Why is she such a fucking weeaboo gamur girl bitch?

Why is she such a fucking weeaboo gamur girl bitch?

>Maybe you can be pro like me... some day!
>winky face!
>I'm number #1

Other urls found in this thread:


>playing starcraft
>any year past 2011
Blizzard sure are out of touch

Yeah but she speak Korean, 게임을 하면 이겨야지

>be Korean woman
>bleach your skin to look white
>dye your hair to look like white women's hair

Why do they do this?


Inferiority complex, especially in japan. A lot of women wish to be white.

>pro gamer

>Why do they do this?

if you were an ugly subhuman you'd do the same to look more white.

You tell me.

What oblivion mod is this?

How does makeup change the shape of her chin?

Makeup makes your chin skinnier?

Plastic surgery?

She's like that so that it makes you feel more motivated to beat her and bring her down a notch with some post-victory punishment, if you know what I mean.

Medfag here, they actually get parts of their chin cut off so it becomes smaller and more "european-like". Once saw a young girl at the plastic surgery who got this done and lost her whole jaw because the doctors fucked it up and cut the wrong part, it got infected yadda yadda

That feel when you handle Little Miss Spandex with your peacemaker.

>Could someone call the undertaker?

Plastic surgery

You're just jealous because she's cute and better a video games than you.

>Once saw a young girl at the plastic surgery who got this done and lost her whole jaw

Jesus, what did they replace it with?

That's not where to shoot first. You have to cripple them so they get even more desperate at trying to escape because they can't walk as well, let alone run, and then they have that fear in their eyes when you corner them.

>frowning and angry before
>smiling after

She probably looks fine with a normal expression before. Not as good but nothing requiring plastic surgery.

Hopefully a load of dosh because that would be a giant lawsuit

Because I want to fuck Hana in her cute tight butt.

They have artificial mandibles now

You and 1 billion other weeaboo fags.

>smaller and more "european-like"
More European-like would be if they made her jaw boxier.

Isn't that how it always goes?

We're not in burgerland, she wouldn' get rich.

Slavs aren't European

Oh, so maybe she was told to check her privileges as the surgeon was muslim or something?

sup adolf

Plastic I guess, wasn't around anymore when they came to replace it. Shame really, she was pretty cute before the operation

She only takes black cock, sorry


It only takes one BBC to make a girl a coalburner.

She isn't frowning, that's just her face.

Nah, just incompetent. She didn't have it done in a hospital but at some ambulant surgeon's place who had never done a operation like that. That happens if you try and be a penny pincher

Oh. Well yeah, sucks be to her then.


Newfags don't know what this word means anymore.

Post quality




Her doctor probably told her hundreds of times to not touch the face.

I can do the same thing

Is it noon already?


nope still a virgin

dude wtf!!!!