of the only family friendly games on ps4 and that's why it sold well. Of course none of you neckbeards are going to buy it.

T H I S.
Knack was the best game ever made. You can try and deny it, but you're lying to yourself.

Exactly and that is what fucking bothers me. Sony should be focusing on their crap instead at this point. They already got the dudebro audience under their belt and have left xbox quite behind. I do notice they are putting full force on 2017 tho but still I hope they don't keep up this trend because the PS4 is still lacking exclusives. Which oddly enough was a reason the PS3 went to the top.

It's a fucking game for children, why do you care if it's good or not?


Friendly reminder that:
>God Hand
>Republic Commando
>Sleeping Dogs
>Lost Odyssey
>The World Ends With You
Are games with only one entry and will NEVER EVER get sequels, but Knack gets a sequel.

she's cute
but tomboy is best

>Knack is £20 on Amazon
What on earth? Every other gen I picked up great games for a fiver, this gen I'm lucky if it drops to £15.


> game for niche audience not selling well
> game for casual audience selling well

Really makes you think huh?

>All the amazing games that go without sequels
>Knack gets one

>Knack is one of the only family friendly games on ps4 and that's why it sold well

It sold well cause it was fucking bundled with the ps4.

You're just seeing the market shift to one where publishers choose to release on everything because it's free money.

it's not that we care if it is good or not user. We are just surprised that out of all the things people asked, Knack fucking 2 was what we got. If it is good and not as bland as the first one then great I might give it a chance.
some of those are personally better off not getting sequels. God Hand was a once in a lifetime experience and i want it that way.


games for niche audiences are objectively awful and shouldn't be made

So who wants to bet that this'll sell less than Metroid: Federation Force?

Honestly if Knack 1 didn't exist and this was just called Knack I think a lot more people would be excited.

It's basically just fucking Crash Bandicoot


>and before we wrap this up, there one more surprise!
>but that's not all! There's still one more game we want to show
>more shovelware

At least it had AC7, shitload of Yakuza and Nier Automata. And those games got the least clapping.

Nuke burgersland.

No one is interested in Knack 2, but the Metroid fanbase loathed FF. Sales will be underwhelming but it's not going to crash hard.


Let's go lower. Mighty No.9

Who the fuck asked for a Knack 2? Who the fuck even played Knack 1?


It looks great.

Are you fucking blind?

We're all obligated to buy this. This is what you all memed for these past 3 years.



I couldn't stop laughing

That fucking jump gets me every time