ITT: Discuss which Final Fantasy characters are or are not virgins, I'll start

ITT: Discuss which Final Fantasy characters are or are not virgins, I'll start.

Tifa: Not a virgin. Pic related.

Lightning is the purest and best.

I never played anything beyond 13. Does anyone ever show romantic interest in her or does she show interest in anyone?

Aeriths a whore

Flower girl means whore

Cloud isn't too

Yeah, ShinRa kinda of fucked up some of his prime slaying years but he eventually got there.

This is just a meme. I'd find it more believable if she didn't actually grow and sell flowers.

There is an outside chance that she fucked Zack, Reno, or Tseng, but chances are that she sadly died before getting penetrated by anything but Sephiroth.

>And Red XIII

Dyne is not a virgin


Probably not Barrett either since he was married.

For FF7:

Starts the game as a virgin, but is implied to have slept with Tifa in the airship scene near the end of the game.
Not a virgin.
Not a virgin.
Probably a virgin.
Probably not a virgin.
Probably a virgin, since he's the last member of his species and he was only pretending to rape Aeris in order to keep Hojo busy. It's possible he fucked a human at some point, but outside of bestiality doujins that's highly unlikely.
Not a virgin.
Probably a virgin.
>Cait Sith
Probably incapable of having sex.

I assume Vincent boned Lucretia at some point.

And for Cait Sith, I think Reeve may have had sex before, though he does kind of come off as meek and loserly.

>fucked and had a kid with Barret
>fucked Cloud
>fucked various members of Avalanche just 'cuz
who else did she fuck?

>I assume Vincent boned Lucretia at some point.
I kinda feel Vincent is too much of a beta orbiter for that, but you might be right.

>And for Cait Sith, I think Reeve may have had sex before, though he does kind of come off as meek and loserly.
It's likely that Reeve has had sex. But Cait Sith is just a dummy and, unless Reeve is a lot kinkier than he looks, is not designed for sex.

No female in FFX was a virgin when you meet them.

>fucked and had a kid with Barret

you mean Marlene? she's Dyne's daughter

>Slandering best girl
>Cucks trying to shill their SHIT tier fetish
Ntrfags not even once

I like to think of Johnny as just really unlucky, especially with girls. He gets all upset over not getting to talk to Tifa at the beginning and gets flustered outside Honey Bee Inn. I imagine he's getting friendzoned at this point, not for the sake of Tifa's "purity", but just because it amuses me that Johnny's getting fucked over again.
Apparently he got a girlfriend and proposed to her, but I can't find a screenshot of that dialogue.

Lol. How is this slandering?

Tifa is a healthy adult woman. Is it unreasonable to assume she had sexual partners? I don't think so.

Every couple I know fucked other people before getting together. It's healthy.

How is it NTR if she ends up with the main character? Just because she once had a relationship a long time ago doesn't mean it's NTR.

Most of the FF7 cast is in their 20s, it's entirely reasonable to assume they've had relationships and sex at some point, except for stuff like Red being the last of his species, or Cloud basically throwing his life away trying to get into SOLDIER. And even then it's not like grunts don't get laid while off duty.

Lightning gets fucked by a nigger 5 min in.

So we can all agree that Bugenhagen is 100% the Mr. Miyagi of banging, right?

>Ho ho hooooo!

No, she is the loveliest.

I wish.

Still waiting for a doujin where she learns about black megacocks and becomes a spunk guzzling bitch.

While it's not really NTR I can't imagine any other reason for you guys to seriously believe she fucked other guys than that you're cucks that enjoy the thought of her fucking other men instead of Cloud. There's no indication ever in the story that she fucked someone else.

This thread is just meme-spouting.

There's no evidence that Tifa and Johnny were ever in a relationship, he's just one of her few friends that actually managed to escape Sector 7. It's pretty obvious he has feelings for her, but she doesn't reciprocate them, or we at least never know if she did.

You're clearly just trying to start a "DUDE LMAO YOUR FAVORITE GIRL IS A SLUT" thread because that tickles your fetish autism.

She's still best girl regardless of your shit taste.

Pelemo is a virgin.

>NTR fags spreading this shit again
I have no real problem with your fetish, what makes you annoying is that you try to insert it into everything. Even fucking Final Fantasy. No, Tifa is not a virgin because she had sex with Cloud, not because she was fucking around alot.

Having sex with other dudes doesn't make a woman not lovely.

