Reminder that this game is fucking great...

Reminder that this game is fucking great, and hating on it is simply sheer Sup Forums contrarianism where you guys are not even sure why you hate it.

The arguments I hear against this game are always:

Wrong, it has 3 hours of cutscenes ( a game which easily lasts 15 hours on its first playthrough, a lot of games you faggots constantly worship like Nier have over 4 hours of cutscenes, so how come it matters for the last of us?

The player has enough control during the majority of the game, gameplay is fine, its the standard and proven tps+semistealth with crafting formula, theres nothing inherently wrong with it

The dumbest argument

Ok you fuckheads, its not my fault that you want gaming to stay as a medium for retarded kids. Since when is a game having a plot bad? You don't like sad, tragic stories? So I guess you faggots also don't like the godfather because Michael becomes a bad guy in the end, right? Or Taxi driver because travis was fucked up in the head.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with tragic stories. Some of the best books, movies, and yes even games, have a tragic story.

I could even understand this argument for uncharted where the game is basically a walk through a museum where they did exceeded the cinematic gameplay bullshit instead of a fast paced adventured game, but TLOU is a different kind of game, and you faggots only hate it because its popular. Had it not been popular or panned by critics you would be praising it to hell and back like fucking Nier which is an actual trash game.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Sup Forums hates things for no reason sometimes
Stop the presses

I'd like to add that most of you faggots constantly praise Kojambo and his "death shitting" "game" of which we have no gameplay videos so far. You guys are pretty much the most hypocritical board on Sup Forums


remain autismo

>Clunky boring stealth gameplay
The only good thing about it was that sexy loli

This game was pretty fun, the contrarianism was put on full blast because of the endless stream of 10/10 FUCKING CITIZEN KANE OF GAMING reviews. The game is competent, not revolutionary.

Personally I think the weighty dialogue coupled with the video gamey violence of mowing down hordes of bad dudes is silly and fucks up the tone. I don't think movie like drama plots work well in shooters. How can I sympathize with a mass murderer? See uncharted for another example

I was really upset that they didn't explore that concept in the dialogue or the themes, especially in Ellie's chapter. There's no way killing that many people band going through that much stress doesn't take a toll on your psyche.

If it didn't get 10/10s across the board with claims of it being one of the greatest games ever made there would be far less shitposting.

Matt, you really shouldn't post when you're drunk.

Explain what makes the game great?

It's a movie because even when youre in control most of the time you just walk around doing nothing while the characters talk to eachother

>it has an entire movie's worth of cutscenes
>this means the movie criticism is invalid

I don't even dislike the game, I'm just here to call you a retarded faggot.

the game plays it too safe, nothing is original except the fungus zombies. People laud it for the story but it does nothing new. Kill yourself nigger.



The single-player campaign is an 8/10.
Multiplayer is fantastic and it's what makes The Last of Us be an objective 9/10.
>Citizen Kaze
It's the Godfather of gaming now.

NO ONE buys TLOU for its gameplay. SONY knows it, NAUGHTYDOG knows it, which is why every game announced at PS Experience had gameplay footage in it except for TLOU part 2, Ellie was playing a fucking guitar, the audience doesn't give a fuck about depth in gameplay, they just want that movie quality narrative (which isn't that great when compared to movies), but since "gamers" are the lowest form of humans, they'll just eat that shit up.

>most of the time you just walk around doing nothing while the characters talk to eachother
This is how we know you haven't played the game. Walkin'/Talkin' is maybe 25% of the game.

Is it a movie when you're sneaking around instakill zombies and shooting hordes of marauders?

>3 hours of cutscenes in a 15 hour game is acceptable
But people complain about 8h cutscenes in games with 100+ hours...

Never change!

My thoughts exactly. How can a young girl stab people in the face over and over and remain put together? It would have been a big risk but seriously engaging to see her deal with PTSD from the experience

how about the fact that it's the billionth entry in a decade of exhausting post-apocalyptic zombie shlock?

>standard and proven tps+semistealth with crafting formula, theres nothing inherently wrong with it
so it has derivative, safe gameplay to go along with its derivative, safe story?

you and i both know that the reason it was so successful in the mainstream is that it's derivative, safe, and carefully maximizes its demographic appeal. they took the protagonists of the walking dead and then made the guy a white action hero with the right amount of beard. it was practically crafted in a laboratory by the marketing department

>no one buys it for the gameplay
Factions was literally the best thing about it. The gameplay is very fun when you're not forced to walk for 15 minutes.

a solid 7/10

>NO ONE buys TLOU for its gameplay
It has one of the most underrated multiplayer experiences out there and the campaign combat sequences are intensely satisfying when played at an appropriate difficulty

well, Ellie is a bit quiet/distant in the final level directly after you finish the winter part. So while I admit they could've explored that a bit more, it wasn't entirely non-existent.

