These hacks proved 3 times they don't know what the fuck they're doing anymore.

How many more fuck ups until people finally realize this shit company should never be allowed near a FF game anymore ?

Wasn't XV supposed to be their last chance ?

How can people still have hopes for anything SE might shit out at this point ?

XIII was alright though


>Wasn't XV supposed to be their last chance ?

FF13-2, FF13-3 and FF15 are excellent though

ffXIII was great
1.0 was shit got fixed with 2.0
no idea about FFXV

But when they sober up and try, they can be really good.

Look at ARR and HW.

Is this some FF cycle I'm not aware of?

I think you don't understand what's going on, user.
SE is a huge corporation, and Final Fantasy is only one of their franchises. Even if it fails, they're going to find something else.

I don't think you know what that word means

>FFXIV 1.0
And RR isn't bad? 1.0 at least started showing promise after few patches, too bad they had to rush it and out source development for Chinese.

I'd understand giving SE the benefit of the doubt for one fuck up (XIII), and I guess XIV being an MMO wouldn't really count, but with XV turning out how it did, there's definitely a pattern here.

I think from the moment Square merged with Enix and most of the people behind FF left, there was no more hope for the series.

Should probably have ended at XII instead of keeping on tarnishing the series like this.

>I can't handle anyone elses opinion, MY opinion is the correct one
ok bud



But FFXV is a good game.

NO IT'S NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHEN ITS RELEASED ON PC, THEN IT'LL BE A GOOD GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I guess nostalgia has to settle in at some point.

XIV 1.23 was alright though
and XV was great

I think its more of a case of not being a jaded fuck, you know?

Their response to fucking up XIV was to just turn it into a WoW clone, surely you'd expect more from them ? That's setting the standards pretty low.

Wasn't the FF series always about moving forward and doing something new and innovative ?

Sure FFXIV is now a functional product, but it only became so by going backwards instead of forward, and settling for just being decent.

And FFXV is just a mix of multiple, popular genres, it brought nothing new and even failed at being decent.

Face it, SE don't have what it takes anymore.

Yes I agree.
FFXIV was definitely shaping up to become something much more interesting than 2.0 if it had gotten proper care.

I wouldn't call RR bad, but it's not spectacular either. It just ... works.

>Sure FFXIV is now a functional product, but it only became so by going backwards instead of forward, and settling for just being decent.
i would consider making the game playable going forward
i liked XIII at launch so no

That's not a mainline FF though, it's nice that it didn't turn out bad but even if it did, it wouldn't matter as much as if it was one of the mains.

>i would consider making the game playable going forward
They had already done that before they shut down 1.0. Then they undid all the work they had done and made a stupid WoW clone

Sure why not, let them try their hand at other brand new IPs but they proved they can't handle FF anymore.

>How many more fuck ups until people finally realize this shit company should never be allowed near a FF game anymore ?

>a company shouldn't be allowed to develop or produce games for their own series anymore

FFXV can't be considered great, or even good, when it failed miserably at having a decent story, which is a major component of each of the titles of the series.

>I wouldn't call RR bad, but it's not spectacular either. It just ... works.
It's literally WoW clone. Vertical progression tier garbage where the whole lifetime of game depends on devs producing new content faster than players can consume it.

>it's only good if I it meets my criteria

>1,23 was good meme
i want 11 fanboys to fuck off it wasnt good

>i would consider making the game playable going forward

No, making the game playable is the least of what you'd expect them to deliver given their history.

Moving forward would have been to make an innovative and unique game instead of aping the more popular game.

I don't know how people still buy into the Final Fantasy "brand" when there's been nothing but stinkers released under it since at least 2008.