I'm 27 so at this point in my life, it'd be unreasonable to expect that most of the girls I meet and sleep with are virgins.

You generally need to date people to find out if you're compatible with them.

I've been in a pretty good relationship for about a year. We'll probably get married. She's fucked other dudes. I've fucked other chicks. It's cool.

Garnet and Steiner are pure

Also she isn't lovely.

Lol, so the rules are that it's okay to imagine her fucking Cloud, but not other dudes?

They're all fictional characters. All I'm doing is applying real-world logic. Young, healthy adults have sex. This is the oldest meme in the history of man.

I'm not worried about whether Tifa will or will not have sex with me or you or Cloud or anyone else b/c she's a fucking video game character.

>Young, healthy adults have sex
N-not me! Haha!

Have fun getting cheated on. It statistically proven that women with alot of sexual partners before marriage have a much bigger chance to be unhappy, even depressed and there's a much bigger risk that their marriage will crumble and that they will cheat on their partner. i just hope you will get a prenup user...

Cecil and Rosa aren't virgins.


>They're all fictional characters. All I'm doing is applying real-world logic.
They are chilhood friends/sweethearts. it's obvious from the get go that she has feelings for him. People generally don't fuck around if they have feelings for someone else.

>she's a fucking video game character.
>I-It's just a video game!!
So why the fuck are you in this thread? Ah, I get it, you are the guy pretending he's fucked lots of chicks and getting married for some(You)s, absolutley fucking pathetic.

Not even Yuna? I find that unlikely.

Sephiroth is Virgin

Yuna was probably a virgin, she's young enough for it to still make sense. I can imagine most guys on Besaid being afraid to approach her since she was Braska's daughter. As for the guys that weren't held back by that anxiety, they were probably scared shitless by Kimahri. Also depends on how strict Yevon is about pre-marital sex.

Firion definitely isn't a virgin. Didn't Cecil have a kid or something? That'd make him not a virgin. Bartz is probably a virgin, though.


>Have fun getting cheated on. It statistically proven that women with alot of sexual partners before marriage have a much bigger chance to be unhappy, even depressed and there's a much bigger risk that their marriage will crumble and that they will cheat on their partner. i just hope you will get a prenup user...
You're going to stay a virgin.

>she's young enough for it to still make sense.
>Menawhile Tifa is only 20 but it somehow doesn't make sense that she's a virgin.

Not him but in his defense: I would rather stay a virgin than become a cuck that lose half my shit when my cheating wife leaves me.

Rikku is 15, daughter of the leader of Al Bhed. She's probably a virgin. Yuna is undoubtedly a virgin and acts like one. Lulu obviously isn't.

Why do you give a fuck? They're fictional. That means your headcanon isn't really unless a story literally says it. No, assuming and "probably/logically" isn't confirmation.

Yuna is younger than 20. 17 I believe. 20 isn't that young. Most people have lost their virginity by then. Not to mention OP's pic pretty much shows her telling cloud to fuck off so she can get laid.

>you're a cuck who's going to lose all your shit when you wife cheats on you if marry any girl with a sexual history
I'm glad you've made peace with staying a virgin.

Don't worry, that's what you are gonna stay as. Don't let the niggers break into your house and rape you. Statistically speaking of course.

t. sloppy seconds cuck

Yuna is three years younger than that. That's a huge amount of time for that period of life. Not to mention that Tifa is living in a highly urbanized and modernized society in the slums, while Yuna is living in a rural and traditional society in a tiny village where everyone knows everyone and what they're doing.

>having sex with a girl who's had sex, even only once, before makes you a cuck
This is why Sup Forums hates women.

Red XIII somewhere in compilation stuff have meet female of his kind and get to have two cubs. So not a virgin

probably explains why he is such a mama's boy

Statistically, virgins are the happiest most intelligent people in the world. So thank you. Cuck.

Why do you presume he's a virgin? because he doesn't want a girlfriend that have slept with lots of men before him? Most guys probably don't want that either. Just as most women probably don't want a man that have slept with lots of women. Claiming someone is a virgin, especially with a judgemental tone is pretty fucking pathetic. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin if it's by choice.

>20 isn't that young. Most people have lost their virginity by then.
False, you are barely an adult when you're 20 and most people have not lost their virginity by the time they are 20(obviously this depends on country and culture). I didn't lose my virginity until I was 24, most of the people iknow didn't lose theirs until college, which was around 19-20.

