Should I get PS4 or PC
Should I get PS4 or PC
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Do you want to play games or browse Sup Forums
if you have a console, get a PC
why not both
if you can't, then you should just get a job
depends on your budget and what you prefer
PC has no gemu
if you want to play 5 games go PS4
if you want to play thousands of games go PC
Get the one that can play dark souls
If you don't really have any, PC all the way.
???% more fun with games, 1000000% more useful when NOT gaming, only African don't have a fucking PC. No I'm not talking about minimal built that only let you shitpost and watch youtube.
If you already have an ok PC (that may not play AAA but play 99% of the oldies fine) then maybe consider PS4 or stick a fucking Graphic Card in your shit.
Also don't read comment that remotely trying to say ANY console have more games than PC. Bad mistake
>thousands of shitty indie games and arma 3
>games that stretch back into the 1980s
tell me more shitposter-san
How about not wasting your money on video games and buy a car, or take your girlfriend out for dinner.
why waste your money on car or a girlfriend when you could be spending quality time playing video games?
You have a PC, just upgrade if necessary.
And the shitposting Begins
master race if you're not
both if you're rich and still enjoy video games
PC and Xbone is the only way
Pc is cheaper in the long run.
PC because we have a WII U emulator
Emulators, torrenting, sales, bundles... It's just facts, mang. The games are nothing once you have the machine.
>wah everyone who disagrees with me is shitposting
PS4, unless you like CSGO
Though the only drawback is fucking PS+ for online play
>stealing is cheaper
what a fucking surpise consoles are also cheaper if I steal my games LOL
PS4, that clickity clackity thing you shitposted with is actually a PC.
The question is which one. I can't believe PS4 pro did worse than PS4 in some fucking games. I mean what the fuck.
Alsos do this fags
if you have enough to pay it without second thoughts, 3-4 free games per month are actually nice. Not saying I support paid online, but I was already a subscriber back when it was on PS3 so nothing really changed for me.
Paying it monthly is actually very reasonable, instead of giving all yearly money in one purchase if you are streched.
>3rd party (legit) key sites and bundles
>G2A/Kinguin resellers (If you intend to use this you might as well pirate, cus this actually make the devs lose money on stolen keys, steam gifts are legit tough).
>no shitstation minus/ xbot live coal fee
Even without pirating they are cheaper.
don't forget the 5million dollars a YEAR you spend on internet you already own :^)
Get a PS4 if you already have a laptop fammy boy.
That PC will get you through the longer haul, but if you already have a decent toaster to shitpost with and play indies, you may as well get a PS4.
Fuck the shitposters by the way.
>moving the goalposts
nice, you admit defeat because you can't back up your "I steal my shit" argument
Can anybody recommend some weeb-shit ps4 games to buy?
Here is a real answer.
Does PS4 have the games you want to play? Get PS4.
Do you like Bloodborne, Persona 5, or Dangan Ronpa? Get PS4
Do you want a couch machine next to your TV? Get PS4
Do you not want to deal with game compatibility issues? Get PS4
Do you want to play games at 60fps or higher? Get PC
Do you want to play games like Starcraft, Undertale, Civilization, or Cities Skyline? Get PC
Do you like Mobas or MMORPGs? Get PC
Do you want to emulate old games? Get PC
Its all about your preferences and needs. If you can live without those PS4 exclusives then don't get a PS4. If you can't then get a PS4.