If FFXV still sells well then they can sell fucking anything so long as it's called FF(insert unused roman numeral here)

is there something wrong with it doing the wow style people enjoy that and its making them money so seems better than making a failed 11 clone

>Sure FFXIV is now a functional product, but it only became so by going backwards instead of forward, and settling for just being decent.
>took a game that was regarded as a trainwreck and massive failure professionally and financially for Square Enix where they publically apologized for how bad it was and turned it around into a very successful game

You can be anally devastated all you want that it isn't XI 2.0, but you can't deny what the 2.0 team managed.

I said it was alright, which it was. WoWfags need to fuck off and stop enabling Yoshi

but it wasnt even allright 1.23 was still terrible

Yup, that's the sad truth.
It's been quite obvious for some time SE can't produce quality FF games anymore.

At this point SE is probably banking on people's nostalgia for the brand, and nothing else.

>Wasn't XV supposed to be their last chance ?
Not that I'm aware of. I'm no FFag, but they've still got FF7 Remake.

No it wasn't.

Was a really good game shadowed by a really strong conspiracy to kill of its FF brand

>FFXIV 1.0
Try to clone XI and the developers had very little time to work on it, had MMO revolutionary ideas that were implemented horribly, but I give you this one.

You and all the trolls/Shills can scream all you want, the game is really good, some already put it above Witcher 3 already.

Expect this anti-shilling pays to continue to try and mud the game, the game will hit at least 8mil copys on its life time, so FFXVI is already pretty much comfirmed guys, the brand is far off from dead.

They managed to actually finish the game this time, a luxury Tanaka didn't have with "Push it out in alpha phase to compete with Cataclysm" Wada.

Not really a problem no. It just shows the genre is dead when all the new games are just clones of that same garbage that only appeals to the toxic player community.

Don't even bother. 1.0fags have the biggest Stockholm syndrome in games.

>final fantasy finally has great gameplay
>the story suffers a little after losing direction being created for 10+ years
>Sup Forums thinks its shit
next final fantasy will be the greatest, the lessons learned creating the god tier gameplay will be applied alongside god tier story

It was their last chance from what the rumor say, but like mention, the game has already sold enough to guaranted XVI Development in the future, it won't be a PS4/Xbox one game through given VII is in development and we all know it won't be out till 2018.

I'm not denying what the 2.0 team accomplished, you're missing my point.

Yes, they managed to turn a mess of a game into a playable and decent product. But they shouldn't have had to do it in the first place if the people at SE had done their job correctly.

That's my whole point. Can you really trust these people after XIII, XIV1.0 and XV at this point ? Honestly ?

XIII-2 was pretty entertaining

>great gameplay

KH has great gameplay. XV's gameplay is garbage by action standards.

>Great gameplay

If you enjoy style over substance combat that makes you feel like a bad ass without doing any particularly skillful, then I suggest you play DmC Devil May Cry.

Yeah this "FFXIII is bad" meme is just so fucking retarded. Recently replayed it and it is still great.

But it's when things like this happen that you realize the power internet has

You can personally dislike it all you want, but XIII was objectively much better put together than the garbage that was XV.

As if that was your point. You were writing off 2.0 because IT'S NOT THE GAME I WANTED REEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Agreed, especially since it is going to be a remake of the best FF created.

KH gameplay is shit, XV is god tier

low tier bait

XV failed at having both a decent gameplay and story, how people could even consider this game a success is beyond me.

A hand full of bad games out of ninety plus titles means the company should stop? I agree X-2 and XIII et al and Parasite eve. We're horrible, but that was square trying to give female leads a go. They now know that concept is a failure waiting to happen. XV is rough but a step in the right direction. No they just need to big the old staff back and we may get another decent game.

Man, you must have not liked most of the early series.

weird way of spelling succeeded

Did he get arrested?

Or any devil may cry at that point.

Why would he? This happened in japan.

>final fantasy for fans and newcomers alike

>Can you really trust these people after XIII, XIV1.0 and XV at this point ? Honestly ?
i can because they fixed ffXIV ffXIII was great and i havent played XV so idk about that one

I think it takes about as much as skill as any FF game.

