literally sjw tier
How can one person be THIS edgy?
> 20yo lesbian is dark and broody
> in a world ravaged by zombies
Nothing else would make sense.
Yeah that's right faggot. Most people who live through a daily struggle for survival in a post apocalyptic world surrounded by deadly monsters and violent raiders spend all their time looking like this: ^____^ ;;;;;;
>autism the fucking
Nigger it's a fucking game scripted by people you fucking mongoloid moron
>Im gonna kill every last one of them
Right and those people also aren't japanese or weeaboos. I think the experience you're looking for is Fallout 3 with anime mods. I'm sure you can find a thread for that somewhere, preferably on reddit.
Are you really have nothing to show post ? Fucking little niqqer
How do people determine what's sjw game anyways
Never played a Fallout game
Dislike anime with few minor exceptions
Play on PS4
Doesn't change the fact that this game is written by liberal cancerous white social justice warriors who never saw a black person
Wait, now SJW equates to being edgy?
I don't know anymore, it's difficult to keep up with current memes now.
>a girl with tattoos
>playing guitar while you see only dead bodies and pool of blood
>horrible voice and text of the song
>i'll kill every last one of you
Yeah not edgy at all
I hate that this is getting a direct sequel honestly. I would have been ok if it followed the story of other survivors, but I feel that Joel's and Ellie's story already had the perfect ending.
And who is she killing? The Fireflies?
Great ending would have been
>Ellie gets raped and eaten
>Joel dies from his incurable injury
She could scream to her non existant God for help.....
What did she mean by this?
She's a strong woman who don't need no zombie. At least they haven't made her black.
Add damaged tattoo on forehead and that horn from kojimas game
It's reddit cancer.
What do you expect?
You guys find anything to bitch about fucking pathiec. Stfu and dont buy it you guys whine more than bitches kek.
>And who is she killing? The Fireflies?
She intends to dismantle the last bastions of the white male patriarchy. It's the same reason she murdered Joel and cut off his penis.
I have a facebook friend who is fucking autism incarnate, I sent him the trailer last night. After seeing this thread I had to post it, he reply made me kek so hard
Your friend is a TRUE GAMER! :D
shes literally menstruating throughout the whole first game
in what fucking imaginary state do white teenaged girls act like this?
I don't understand, if everyone was this crazy and wild, wouldn't everyone be dead at this point? I mean wouldn't everyone just kill each other? how could it be almost 30 years of chaos and not have everyone dead?
>inb4 some neckbeard says this is how life would be like if it were the apocalypse
No it wouldn't, you'd be surprised by how quickly society would come together and solve this mess.
holy shit
le sjw boogeyman xDD
Holy fuck, I wish I could see the world in as black and white as you see.
He bought a PC from my recommendation and literally never touches it, he gets all of his multiplatform games on PS4 despite this fucking beast of a machine I built for him. The only game he plays on PC is Paint The Town Red or someshit. Also he insisted on getting a 4k monitor and refuses to turn down the resolution to get a better frame-rate. I honestly didn't believe people who consider 30fps fine in a shooter existed until I met him, he can literally tweak some options to buff his frame-rate but he doesn't even want to try learn what all the options mean.
Feminists like to defend edge lords for some reason. I think it's because they're both insane.
>far left subversives with a penchant for infesting arbitrary and non political groups and twisting them into something disgusting
Fuck you
it bothers me that she gay.
for the pure pleasure of the men that created her. men fucking suck.
This thread is so far up Sup Forums's own ass. Everyone reading with this go take a 30 minute breather and think about something else for awhile, christ.
>Buddy, already having consumed mutagenic combat stimulants and growing up in a hopeless wasteland with absolutely zero future beyond her being used as breeding stock for the few remaining survivors, is forced to fight for her life where the literally two people she deigns to trust are also hopped up on the combat stim, are superhumanly powerful, and every other person is either chugging Joy, mutating due to Joy, or being hunted down by the former two. Add to that, she's missing an eye and a nipple from a previous encounter, and she is the only female alive.
>After a crippling apocalyptic event and the death of her loved one, she now decides to hate everybody because...people are bad
Which type of SJW is she? (((left))) or (((right)))?
yeah that's totally what a main character being female indicates, thankfully le epic gamers noticed it and will stop le evil sjw !!!
god this board is in a sorry fucking state.
Is she really a lesbian though? I thought it was just a phase
It's ok to not be adult enough for the Last of Us. Maybe come back to it in a couple of years when you're ready.
a part 2 if a shit game with a somewhat interesting story.
i can wait for a compilation of all cutscenes for when im really bored 1day. dont care if it's delayed til 2020.
now LoZ:botw, thats a game to be excited about.
haha JUST haha CUUCK! haha!
back to the daycare nintoddler
Remember that time Joel sealed the fate of Mankind? I do.
definitely was a phase.
had be been growing up with this kid instead, she would have turned out normal
She was never really edgy in the first. I'll bet she found out Joel lied already
>Defending Brickladder: The chokening
TLOU's story was fine. The gameplay was atrocious at best. The only time you need to shoot anything are clickers, and not even all of them.
forgot pic
Joel saved the girl for her to become an angry feminist dyke.
I want to go back and let the scientists ravage her brains.
That's not what I meant, I meant people like you telling everyone that to not have one, and even to have one, is indicative of some greater problem
Get out of here you nasty little ideologue
They hate guns and would have died immediately.
Fireflies killed Joel. So she is wigging the fuck out, hallucinating that Joel is talking to her.
>literally sjw tier
>because the first game was good and has a gay character so it's automatically shit
this image was clearly made by a butthurt closet SJW though...
I wish it would've been a prequel with Joel and Tommy that has drop in/out co op like RE5. But this could be good, I'm willing to keep an open mind until I see the finished product.
>see a lesbian character
>''hurr durr this literally sjw tier''
When are you gonna stop whinning about sjw bullshit?
Put a girl in it that isnt cute
Why does she cry the blood?
Cut on her head
>this amount of mistreat and misogyny toward Ellie
You're kidding me, right? She's really cute and attractive for a butch woman.
When they stop pushing their cancerous ideology. What else?
>gay people existing
>pushing a cancerous ideology
uh huh. I think it's time to cut the pretense here of what you actually want.
And what is it I actually want numb nuts? Please enlighten me.
>god this board is in a sorry fucking state.
I think Sup Forums or at least the Sup Forums we knew is slowly coming to an end.
literally cringey as fuck
You have to thank /r/the_donald for that
>mfw she has tattoos
np u gay retards
>gf works at naughty dawg
You don't want gay people in your entertainment, because it offends you.
>grow up in a post-apocalyptic world filled with zombies and 90% of all the people you've grown to love die
>somehow you've grown up to be bitter and pessimistic
gee really makes one think
>neil cuckmann
ellie and joel already had a perfect ending. WHy ruin this? Explore the world with other characters
Anybody who talks like this doesn't deserve to be taken seriously
I agree. But Jewman has to keep pushing the sjw agenda down our throats so that means we get what we get (disgusting homosexual main toon). I thought based Pence was supposed to start fixing shit like this?
reminder that brooding women partaking in reckless revenge has been a common thing in genre storytelling for a very long time, long before your SJW boogeyman came about.
Can anyone outedge Nottem Portant?
Try again, Hillary
Fucking lost it
wew lad
>Literally can't go 5 minutes without bringing up Americuck politics
I hear more about SJWs here than anywhere else. You people are obsessed with them.
>he wants to actually discuss video games on Sup Forums
Why are you friends with him? Don't have anyone else?