Dragon Ball Thread

So Sup Forums, how do we make a good Dragonball game?

2D Fighter. That fan game, Hyper DBZ looks bretty gud.

is the xenoverse2 game any good? im really bored and i can't tell from videos whether or not i should even buy it

>super dragon ball z
>attack of the saiyans

Dragon Ball Fusions was pretty damn good. RNG could be a pain, but otherwise... DBZ Pokemon.

Advanced Adventure was really good. Soooo thread complete. Good job guys.

It isn't bad, better than Xenoverse 1. Honestly it's more of a refinement or expansion pack then a true sequel, but making you're own OC is pretty fun.

Is AotS that good? I've heard good things and I'm trying to track down a copy.

They already made one. Advanced Adventure.

Looked kinda boring to me apart from >namekian with a gun.

so is there a lot of singleplayer stuff to do as far as some kind of story mode? i dont have much interest in pvp or anything like that. looks like it would be a pain in the ass in this kind of game

There's a full Story Mode, monster hunter style missions, and loads of training modes to get new techniques. Cell can be your senpai, user.

Remember Budokai 2? Don't do that.

It's a ton of fun. Shame about the shitty localization. I really like that every character is about equally useful. If you could combine Xenoverse with Fusions, I think you'd be close to the perfect game

Does anyone else have a problem in Xenoverse 2 where it says "Login OK" for the multi server but it never can connect? If you fail to connect once and then try again it ALWAYS crashes the game. Sometimes I can't even connect to the Single Player lobby. My connection is totally fine though on literally everything else and speed tests always come back pretty good. Has anyone heard of similar issues or now how to fix this?

I don't get why Budokai 2 gets so much hate, I liked it. Although it's been a long time since I played it.

I had that problem for a couple days, but it fixed itself. Sorry user.

I liked it, every character had there own moment to shine. give it a try

Here's a speed test by the way

I want an action adventure game with some rpg elements to simulate the training through the series and boss fights that feel like the fighting games. The problem with dragon ball games is they never focus on the world; DB's world is great and is filled with a bunch of dumb, charming shit like dinosaurs that never get used when you're just making fighting games.

I remember playing the Taiwanese version of Dragonball Online like 5 years ago. It might just be nostalgia, but I had good memories of it back then.

>tfw you will never hunt down dragonaballs with your guild members on the weekends so you can unlock your super saiyan transformation ever again

That's nice. One of my biggest gripes as the series went on was the complete disregard for side characters like Tien.

I like the fighting mechanics. My dislike for it comes from the board game adventure mode and having to fight Frieza and Cell about 16 times. I think it was the only Budokai that gave Perfect Cell the proper voice though. I'll give it that.

Is the first Xenoverse game any good? Played DB2 and 3 and liked 2 for reference.

The controls in 3 just felt kinda stiff

play dragonballz budokai tenkaiichi 3 and then you will know what it takes to make a perfect dragonball gayme

Yeah, the adventure mode was probably not as good as I remember. It was the condescending asshole voice right? Because that's the only canon Cell voice.

>DB2 and 3
meant BT 2 and 3

Eh, I liked the BT games, but I dunno, something about them didn't capture the fun I had with the Budokai games.

Zone of the Enders combat, refined and expanded with better animations.

Yeah, it's the asshole voice. I guess there's some kind of programming issue with the games where he can transform that leaves him with his raspy Imperfect voice

Im still pissed that never made it here.

>goku mets arale when he was a child
>he got married, saved the world more than once and he's even got a grand daughter now.
>everyone in the penguin village hasn't aged a single fucking day.

Isn't there one for the 3ds?

Gag characters never age user. This is canon in Dragon World.

I thought it looked boring too, but is pretty fun.

well a lot of them are robots from toriyamas other series

>Gag characters never age user. This is canon in Dragon World

That's because, in the Jap version, there's no difference in Cell's voice between forms and due to how it was programmed, the dub can't restrict his lines to each corresponding form.

Episode 69 of Super my friend.

Did you do anything specific? I've reinstalled and reverified the game multiple times. It sometimes takes upwards of 20 minutes of connecting -> failing -> reconnecting -> crashing, until I can actually get the damn game to work. I just want to play video games. Everywhere I ask they just say "Your connection is 2 slow" or "works for me".