The goal in FFXV's combat was never to be a hardcore action game (they really stressed this point several times during development), it's designed in such a way that it's supposed to be easy to execute. This also allows you to think about and manage all of the things you would in a normal FF game, with a few twists and turns.

Anyone who thinks XV's real time oriented gameplay is meant to be a test of dexterity or reflex is delusional.

I've been playing ARR for more than a year, I enjoy it for what it is but I'm not blind at it being nothing more than a WoW clone with FF wrapping.

So I'm not writing it off, I'm simply stating it's a bit of a shame to settle on being just a decent WoW clone when the series is known for being innovative with each new entry.

To make my point simpler : I'd rather have whatever 1.0 was going to be with proper dev time than 2.0.

I actually enjoyed most of them all the way to X.
Been playing since VI, the only one I'm iffy about is XII but I can't say it's an objectively bad game.

Which isn't the case for anything they did since XIII.


I unironically think it's a great game

I suppose at this point it's really going to take them screwing up the FFVII remake for people to actually realize, since for some reason FFXV is getting a pass.

That's quite long time, considering it took month to burn all content in the game where it just becomes tedious weekly tome grinding, race for gear and dsp checks. The community was slightly better than it was during launch, now it's just toxic all around.

Current FFXIV is great though.

I respect your opinion, and I also really wanted it to be good. I never even got into the XIIIVersus hype, I just took XV for what it was, and I just can't bring myself to agree.

Gameplay, lore, story, it failed at too many things.

Yeah, not sure why I stuck with it for so long, probably cause I needed my FF fix and it was the only thing able to provide it regarding lore and story.

That says a lot about the state of the non online titles.

I know user, is really scary.

I still remember the first time we used the paragrim shift system in the game, it felt AMAZING, changing stances from healing/tank mode to dps/specialist mode on the go was mind blowing.

I just don't get it user, why such an amazing game had to suffer os badly, it really makes me feel like a conspiracy was really behind the game to get it really hard, or someone with massive influence really affected many people at once somehow, I just don't get it, is a solid game, pretty fucking solid, I enjoyed it way more than X.

Thankfully Toriyama isn't in charge of every game.

>FFXIV 1.0
ARR. Either way it is an MMO. You shouldn't care about it.
>b-b-but it's a numbered FF
Only young faggots care about whether something is numbered or not.

I'm not far enough into the game to judge it so far. I'm enjoying what I've come across so far. I will say though, Tabata games seem to have shitty gameplay at their core to me. Not a single worthwhile game out of him so far, and even if XV turns out good to me, it isn't even 100% his.

>leaving out WoFF
Doesn't matter if it's numbered or not. It shows that SOMEONE in the company knows what they are doing.

Wish is was as great as ffxi @ 75cap. Man I miss that game.

If world of final fantasy is the direction of future ff games. The series is doomed.

I disagree. ARR was ok but I stuck with it because it was supposed to get better with patches and the expansions. HW comes out and it's just more ARR but now you can fly and skip even more of the world. Stormblood looks like a repeat of HW. It's all just so bland and boring.

>You shouldn't care about 14.
To bad it has the best story in the longest fucking time with more depth to its characters and world and has more to do with Final Fantasy.

>I'm not far enough in to judge the game.
Dont worry, once you find out Prompto is the demons and you gotta kill your grandpa youll be just as assholeish as us.

It is the most linear game for exploration. It is way to limited in your leveling throughout most of the game. The preset monster encounters is annoying and shows they were lazy. The lack of content, such as towns, was also a huge negative. If you guys can't see why people would have an issue with the game, then you are beyond delusional. I mean, I can understand why people hate FFVIII, even though I am a big fan of it.

WoFF is the best thing FinalFantasy-related to happen in a long time. If the cuteness is too challenging to someone's hypermasculinity where they won't bother playing it, they're missing out.

The stacking isn't great, I'd rather have a party of 6 than two stacks, but I got over it.

