Ace Combat 7

>Ace Combat 7
>Persona 5
>Gravity Rush 2
>Death Stranding
>The Last Guardian
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Yakuza 6
>Yakuza 0
>God of War
>Ni No Kuni 2
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>The Last of Us 2
>Grand Turismo Sport
>Red Dead Redemption 2

Other urls found in this thread:

All of those are trash except Persona 5 and maybe TLG.

>Sony has to hold exclusives hostage to make anyone want to play their shitty platform.

Imagine how much happier you, and all of us, would be if everyone could play those games on a freelance, moddable and multi-purpose device with performance varying to your dedicated budget?

I won't ever understand the mindset of corporate shills.

Win what? autism race?

How many times are you gonna post this

>hold exclusives hostage
>literally exist because Sony is funding them
Found the retard
Sour grapes: the post


>Sony funds games
>They don't simply buy exclusive rights to them
Tell me, how many of those listed games do you think exist because they were funded by Sony? I'll give you a couple minutes.

Gravity Rush 2 is the only thing I give a shit about

>Death Stranding
Pick one and only one.

Really makes you think.

Nearly all of them are, retard. Anything published by SIE is basically funded by Sony

That's just day 1, we still have today and tomorrow. ;)

Are you sure about that?


why do sony fags keep naming games that arent even out yet.
I see the ever changing list every year.
Why cant they name things that are out yet.

God of war, purely because of Sony.

Same for NioH.

Gravity Rush 2.

Death Stranding (Thought to be fair half the credit goes to Konami being retarded)

Yakuza and Kingdom hearts.

Ni No Kuni 2.

Grand Turismo Sport.


No, nintendo won the autism race 20 years ago and is the yearly champion.

>Sony owns the trademark
>Sony is publishing
>it's using a Sony engine
>I-it's coming to PC
I'm screencapping all these posts for future reference

delete this

Sonyfriends picked Death Stranding and PCucks picked Exclusive Salt.

Board Rules 2 and 3

I'm currently interested in Ace Combat 7, Bloodborne and Horizon but I'm not paying three hundred Merkel bills plus tip to play those when I can grab something to eat and invite myself into a friends house to play them.

i only play steel beasts , dcs , bms, ets2 , rfactor, and rainbow six siege on my pc and dislike all other games because theyre not autistic enough for me.

Pcucks beg for a cock everyday but they only get the cum to stain their precious $4k rigs.

I only use my pc for assignments, youtube and porn and lewd hunting. I tried pc gaming and it was fucking boring. I didn't feel like i own any of the actual pc games i bought from steam. I just prefere consoles overall. I prefere Hd remasters than emulation anyway.

>>Death Stranding
So what's the "game" about, again?

A game where you attempt to eat standing for the length of the game

>sonycucks are this triggered

sad life when you have no games to play at the moment

delicious sour grapes

same here bruv. Retail copies just feel better

Exactly how I feel desu. I hadn't a console since ps1 and I will not buy a playstation any time soon but I feel like I missing a lot anyways.

I guess I'm buying a Switch. They have some cool exclusives too.

>all that weeb gutter trash
>at 20 FPS, 720p
>have to repay for old PS1 and 2 games
Seething with jealousy I am.

>Most of the games western
>all 30fps/1080p
>All new games

>I-i-i'm n-not j-jealous o-of your j-japanese p-ps1 lo-r-res g-games.

Okay kiddo. Its okay.

If pc gamers feel like that imagine how bad xbox owners must feel LOL.

>steel beasts
have you tried v4?


>console war thread


Nobody's winning, nobody's losing. Anyone who can afford to play video games in the first place will buy a PS4 if they want those games. If you seriously think video games are about picking a team, kill yourself.

>all 30fps
>in 2017

This. I just got my new rig, cost me about 4000$. Can't wait to play Farming Simulator at 4k 144fps

I haven't played a game seriously in years, and the future seems even shittier. Fucking hell, I used to love playing vidya.

Can you even play farming simulator on consoles? PC gaming sure offers variety consolefriends can only dream of.

90% of Steam is garbage shovelware.

>all 30fps

0 fps on PC

90% of PSN is yaoi visual novels

20% are console ports

It's funny considering Steam is full of those, I had already included it in the 90℅

20% are "remastered" PS3 games

Having a budget doesn't make them less so, sonypony.

Great start to yet another winning Sup Forums thread. I have my problems with Sony but its great to know I'll never be as terminally beyond ass blasted about them as Sup Forums

Sure feels good to have both.

Isn't P5 only a timed exclusive?

I'd rather not play a game than getting eye cancer

I like to harken back to a day when winning at games just meant the player making progress and clearing challenges, not all this console war baggage and how developers are doing on the stock market. Really how did gamers pickup this much baggage and get so off message?

I used to be like you but the games eventually started taking up too much space. I ended up selling a large majority of them on ebay since I never planned to play them ever again. If for some reason I did, I have cfw on my ps3 so it's not a problem.
I don't mind digital copies of games at all. I mean, who are you trying to impress by having all the cases out for display? Your younger family members that visit every now and then or your friends that come over to hang out?
Lol I just see no point in it anymore. I just bought a ps4 the other day and I'm basically going to keep all the cases in my night table drawers to have less clutter around.

hmm but can you play this many games for FREE and 60+ fps without input lag and shitty looking graphics? Thought not.
Enjoy spending 3 times more than you spent on the console just for the games.
Where were you when PC and piracy won?