Tell me why you care about The Game Awards

Tell me why you care about The Game Awards.

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Where else can I see an elderly Japanese lesbian say "I rove you, Geoff!" to a Mexican cuisine salesman?

4 da meemz

About the what now?

I don't. I just shitpost to get (You)s

Die you degenerate Barneyfag


Fucking die

get gassed

No. 359632430

You are a fucking fag

You deserve it

Fucking die already

>he's still going

Hang yourself

Hi there Lee Goldson! How's McMaster treating you?

how's Lucas?

These degenerates deserve death

Imagine being such a low tier jew that you fail business studies

I really do hate them

I don't, and never will.

Kill them

They deserve death

They all deserve it

Do you look over your shoulder more often now that everyone knows where you live?

And I hate them all

These degenerates, I really hate them all

Which is why they all deserve gassings

Goddamn, do they deserve it

Hey mods, if you want to piss him off, just set this thread to auto sage. Deleting his posts for added kek.

306 threads with you being a no show Lee Goldson. Your RSS feed won't help you anymore! ^:)

If you think otherwise, you might be degenerate yourself.


Like seriously, degenerates deserve death.

they really do

You fit the definition of the word degenerate perfectly. So when are you going to help the world and off yourself?

I hate their guts

Ponyfags have no right to call others degenerate.

As much as Barneyfag is obnoxious, I can't disagree with his message.

Hi Lee Goldson, how's life for yah

They never do

Hang yourself, user's Pie Adventures fag

Thanks. It means a lot to me.

I still hate them all

I can't either, I'm just wondering when he's going to off himself as well.

fucking kill them

It's not fun to call it out when you samefag so obviously.

Pinkie best small pastel horse.

Mods, set this thread to autosage.
He bumps them because he wants to warn everyone that its pony and wants it deleted.

I hate them

His message is retarded
No one should hate a children's cartoon this much


>It's not fun to call it out when you samefag so obviously.
But I don't.
And no Barney character is ever good.

Thanks for the (You) senpai, but better luck next time. ^:)

That's literally a photoshop.
Try searching it up on Kiwifarms, you can't find it.


I'm not going to believe a dog fucker.
Now go find the pony threads I made before you get distracted and stick your dick in a chihuahua.

Hey, if the mods remove Rule 15, that might change.

How do you guys know his name?

People dug through things he's posted online. One in particular was a document that the file information contained his name.

>calls MLPfags degenerates
>has literally fucked his dog

>I'm not going to believe a dog fucker.
Let me use a Simpsons quote to show what you look like right now.
Bart's Girlfriend, I believe is the name.
>took the money? We know.


Barneyfag is a lot like Sup Forums except he doesn't make good memes: I agree with their message but they need to stay in containment.


You want to know where this meme came from?
Some shitty stick drawing MSPaint comic.
And people somehow make this bullshit a fact.

I still don't get why you won't admit that you enjoy the show and only jumped on board the hate bandwagon when everyone on the site did. Also I checked out the show after ignoring it for so long because of you and I've gotta say it's not bad, but I don't see what the big fuss is all about. Hating something because it's next to Barney in a time slot. Since your face is next to Twilight Sparkle in that one picture of you and the VA, you should be hating yourself as well. You're a shrinks wet dream Lee.


He also collects CP

He's well aware of his problems. He just refuses to do anything about them.

Does anyone cares about the VGA?
Does anyone cares about the Oscars?
Does anyone cares about the Grammys?
Not really, people just enjoy it for the show and the shit talk and memes afterwards.
There may be one or two persons who genuinely take that shit seriously.

I get how this works now! Only you're allowed to do it, of course how could I've been blind to that? Only you can make bullshit out to be completely fact. ^:)


I watch it to see what few trailers they show. Other than that there's nothing that interests me about it.

That's bullshit, this is the actual post

Why should I care over someone who likes a show of ponies?
Why should I try to tell someone on internet to stop watching a girl cartoon, even if it's not going to work?
Is shouting "DIE BARNEYFAGS" for many times will resolve an entire fandom stop enjoying over one thing, and also, worth of his time?

t. memer

Again, that's literal memes and you have no means to make that statement against me.

Because their shit's not allowed outside of containment.

heh heh.... .Leeeeeeeee... ..>EHEeh.....................>>>>>> COme OUT :))) come out and PLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ......................hmm mhahaha........... ahhahaah LEEEEEEEEEEEEE I SAY OH LEEEE............................................:)))

>editing evidence to run from the truth
Only making yourself look more guilty

He said the line!!!

Reminder barneyfag was overjoyed when Canada legalized performing oral sex on animals

The post doesn't even fucking say it was edited, numbskull. If it was, it would say so.

No, it's still degenerate and I don't support it.

Degenerates should still die

I really hate them

I really do

>There are retards that still get triggered by multi-colored ponies years after the show started airing
>Even normie places like imgur gets triggered by it
>General complaint is that "It's everywhere!" but people are for some reason fine with Overwatch being spammed everywhere much more than MLP ever did

Maybe it's time for people to admit that they're just insecure faggots.

Goddamn, I hate them

>dudchan, home of "true" Sup Forums, "free speech" and the ultimate hub of the supreme watchdog group gamergate, is literally reduced to enforcing safe spaces for bronies ON Sup Forums

cant stop laugh

At this point you need therapy son. All this irrational hatred of something you personally don't enjoy is the sign of a damaged mind.