>buuuuuh my opinions are fact
nope fuck off

>To bad it has the best story in the longest fucking time
I'm not saying it was bad. I'm just saying that as an MMO it is more of a side project for a completely different consumer base. It isn't really something that should be judged alongside normal games to tell where the future of the series is going as it has its own distinct future.

Are yours are ?

How about some objectivity then, for a change ?

These 3 titles have been the most controversial ones ever since the series' inception, and strangely enough, they were also made by SE.

Starting to see the pattern ?

It's also a very bland MMO which wouldn't get half the praise it gets if it didn't have FF in the name.

you can only splurt what others copy paste can't you?
>It is the most linear game for exploration
How that a inherent negative? besides the fact that 4 out of all the FF games are LINEAR, besides the fact that exploration has never been the forte if FF, hell I still play FFIII and FFIV Remakes on my DS sometimes, and really exploration blows since the early games, what was interesting for all the FF games was reaching points of interest such as dungeons and castles where strong bosses lay.

>The preset monster encounters is annoying and shows they were lazy
What type of FUCKING COMPLAIN is that?? You could see the enemies in real time, how is that lazy encounter of enemies? you could evade then as much as you wanted, I through random encounter been shit in MMO's since I was a fucking baby playing FFII on my Gameboy or Pokemon.
>The lack of content
You could average 60-80 hours in the game, what you even perceive as content? a town where you can buy equipment or sell stuff? to find boring as hell side quest no one gives a fuck but distract you from the main story like XV did? a quest that you can spam and do over and over again like in MMO's, a route I dislike XV took, but is just a flaw that does not stop it from being a good game.

Holy shit, the more I compare XIII to XV I can see developers try to evade tedious shit that modern gamers still take up the ass all the time, this is sad.

> If you guys can't see why people would have an issue with the game, then you are beyond delusional

No you are not, you see what was good about the game as bad, how the fuck that makes sence? bring good arguments before you spit out all the crap everibody been copy pasting for years.


Haven't bought a FF since FFX. FFX already felt off base. Its become increasingly, clear that the original philosophy behind the series has been long abandoned.

The series have been reduced to a brand name.

Its a crying shame, really. I used to dedicate much time to prior FF games.

It seems that SE is aiming to the younger generation and appeal to the GTA demographic.

>These 3 titles have been the most controversial ones ever since the series' inception
XIV's been fixed, bitching about that is just reaching for straws to make a point, smells of desperation, too. Literally like complaining about issues that were patched years ago.

XIII might not be liked all around but it's good enough to still have fans. Still, I'm not going to argue this one so you can have it.

XV was never controversial. It was always a bunch of people on Sup Forums who took Conan O'Brian's little video and went apeshit over literally nothing. Sup Forums was the only place where people were losing their shit and posting dozens of threads about how it sucked while never having played it.

>XIV's been fixed
People on forums bitching and telling what to do until it become literal WoW clone.

Was it better as it was before?

It still had big problems such as server side UI, but at least it tried to be different from the usual MMO formula. The art style / rendering engine also sucks and makes everything look lifeless plastic, and worlds were boring compared to ivalice in XII or vana diel in XI.

FFXIII-2 was good

>FFXIV 1.0
FFXIV 2.0 and 3.0 are keeping the MMO flag high since WoW is too busy destroying itself.

FFXV is actually a good game you redditor, no, not even redditors are this stupid.

So what's the problem. It's been fixed, right? It's a better game now, isn't it?

No, it's shitty wow clone now. The old one could've been at least something different. If shitty wow clone is what you want, sure "fixed".

if i loved XII will i like XV?

you forgot XII

The standard for stories has improved considerably since the NES days, which the last time Final Fantasy had a story this shallow.

>Are yours are ?


just cause 3 is one of the greatest games at all time, nothing but improvements from just cause 2

flying with the wing suit thing with the jet engine in 1080p 60fps is fucking amazing

why is square enix cucking you weebs/chinks so hard?