Relatively unknown game

>relatively unknown game
>only see it ever mentioned on Sup Forums
>play it turns out to be great

Has Sup Forums ever been wrong? Why isn't this game better known?

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Old Sup Forums is usually right about their taste on games. God Hand? So good.

it was released extremely buggy and has some major flaws (sewers, etc). i don't blame people less into the genre for writing it off.

It's a very niche game that noone ever advertised. My brother picked it up randomly 10 years ago in some shady store because the cover looked good. I expected it to be shit, and it turns out it became out favourite RPG ever and blew us away. Funny how things work sometimes.

VTMB threads are proof that Sup Forums, despite all of its shittiness and forced memes and cringey contrarian attitude, is still lightyears beyond other vidya forums in game taste.

>Why isn't this game better known?

It is but the fame it gained is relatively recent. This is one of the few examples where the die hard fanbase actually managed to bring it into the spotlight and turn it from an unknown cult classic into a legitimately great must-play game recognized by most everyone.

It got fairly good press before it was released actually, but Activision forcing it out early gave it those low review scores and it never recovered.

QUICK Sup Forums

>My brother picked it up randomly 10 years ago in some shady store because the cover looked good

your brother's a perv

Released broken, and it came out two days before Half-Life fucking 2.

I keep getting the 15mb error

>That sewer part
Why did they do it?

>being attracted to women means you're pervert
feminist shills please leave

No PC gamer would care about the press, HL2 was coming out.

calm down, he was making a joke

Yeah, the reason he got it was because of the sexy looking cover but also because vamps were still kinda cool back then.

I had the exact same thing happen to me, minus the game involved.

I picked out my favorite game of all time at a small used game store because the cover looked anime-ish,

No, of course not.

I got strapped to it and tossed in the ocean.

Daily reminder that race traitor scum deserved every bit of that ending.

>"Notice how much of an old fag I am guys, guys?"

it's funny, you can uncover that ming had set up the whole kindred experimentation lab and the Mandarin was on her payrole. She also ordered the liquefaction of the Red Dragon owner that helped you and his daughter. Investigating locked doors goes a long way.

>unfinished game with beyond terrible gameplay and the horrible last third of the game
>good taste

rly makes u think...

If I wanted to flex my Elite Gamer Cred I'd namedrop one of the crpgs or Riven or something. People still talk about God Hand here.


>horrible last third of the game
that's a meme, it's the last 3 stages that are shitty, not the last third. Play the game.

>>unfinished game with beyond terrible gameplay
still better than most other RPGs out there. Everything is relative, if you dont think vtmb is good, name better RPGs

>that's a meme

your post is a meme

>well name better RPGs then!!!!!

not an argument

>not an argument
it is, and I explained why. You can't judge things in a vacuum, "good" is a relative term.

There's a reason it's only ever mentioned on Sup Forums. Because for whatever retarded, special snowflake reason, Sup Forums loves to pretend objectively bad, broken, unplayable games are good.

I found the game for like $20, the year it came out, at a brick and mortar store.

Bought it by chance, I had no idea it was new, had no idea what it was, I just liked the screenshots and the cover.

Turned out to be one of my favorite games of all time.

>bad, broken, unplayable games are good.

Because you can literally fix all of those problems with a simple patch? I know you are baiting but come on, at least give a try.

How is it "unknown"? It's fairly well known among RPG enthusiasts by now.

It was unknown when it came out but at this point it's usually listed among the greatest RPGs ever made by people who know what they're talking about.

It's really too bad troika died.

They made 3 superb RPGs that nobody knew about.

I owned physical copies of all 3 games. Arcanum, Temple of Elemental Evil, and Bloodlines.

Arcanum is easily my top game of all time, and Bloodlines is in my top 5.

Funny how 80% of the playthroughs/letsplay of this are done by girls. They really love vampires don't they?

Thanks Sup Forums

where are you even getting this from. I've never seen a mainstream gaming source cite this game as one of the best RPGs ever. Its subreddit is dead. What boards/forums other than Sup Forums discusses it regularly?

Problem is that these "people who know what they're talking about" aren't exactly the average RPG player.

>you can put some whipped cream on your piece of shit
>trust me, it tastes good then

Enjoy your shit mate.

I'm about to start playing. Does the GOG version include the necessary patch? Anything else I need to know, apart from don't open it?

>one of the most popular cult classics out there
>unknown game
Sure thing, user. Way to stroke your refined-taste dick right there.