>you're a cuck who's going to lose all your shit when you wife cheats on you if marry any girl with a sexual history
Using virgin as an insult. Better a virgin than a cuck, trust me, I know.

youre 12 years old or just stupid?

Can Zidane have sex?
I know he was supposed to be a vessel so I'm not sure how the reproduction part works, he probably is infertile.



No one in FFV is a virgin, Bartz banged all 3 girls in his party and the old man is a grandfather.

it's like sjw vs Sup Forums, just sadder for everyone involved

They probably meant it as a joke.
The lack of green all over the city, including the area around it, makes you think that selling flowers in the city might actually be lucrative.
Plus they literally have a red light district, if she wanted to whore herself she would've gone there.

No, I am right. I must be.

I'm glad you've made peace with it.

No, because he assumes women are either virigns or sluts. Read the reply chain. That's either virgin mentality or bitter heartbroken one. Considering I'm on Sup Forums, I'll go with the former.

>There's nothing wrong with being a virgin if it's by choice.
That's very true, but not applicable to 90% of male virgins.

>False, you are barely an adult when you're 20 and most people have not lost their virginity by the time they are 20(obviously this depends on country and culture).
Well I beg to differ. I guarantee most Americans (my nation) over the age of 20 have lost their virginity. People who frequent Sup Forums are a big exception and their anecdotal evidence means little to statistics.

>most of the people iknow didn't lose theirs until college, which was around 19-20.
That supports my argument.

>Using virgin as an insult. Better a virgin than a cuck, trust me, I know.
Better to be neither. False dilemma.

yes of course but this shouldn't be normal, I mean not normal in an historical and civilizational sense. The idea is that we will revert back this highly anomalous "norm" to a normal human norm

Only once they've reached 30 and gained their wizard powers

All the same guy or two or three cucks in denial. It's not really surprising to me that guys hanging on Sup Forums will either be sad virgins like this guy or full blown cucks that can only get used up sluts that have fucked 50 chads and are now settling with some "nice guy" nerd. Sad but kinda funny in it's own way. keep telling yourselves that a woman with several sexual partners are lovely and strong, I bet you will have a very happy marriage.

Don't pretend you're happier and more successful than the worst virgins and cucks. It's why you pretend to be better by mocking you equals

>if she's ever had a sexual partner before she's a slut
That's your logic. It's wrong and hypocritical.

Lots of autism in this thread. You sure take sex seriously.

Not at all, explain how that's hypocritical? It's only hypocritical if you're not a virgin yourself. Having had sex yourself but demanding that your partner hasn't. If you are a virgin yourself there's nothing hypocritical about it all.

>26 year old kissless virgin
>studying for bachelors degree in a STEM field for years, so basically a NEET for ~7 years

I wish I wouldn't have started therapy for depression, that way I still wouldn't care for anything.

I'm not, but don't say I'm their equal. Atleast I admit I'm a heartbroken fucking loser, these guys live in denial.

If you're a virgin """by choice""" then I'll agree with you. But being a virgin because you can't get laid isn't the same thing. You can't demand purity when you're impure.

Secondly, once or two sexual partners is not bad. When they start hitting 4-5 that's when it gets bad. Even a woman who only is looking for one partner to fall in love with could end up with someone not compatible or been manipulated by a man who just wanted to get in her pants. Demanding perfect judgement of character along with purity is just unrealistic.

I'm just trying to help you guys out. That pure virgin qt3.14 you see on your animes is a unicorn.

>women can be sluts (all of them are by nature)
THIS is why we need Islam.

Even if you know it, you are no better than them

Is Paine a virgin? FFX-2

What it's like incredibly obvious that barret and tifa were playing a little slap and tickle the entire time, you know what tifa was saying about his snoring, they'd slept together quite a few times, she was housing him in her bar, taking care of his daughter, tifa and barret had a thing going on lol and not a 'saving the planet' kind of thing either unless your talking about repopulating gaea

>but being a virgin because you can't get laid isn't the same thing.
True, since you're not pure of heart.

>Secondly, once or two sexual partners is not bad
Yes it is and I will explain later.

>Even a woman who only is looking for one partner to fall in love with could end up with someone not compatible or been manipulated by a man who just wanted to get in her pants.
True, that is a dilemma, but it shows she's a bad judge of character and you should stay away.

