Did you unlock it?

Did you unlock it?

>116 lives
Why do modern mario games even have lives

No one finishes these mario games

Yes, and I beat it.

Simply because it is pleasing to collect extra lives like any other tokens or secrets, not because they are beneficial.

3D Land and World have stars for maxing out your lives counter as it is, and there are the all too well known infinite shell-stomping tricks implemented for that purpose in early underworld levels.

Did YOU unlock star and crown world?

I did, yes. And I completed it as well.

this game was insulting to my intelligence. They couldn't have made an easier game

Lives are seriously a relic of the past.
I get them for arcade games like shmups, where the goal is to 1CC something.
But now in platformers, getting a game over just sends you to the beginning of the level, rather than the checkpoint.

I know I collected all the coins, but I'm not sure if I unlocked this. Did you have to beat every level as Luigi and get the tip of the goalpost? Cause I know I didn't do that part.

There isn't a single Mario platformer I haven't 100%'d. I never find their requirements tedious enough for me to stop doing them, even when they ask you to just redo levels with a different character or things like that.

>Did you have to beat every level as Luigi and get the tip of the goalpost?

how in the fuck did you finish Crown world in NSMBU?

I almost 100% mario games, because you're right, they're usually fun

But i didn't 100% Sunshine. I couldn't find the blue coins, and they don't help you at all to find which levels they're even in.

>unlocking in 3D Land was pretty tedious and boring

>how in the fuck did you finish Crown world in NSMBU?
Huh? I don't remember that being particularly hard. Some levels were a bitch to get the Star Coins on, but nothing that can't be done in a bunch of tries I'd say.

Yeah, I used a guide on blue coins, some were ludicrous. Especially since a select few in each world could only be collected in specific missions of which there was no real indication.

By the way, the most straight-up tedious requirement for 100% in a Mario game is probably getting the flags with everyone in 3D World. Yeah, they want you to do a solo run and then a multiplayer run with the other 4 characters, but since I couldn't do that, I had to play through each level solo with every character. You can sorta cheat your way through by connecting other controllers at the end and trying to get all four characters to the flagpole by yourself, but that's tedious in its own right and I stopped doing it after a while.

3D World wasn't more tedious
They didn't require you beating every level with everyone like 3D Land did

maybe i just dont have the patience to do it.
but the last level and that level are the ones i have not finished. i refuse to do them with all 5 characters.

>Yeah, I used a guide on blue coins,
That wasn't even the issue for me.
It's more of the lack of a checklist. You know, in a world, it'll tell you that you got 7 of the 8 shines.
But they don't tell you how many of the blue coins you missed.
And if i recall, they dont even show a see-through coin representing that you already gotten that blue coin.

>Get all the stars
>Get all the stickers
>Get all the gold goalflags
>More levels

Not sure what else you have to do. It's horrible.
Retro did it better than those gooks

Oh, you mean 3D World. You wrote NSMBU so I assumed you were talking about World 9 in that game.

Well yeah, World Crown is a bitch and the Mystery House and Champion's Road took me an ungodly amount of tries, but the satisfaction of beating them made it worth it.

Now, if you want to witness true hell, let's talk about pic related.

Funnily enough, 3D Land/3D World are the only Mario games where I actually felt like collecting all the Star Coins/macguffins available. All the 2D games I couldn't give less of a shit about them

But you didn't have to do the bottom 3 to unlock the final level Champion Road, they were just optional

Yeah and fuck the Paratroopa jump. God awful game design.

What did you have to do for this?
I know I beat Captain Toad, and I remember not wanting to 100% it, but I don't remember why I didn't want it, i just remember they expected some bullshit

3D Land is a great game, at least on par with Galaxy. I even prefer it to 3D World, though that game was good too. Nintendo really can't fuck up 3d mario, can they?

The fuck is this? I'm almost certain I 100%d Captain Toad.

Every Super Gem collected and every bonus objective completed. The issue isn't getting to it as much as actually getting through it. It's 50 floors of a randomly-generated maze with tons of mummies, enemies and narrow corridors, with no checkpoints.

What were the bonus objectives?
I know I collected all the gems (heck, it's the point of the game), but i dont remember what the next step was

So it isn't actually endless? The fucking madmen.
Every level had a bonus objective that was revealed after you beat it once. They're usually things like "find the golden mushroom" or "finish without killing any shyguys", bonus stuff just to make you play it again.

I think I unlocked it, don't remember if I beat it.
I borrowed 3D land from a friend.

>bonus stuff just to make you play it again.
I think that's why I didn't bother.
If they told me to do this the first time, I would've tried. But beating the whole game, then being told to beat it again is a bit much

Well yeah they can't since as long as it has Mario in it, you will be happy with it no matter what, and rationalize all its faults and delude yourself that you are having fun.

The rule written on the bottom left in the level select screen like in pic related. You can complete it on your first go through the level, but the rule itself only becomes visible on the level select screen once you've completed that level the first time. It can range from having to find a Gold Mushroom. to having to kill every enemy, to having to sneak past every enemy, to never getting hit, to not using the level's gimmick etc.

Of course, still didn't beat it though

They were possible to achieve before being revealed to you, so if you played a level thoroughly you could often get it all done the first time.

>So it isn't actually endless? The fucking madmen.
It takes around 15 minutes to clear if you can get all the way through.

>you're not having fun you just think you are

Thanks for helping me understand. Next time I play a Mario game and I accidentally find myself having fun- god forbid- I'll remind myself that the game is actually shit like that kind user told me and promptly stop having fun.

Search your feelings and be honest for once with yourself. You know I am right.

You will have fun with any game as long as Mario is in it, nothing else matters.

Do whatever you please, but notice that I have never asked you to do this.

I didn't enjoy New Super Mario Bros U, but I did like New Super Luigi U.
>Christians 1
>Atheists 0

I'm currently playing 3D World, and trying to get through Champion's Road.

I must say, it's hard. Even if I have mastered the physics and every Mario move, I still can't finish it. I think I have lost like more than 100 lives.

Send help.

Use Toad, his speed helps. Alternatively you can be a little PUSSY and use Peach/Rosalina.

I know that, but I want to finish it with every character, starting with Mario.

Long jump lets you cheese some areas, same with dive roll. That's all the advice I can think of besides gitting güd.

Like I said, I already know every Mario move, so I'm already using long jump and dive roll for some sections.

I just need to git gud. I k-know I can do t-this.