Fucking this.
TLoU on Survivor/Grounded is one of my favourite experiences from last gen. Jesus fuck it was exhausting.

Only 3 hours of cutscenes but you left out how many walk and talks. Between the two that's 3/4th the game.

Like how you didn't even bother defending the horrible dated and repetitive game play.

It's good. Like 7/10 good but nothing memoral

weaponized autism

>easily 15 hours
My playthrough was about 13 hours, and I took my sweet-ass time desu


Don't even get me started on faggots saying the game is literally perfect
When Ellie runs through enemies all the time, the Ai is pretty broken, reviewers use to shit on games for this, but i guess because it's Naughty Dog it's okay

Sup Forums would love The Last of Us if:

>it didn't get as much praise as it did
>it was available on PC (so it could get as many threads as the Telltale Walking Dead games did)
>it wasn't exclusive to a Sony console
>it was exclusive to a Nintendo console
>it had an anime artstyle

Dude literally said it's early in development I doubt we see it til 2019

Also Last of Us on Grounded is the best survival horror game in the last 10 years you faggot.

It falls short when compared to games focused on gameplay. It's not bad but if games were ranked strictly on their gameplay, it would be just another mediocre game.

>how many walks and talks
You still control Joel during these. Your objective during these parts is to find ammo, collectables, parts, pills and other shit to upgrade Joel. The story/dialogue is bonus so you don't get completely bored.

>horribly dated and repetitive gameplay
As compared to what? Gameplay is fine and isn't repetitive at all.

So you played on Normal and never bothered with Factions. Cool.

I personally don't understand what's so revolutionary about the story.

Seems pretty run of the mill to me.

>I have no argument so I'll call everyone who likes the game autistic
classic Sup Forums

If it was on PC the game would have got criticised heavily for it's tired zombie setting, mediocre gunplay, lacking crating system,broken AI, shit puzzles & poor replay value due to too many drawn out scripted sequences

The plot isn't deep in any way, and the fact itself that you said this demonstrates that you don't even know what qualities it does have. You're like one of those people who can only critique stories by calling everything that's slightly wrong about them "plot holes".

TLOU has pretty good cinematography, the voice acting sounds natural and it takes the subject matter and its world seriously enough to be sufficiently understated and mindful of the details.
That's about it. There's nothing terribly complex going on in the characters' mind, and most of the story is a showcase of scenarios that inform the final scene.

"You're walkin on a might thin ice there."
Fuck, I should just replay it. Loved it.

>I personally don't understand what's so revolutionary about the story.
Nothing, it's mostly about execution, and how "realistic" it is. I personally found it incredibly bland tho.

>Derivative, safe story.

You can fuck right off with this comment. I'm not a fan of TLOUs gameplay but the story was brilliant, original and definitely not safe

"But its zombies!" yeah so what dumbass? Story=/=setting

Tell me which, scratch that, tell me which STORY in general is about a man who lost his daughter in his arms when the world was going to hell and 20 years later he meets another girl who he slowly accepts as his new "daughter" and grows to love to the point where he is willing to doom the human race a 2nd time instead of letting her die?

The plot was brilliant and it dealt with emotional themes brilliantly. Its definitely not safe because of the ending alone. Dont believe me look at how many normies (And Sup Forums contrarians) hated the brilliant ending. Proving OP's points that you fucks don't like tragic endings

I mean, the average Sup Forumstard has the right to dislike the single player part of this game. The story isn't anything new, there are parts where you literally do nothing but walk around with a wooden plank. The gunfights, despite being brutal as fuck in the good way, don't offer anything new.
This game is basically a "best-of" of the 7th gen, a good summary. So it getting a fuckhuge praise explains why it triggers the average Sup Forumstard. It's good overall an polished, but it's not awesome.

But what the average Sup Forumstard doesn't have the right to say in my presence, is that this game is shit. Because the multiplayer trul is GOAT.

Pretty much this

Not to sound elitist, but Console gamers do have much lower standards, though PC gamers standards might be too high on the other hand

But reviewers did shit on it for ellie being invisible to enemies. they said it ruined immersion

>muh daughter nooooooooooo
>few years later
>Joel, get Ellie to this location
>shit happens along the way
>Joel: wtf now i love ellie
>I can't lose my loved one again
>fuck the cure

pretty deep neo-Sup Forums

Bad AI.