PC gamer listed it in their top 100 pc games.

>Why isn't this game better known?
A few reasons. First, Activision is an awful publisher who rushed the game out of the door with barely any marketing. Second, it runs on an early beta version of the Source engine. In fact, it's the first Source game ever made, even before Valve finished building it. As such, it's quite buggy and unstable, which is only compounded by its rushed and unfinished release.

Since, like all Troika games, it had elements of greatness among all the hacky programming, it gathered a niche group of loyal fans who supported the game with mods, patches, and word of mouth. But that's all too little too late, and the game was a commercial flop.

>mainstream gaming source
Why would you care about them? They're no authority.

>"people who know what they're talking about" aren't exactly the average RPG player.
The average movie viewer doesn't know about Citizen Kane either.

That's not really saying much, it was #65, below many far worse games. Not exactly the recognition it deserves imo.

Tip: it's a shit game, and I finished it 10 times at least

What's up with the all Vampire threads lately? Is it Paradox testing the waters about new Vampire?

I fucking hope so.

That does not compute. I've never even bothered to finish something I'd call a shit game.

They've been doing that for some time now.

I know! It's last of us!

I would rather have more Vampire threads than console war threads to be honest

Always look on pcgamingwiki first.

Nice contribution to the thread
Awesome game

We've had regular VtMB threads long before anyone was even thinking about doing a new Vampire game.

Alright, so is that the only thing I really *need*?


But we had them every 3-4 weeks, right? I saw at least 3 Vampire threads this week


They're civil. Quite good actually. At least for now.


They always come in bursts. People see one thread, that makes them reinstall or at least remember the game, which temporarily causes an increase in the number of threads before it dies down again to "normal" levels.

The same thing happens with several other games. Last month there were like 6 Arcanum threads back-to back for seemingly no reason, for example.

poor aussie trolling

>Its subreddit is dead

opinion discarded

posting worst girl

>mfw bought the game the day it came out

This is basically a SJW before it was a thing yet.

>Its subreddit is dead.

That's because Bloodlines & Redemption have planet-vampire and don't need subreddit, friend.

Sup Forums is right most of the time for the hipster games. Sup Forums is almost always wrong for the well known titles.

I think this is because they are 2 different audiences. Mostly older and more serious gamers post in threads about more niche titles. While the obvious 15 year old are the majority in AAA games or upcoming games just to be there for the "controversies"

Look at a thread about a current console exclusive and you know exactly what I mean.

There's an archived 500+ thread that includes the argument about whether she is an SJW at length, in which it was concluded that she wasn't. How long are these arguments going to keep up? Nobody here is an SJW, and you aren't proving anything by showing how much you hate them.

>relatively unknown game
It is not. Neither are other games from 2004, you simply do not know them.
>only see it ever mentioned on Sup Forums
That is, again, only your perception.
Maybe you are here too much.

So, how did you come to hear of this game and how relevant were popular online sources in familiarising you with this game?

get a load of this idiot

vtmb is only well known among Sup Forums and overweight women

Not him, I'm russian and I'vre read about it in a gaming magazine, there were lots of previews of it and Arcanum was very loved here.

>mfw encountering the progress breaking bug the week it came out.

The bottom left picture is not actually in-game,is it?

It is. It's one of the outfits the female malkavian pc

Me too, I couldn't finish it because of the bugs.

Nah, it's a fake dialogue with what looks to be a slightly modified female Malk model with Downtown clothes.

It's Malkavian dialogue font, Malkavian female, and Confession.

malk outfit is red in colour I think, not white as in the pic

Thx Sup Forums. :3



>tfw no cleopatra gf to shitpost on shrecknet with

Huniepop sucks cock.
Titanfall 2 sucks cock.

>no nossie gf to help you destroy mmo guilds with by faking drama

There's a flamethorwer?

Yes, Tseng or Mercurio has it IIRC.

yep. best ranged weapon in the game, too

Better than the AUG?

in damage, yes

>autists argued about whether she was a sjw or not
>therefore they must be right because it was a long argument

remember that vampires are weak to fire, user?

>want to replay
>remember that FUCKING haunted hotel

>not being able to speedrun that part

it takes 5 minutes.
You've already seen the spooks. What could possibly be the problem?

If you are that much of a pussy, you can use console commands user.

Nigga VTM:B is like one of the few cases in which Sup Forums hasn't been wrong. We've been shitting on some games and loving other for all the wrong reasons

>Caring about sjws