>From software: lore/story telling structure
>Platinum game: gameplay
>Blizzard: art direction
>Square Enix: funds/marketing
Did I just made the perfect game known to mankind?
Post yours
>From software: lore/story telling structure
>Platinum game: gameplay
>Blizzard: art direction
>Square Enix: funds/marketing
Did I just made the perfect game known to mankind?
Post yours
Other urls found in this thread:
no, all you did was start a thread on a mongolian throat singing forum
>Platinum game: gameplay
also from doesn't make a good story
>From software: lore/story telling structure
Except all of their games have shit-tier lore that you have to search for online to find out from autists who have spent hours collecting and archiving all the information from small equipment pieces and shit. Mind you, there's absolutely no story at all.
you only got the gameplay right
>from software
So basically a third person cartoony looking action game with a shit story that took 2 times as long to make as it should?
>From software: lore/story telling structure
Fucking idiot
Also sage is invisible
>Games Workshop: Lore/Story telling structure( fuck off I know I'm cheating)
>Platinum Games: Engine and gameplay
>Blizzard: Funds and community interaction
>Atlus: Art Direction
>Rockstar: Marketing
I'm only picking Atlus for art direction because Soejima is my drawfu
I don't like Platinum's over the top, style over substance kind of presentation.
I prefer God Hand to MGR or Vanquish.
>they don't like unobstructive, concealed lore that takes actual time and brains to put it together
Surely your spoonfeeded cutscenes are the only true way to tell a story.
>Blizzard: art direction
So what you're trying to convey here senpai is that you read books in skyrim.
People don't unironically believe this right?
>Atlus: game
That was an easy one.
What's wrong with that? I collect every single book in TES games and when I have most of them (that I know of) I start reading them.
>Blizzard: art direction
literally what
their art is shit compared to many other studios, even though they spend way more on it.
only good "art" they have are promo covers and some other menial shit, while ingame art is just trash in every game they put out.
>Yatch club: gameplay
>Skullgirl's dev: art direction
>CDprojekt: story writing
>Blizzard: fund & shill army
I want to include the sound but I'm blank atm with who make the best ost.
Except From software games don't have books in them and it's only items with the most vague shit ever. Only an autists like yourself would enjoy that shit.
>Yoko Taro: lore/story telling structure
>Platinum Game: gameplay
>Square Enix: funds/marketing
Oh wait
jesus fuck you made a game that plays great, but never moves forward in the story, takes way too long to release because they're understaffed, weeb as fuck and gets marketed using thinly veiled celebrity comparisons.
I love it.
>>Blizzard: art direction
>Blizzard: art direction
Why would anyone willingly have Blizzard's art direction on their game? Everything they do is obnoxious crap
i'm sick of the from soft dick sucking when it comes to lore. they do an ok job with the small details, but the larger lore is shit. all three games are basically just "you have to, uh, link the fire? oh we did that last game? ok, well how about continue the cycle and sit on this random throne thing. there, we went a game without linking the fire so lets reuse that. what the fuck does linking the fire mean? uhhhhhh well its open ended, it means whatever you want!"
10/10 backstory, thanks fromsoft
>From software: lore/story telling structure
>Platinum games: gameplay
>Koei Tecmo: art direction
>Blizzard: funds/shilling
fixed it for ya
>>Blizzard: art direction
>yoko taro
but what if I want to enjoy a character without seeing it raped and murdered
The lore only becomes shitty when they have to make it work for more than one game. Demon Souls and BB are both great because it's contained to a single game, Dark Souls stretches it out and has to make new shit up that doesn't fit into the old.
From's lore works because it ties into everything else about the game, including the art direction and gameplay. You can't have them do what they do without giving them control of those aspects as well.
And Platinum is a growing company with tons of game designers; Hashimoto would produce a different type of gameplay to Kamiya, and someone like Kamiya wouldn't accept having less than full control of all aspects.
All you've made is a camel.
Dark Souls 1 had the best lore, 2 just came along and shit on it.
>Blizzard: art direction
>perfect game
>From software: lore/story telling structure
>Blizzard: art direction
Hellllloooooo Reddit
>wanting Activision to do art direction
Cyan Inc.: lore/storytelling structure and art direction
Retro Studios: gameplay
Valve: funds/marketing
>Blizzard: art direction
thats when i leave the thread
>Kojima: funds/marketing
Fuck this meme company.
>Nintendo: lore/story telling structure
>Nintendo: gameplay
>Nintendo: art direction
>Nintendo: funds/marketing
There I fixed it in a way that everyone would enjoy.
>Nintendo: funds/marketing
no you didn't
I dunno you guys seem to like these waifus
>Blizzard: art direction
enjoy your pauldrons, christmas tree swords and lelrorandumb unicorns
the tought makes me retch
They did fine with Overwatch.
I'll one up you
>From software: Art direction
>Platinum with more ex-clover devs: Gameplay mechanics
>Blizzard: Cinematic only
>Sqeenix: Character Design
>Pre SFV Capcom: General game play
>Tsuda 51: wild card and makes the game 65% more probable to flop hard
lmao just kill yourself
You need to be 18 years old to post here.
I don't think platinum does combat as good as old capcom. dmc3 > bayonetta.
>Platinum game: gameplay
>Blizzard: art direction
>GW working with Blizzard
>Yoko Taro: lore/story telling structure
>Platinum game: gameplay
>Akihiko Yoshida: art direction
>Square Enix: funds
>tfw it's real
>Blizzard: art direction
>Did I just made the perfect game known to mankind?
Overwatch fans are fucking stupid
It's funny because doll, especially that fanart looks like it could belong in overwatch
don't forget
>Keiichi Okabe and Emi Evans: soundtrack