The narrative is at the same level as young adult fiction, like Hunger Games. It's fine to like it if you are 17 or younger, but the fact that the game play is minimal gives you little reason to play this without investing into said juvenile narrative.

It's not the citizen Kane of gaming, it's the wishy washy Oscars bait of gaming, it's solid but does absolutely nothing interesting

Nah you homos would like it

You're the crowd who liked Undertale, after all

It's a movie game not because of the cutscenes, in fact if the game had more cutscenes it would be LESS of a movie. It's a movie because for 50% of the time that you're """playing""" the """game""" you are holding up on the analogue stick whilst the characters walk very slowly through a corridor and all of your buttons are locked from being used. It is the worst of both worlds because:
1. Since it's pretending to be a game it just leaves the camera behind Joel's back and takes place in whatever area you happen to be standing in, so there is zero direction (which is usually is the benefit of having actual cutscenes)
2. It's completely failing to provide any gameplay experience, if all you're doing is holding up for five minutes then you may as well be doing nothing anyway.
Furthermore the fact that the cutscenes are baked directly into the game rather than having them distinctly separated means that you can never skip them no matter how many times you played the game. The difference between actually """playing""" these scenes and watching them on YouTube is that the person watching doesn't have to continuously hold down the up key on their keyboard to have the video play.
There are plenty of problems with the actual gameplay sections of TLoU but I won't get into that.

>definitely not safe
it was pretty safe.
especially when it comes to character deaths.

>Falls off the second floor of a mall
>Skewered clean through his abdomen
>No medical supplies to stymie the bleeding, properly disinfect the wound.
>Is okay.

In that situation, there's a real good chance that Joel dies even if no vital organs are hit by the spike he falls on. It's a poor excuse to give you a "you're ellie now" segment.

I think TLOU is pretty good and by far and away ND's best work since they started making action games but it's heavily oversold.

Reminder that this movie is fucking shit, and pretending to like it is simply sheer reddit contrarianism where you guys are not even sure why you like it.

The arguments I hear for this game are always:

It's 3 hours cutscene, lasting 8 max if your IQ is above 100, a lot of games you faggots constantly hate like Metal Gear Solid have as much cutscene and more gameplay, so how come you'll say this for the last of us?

The player has barely any control during the majority of the game, gameplay is tacked on shit, it is generic tps+forced SHIT stealth sections with poorly added crafting, crammed in most games to make a little blurb on the box, theres nothing good about this. You have more originality out of Seinfeld.

The dumbest argument

Ok you buttbandit, its not my fault that you want gaming to become a hobby for pretentious cunts who call it ''a medium''. Since when is a game preferring gameplay to plot bad? You don't like fun, complex gameplay? So I guess you faggots also don't like Dark Souls because it's too hard, right? Or No More Heroes because travis was fucked up in the head.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with games focused on gameplay. Some of the best FPS, RPGs, and yes even ''Cinematic Action-Adventure Third-Person-Shooter with Forced Stealth Elements" have fun gameplay.

I could even understand this argument for Gone Home where the game is basically a walk through a dykes house where they did exceeded the cinematic story bullshit instead of a slow-paced detective game, but TLOU isn't a game at all, and you fags only like it because its popular among contrarian cunts with pleb taste pretending to be artsy. Had it not been popular among pretentious fags on the internet you would be shitting on it to hell and back like fucking Nier which is an actual trash game.

Yeah walking/talkin is 25% of the game and so are the cutscenes.

So there's 50% game in there and a lot of the gameplay consists of moving ladders and garbage bins around. So let's give that 10% of gameplay. So now you have 40% of gameplay which consists mostly of doing garbage stealth while you have x-ray vision and theres only one animation for stealth takedowns. The shooting is run-of-the-mill third person cover shooting.

So what actually makes this game so great?

People only like this game because it has good storytelling, graphics, music, and acting. The gameplay was good too, but did nothing to revolutionize the industry as a whole. It was fucking trash.

Undertale was a really good throwback to Earthbound, it's actually a legit good game but Sup Forums hates it now because it got popular

A game needs gameplay. This has none.

Fuck immersion. Babysitting is boring in video games. The Last of Us is awesome.

i wanted a zombie survival and got stuck for hours of chest high wall fighting vs other humans for no reason, good thing i could sold that shit and get some nep games for that money

I feel like the gameplay is easily Naughty Dog's best to date. I've never seen a game that had gameplay match the setting and story so god damn well. You truly do feel like you are scrounging for every bullet arrow and molotov on higher difficulties. But really that gameplay is the only thing that is truly spectacular about the game, which is ironic with how much Sup Forums calls it a movie game. The story isn't anything truly incredible and though I did love Ellie and her growth I never really connected with Joel or any of the other characters. And the ending was good but predictable. Overall Gameplay was 9/10 and story was 7/10.
I hope they improve and refine the gameplay even more in the sequel and don't just rest on their laurels.