Even if she "only" slept with one or two it's still bad. Since she probably knows that one day she will find a partner she truly loves and settle down with. Instead of waiting for this partner she does it with either some random or some guy she didn't really care for. "B-but she didn't even know you" is something I have heard often from friends after breaking up with a girl because she wasn't a virgin. That's true, but she knew that she would one day meet me or someone like me that she wanted to settle down with, but instead of doing what I did and wait she gave in. I'm not a virgin because I can't get pussy, I'm a virgin by choice. I have blown off several girls in my time, it wasn't easy as a 17 year old guy but I did it anyway. I don't think it's hypocritical of me to expect the same from a girl that wants to settle down with me. If I have to stay a virgin for the rest of my life then so be it(I will probably just go to germany were they have legal prostitution and get done with it at some point when I give up).

Nigger, you can't be a NEET if you're studying

Cecil and Rosa definitely fucked

She is in a bedroom with another guy asking Cloud to leave you cuck

It's kind of amazing how you justify women being whores by saying women should be held to the same social sexual standard as men when it comes to having multiple partners, then continue to ridicule others for being virgins, a standard that isn't held as a negative for women.

There's difference between men and women. I can't get knocked up by some sad waste of flesh and lose 9 months of my life carrying a mistake, while losing my prime and precious years to start a family as my fertility begins to quickly decompose until my eggs dry up around 40. That's also ignoring the fat women are twice as like to give birth to a downie every 5 years while men have viable sperm up into their 70's.

It's a simple matter of eggs being a much more scare and value than sperm considering men can technically have hundreds of children in the same time period as a single woman without having to dedicate the time and resources to any of the pregnancies. This give women the upper hand in sexual real-estate and makes them the gatekeepers to the entirety of the next generation of human beings. A woman is supposed to be chaste and settle with the highest quality of man she possibly can who will dedicate himself to raising their children. So a woman who engages in sex outside of long term relationships is, in fact, a whore.

t. geneticist major and anthropologist minor

>user, I see that it took you 6 years instead of 3 years to get your Bachelor's degree

Bartz probably fucked Boco and maybe later Faris

Sleeping in the same room doesn't imply sex. Squaresoft isn't Bioware. They don't do any sex scenes.

>Even if she "only" slept with one or two it's still bad. Since she probably knows that one day she will find a partner she truly loves and settle down with
I take it you've never been in love before. It isn't something objective. You can completely fall in love with someone and think it's going to last forever and then it doesn't. It happens all the time. You might very well turn down your soulmate because you are so quick to judge instead of finding things out.

Virgins aren't all they're cracked up to be either. My ex was a virgin and it was kind of a hassle and part of the reason it didn't work. But then again, I wasn't a virgin so that might not apply to someone who is also a virgin.

I like where your train of thought is but it seems a bit naive. Are you early 20s?

Get on my level.
I dropped out after 8 years without a degree.

daddy issues = desperate gangbangs every night since she was 12

all three of the girls in x-2 are cumdumps

>It's kind of amazing how you justify women being whores
I'm going to stop you right there. A woman in her 20s who's had a couple sexual partners is not a whore unless she was whoring her self out to them.

So the rest of your post is garbage because it goes off that false premise.

at the end of the game I believe he had two kids

>I take it you've never been in love before.
I have, twice, one turned out she was a whore. The other was a christmas cake and a virgin(she was 8 years older than me), turned out she was a christmas cake and virgin for a reason(she was fucking psycho and not in the good kind of way).

>You might very well turn down your soulmate because you are so quick to judge instead of finding things out.
If she's been fucking other guys she's not my soulmate. I don't believe in that kind of bullshit either, sorry.

>Are you early 20s?

I want in on this discussion but the Sup Forums board is shitting the bed

>ignoring basic biology is a "garabage false premise"

Holy shit, mankind is devolving

>Probably not a virgin.
Come on dude, he is confirmed NOT a virgin. Remember he has a daughter.

Well then you can appreciate how if you didn't find out the truth about your partner's until after you had sex you couldn't really blame yourself. Unless you're waiting until marriage. In that case good luck. That's a hard thing to get right the first time.

>If she's been fucking other guys she's not my soulmate.
Good luck finding your unicorn.

Bartz and Krile are canon and Linaly is their ancestor

>it's an impure whore thread

It depends on the amount of downtime a woman has had between partners.

If she had a string of relationships in a short timespan, that's a red flag. If she only had one relationship 10 years ago, then I fail to see the problem.

Marlene's adopted

Basic biology would have the strongest man breeding with the most desirable women. It doesn't really apply here. Thanks for your input , though, pseduo-intellectual.