You know making up arguments to demolish them serves no purpose but undermine the game itself by trying to trivializing legitimate issues

You are a sad sad person.

>50% of the game
>walking through a corridor and all of your buttons are locked from being used
Stopped reading there. You didn't play it.

So what would you call the parts where you shoot people? The multiplayer?

Go ahead user i'll wait.

Its not bad its just actively a snoozefest

I don't know how anyone could hate The Last of Us. It's pretty fucking good.

How could I even criticize the game in detail unless I played it you retarded cunt? And even if I hadn't played it, everything I said is painfully obvious from watching an LP anyway. Unless everyone who played this game on YouTube somehow knew when the "quiet" part of the games would be and purposefully moved the character around very slowly whilst coincidentally triggering a conversation that conveniently lasts exactly as long as it takes to get to the next section.

it was an average game with an above average story so it was lauded as the second coming of Christ

You never played it.

>tell Sup Forums that it's an 8/10
>lmao movie fucking shit taste it's a 5/10 mediocre movie

>tell normie sites that it's an 8/10
>you're a fucking idiot! the game is a masterpiece! it's perfect! 10/10 best game ever


9/10 experience
Quite genuinely surprised how much i enjoyed it, shame most of these autists on Sup Forums will never play it but will pretend to have.

Normies just want to fit in, remember when they said that piece of shit Bioshock Infinite was a masterpiece just because IGN was saying it?

Other anons have already described what's wrong with TLoU on the gameplay level. There's nothing else to add. Certainly, it has impressive production values but lacks severly everywhere else. Honestly, TWD S1 tells a better story so the only reedeming quality of TLoU are those 2-3 tracks composed by Gustavo Santaolalla.

>being surprised normies think it's a masterpiece
go ask them what they thought of bioshock infinite while you're at it

It really was a 8/10. Beat it the week it came out, promptly sold it and never touched it again. Good but not worth obsessing over.

No, you absolutely didn't play it.
>criticize the game in detail
lmao@ your life
90% of what you said is vague and false
try harder next time

TWD S1 puts TLOU to shame, shame S2 was so shit though

Listen sheep, what do YOU think it wrong with it? Not Sup Forums you dumb little scapegoat fucker

I liked it too, spent hours on multiplayer, although i sucked balls on it.

>Broken AI
>Oh look, another ladder puzzle
>"Citizen Kane of gaming" and ass-kissing from the drones and the shills

The game is passable but nothing praise worthy.

Its ok. like uncharted 4 its really only good for a few playthroughs, its too linear.

But where naughty dog really excells is the MP.

TLOU has some of the best multiplayer ive ever played. Its strategic and fun as hell.

Uncharted 4 also has insanely addictive MP. ive spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours on both combined.

>TWD S1 puts TLOU to shame
literally no gameplay. at all.
also the writing is mediocre. you only like it because it was on PC.

Read the thread moron.

So there is gameplay then? Great thanks user.

>tfw bought it again on PS4 just for MP
I love that shit.

>This character didn't died from an injury so the story is now bad.

Are you one of those "BB should kill younglings" folks?

There's a good game in there and a good movie, but they're totally incompatible with one another. The amount of times gameplay was interrupted by a cutscene drove me bananas. It never had any flow.

I too remember shitting on this game, then I actually played it and realized it's a solid 8/10 game.

Tomb Raider did this as well. It was far worse.

>And even if I hadn't played it, everything I said is painfully obvious from watching an LP anyway.

Yes there is. However, it's so shallow that you might mistake it for a mobile game.

It does nothing innovative or worthwhile in the department of gameplay, level design, or bosses. Without that, it can be nothing more than just another entry in its genre.

I did complete this game, my mother likes to watch movie games like Heavy Rain, Until Dawn, and this. Kind of proves my point really.
I guess since ND have announced a sequel they've sent out the shills already to cover up the fact that they released a trailer that shows as much gameplay as the actual release will have? How many shekels are being deposited for each of your "you didn't play it" posts?

Not an argument.

literally how?
the gameplay is great and it shines in the multiplayer mode

I want to fuck loli Ellie and that's the only reason I played the game.

>you only like it because it was on PC.
>people seriously browse Sup Forums and don't have a gaming pc
>there are actually people on Sup Forums right now who only own a console
literally children

Not required

>tfw we never got a horde mode

One job ND

This. That shit belongs in video games, not masterpieces.

Wow I didn't realize mobile games have come so far.

They do it for free