Sup Forums tells me this game is good

>Sup Forums tells me this game is good
>buy it
>start it up
>first think I notice is you are locked out of 70% of the characters without buying multiple $15 DLCs
>oh well
>start as some duke in France
>press play button
>nothing happens
>wait 5 years
>nothing happens

Go fuck yourself v

At least you were able to refund it. I'm stuck with an incomplete game in my library.

Why don't you just pirate the DLCs? It's piss easy to do that with any Paradox game.

I think CK2 is quite a lot of fun, but I've found that roleplaying your character in your head really helps you enjoy it to its fullest.

It's not Sup Forums's fault you're dumb.

Seconding both of these sentiments. Hell, just try before you buy.

I heard it can potentially fuck up your account so i won't risk it. I'm a massive poorfag and my games were actually hard-earned.

Then just pirate the game in its entirety.

I can only speak for myself but my account is all good despite having pirated every DLC Paradox has ever made.

Where did you find the individual DLCs? when i look all i find the whole game to download.

Do not spoonfeed retards, they ruin everything

>outing yourself as a retard

Good lord you are a big baby


how do you even start learning this game? whenever the tutorial is letting me do my own thing i cant fathom where to start and what to do? please dont tell me how to powergame it id just like to play it and have some comfy time.

watch youtube tutorials

you are such a fucking faggot holy shit

Just play like normal then take your time and pause the game whenever something that you don't understand happens.

The tutorial is shit and videos are smetimes confusing, i only managed to learn by playing.

>start up grand strategy game
>completely ignore the tutorial
>don't look up how to videos or let's plays
>complains that the game is shit
People like you don't deserve to have money

Do you know the basics, i.e. how to do shit? Fuck videos, learn by playing.
Pick a character from the middle (not the lowest courtier and not the emperor), from a nation that you like yourself. Make small goals for yourself (make a few kids to preserve the lineage and secure a position at court for example). And go from there.

>a gsg with rpg elements that encourages you to take a personal approach
>hurr roleplaying faggit
Have a (you). Do you also shitpost in fps threads that players are braindead dudebros and sim players are autists?

this place is like disneyland of infectious cancer

Which makes you Mickey.

You can find them of different small sides here and there. I think CODEX or Skidrow has them, otherwise just download the entire game and extract the DLCs to your game folder.

If you just want to understand the basics just pick a small county in Ireland and play normally from 1066, there is very little chance you're going to get wiped out and it's a good learning point.

If you want to understand more deeply, what you should be investing your gold in, what research to take and when, how to win wars, how to win battles, ect ect. Watch some sort of challenge run on youtube from a competent player.

So, Grand Strategy thread then?
The new expansion looks like it can be a neat concept. At least it's not goddamned China.

It's funny/sad to see how despite being part of the same company, the CKII team has done quite well for the game lately while the EUIV team seems intent in sabotaging theirs with every subsequent patch.

If not anything else, you at least managed to dodge one of the most retarded fanbases in modern gaming. Still a good game, though.

At least they nerfed AE. That shit was whack, yo.

>not pirating paradox games with all dlcs
what are you, fucking gay?

>pick the Duke of Armenia
>be a vassal of the Sultan of Armenia
>he executes me
>play my son
>rebel against him
>imprison him and then his entire family
>execute his wives and his 8 children
>he absolutely hates me
>castrate him for good measure
>win the war
>become independent
>break truce right away and holy war him
>take his last holding
>he gets banished to the Abbasid Empire
>absolutely hates me

Have they? I hadn't quite noticed it, have they announced something on the patch notes or was it another of their usual sneak changes? My latest games have been either on the far east where AE isn't much of a concern or in the HRE where you get coalitions if you sneeze too loudly, so they aren't really reliable metrics

The game still needs lots of work desu. It's a shit game compared to first crusader kings.

How so? I've only played the first one very briefly because the engine and UI were a tad too old for me. And it was just before the sequel was announced so I just decided to hold out for it.
What's it missing? I vaguely recall HRE mechanics being different back then

inb4 /gsg/ shitposting

You called?

>buying CK2
I love the game but you're lying if you claim that Sup Forums has said anything but to pirate it.

The game had a population mechanic. The population was split in to 4 groups; the peasants, the burghers, the nobles and the clergy. Each group had its own mechanics and each gave a different troops. Peasants would give you light infantry and archers, nobles would give you heavy cavalry, the burghers payed you more tax etc. You could empower various groups to min max your troops and taxes etc. and this allowed you to play tall instead of always going wide. Also HRE mechanics, well the non existance of it in CK2 sucks, and many of the mechanics and DLC's are just shallow.

currently playing a mongol game (starting as the 2pm shitty little horde in the top of the map) and after I declared my current ruler genghis khan and started invading I'm pretty much permanently at 100 infamy

which wouldn't be to bad if it didn't ensure every single war took at least 3 years because its literally impossible for me to win a decisive battle given the game thinks, due to the huge number of troops raised against me which are on several different parts of the world, that a god damn 30k vs 30k battle is not significant

aside from that its not to bad

Why can't this ever happen in EU4? Fuck France.

to be fair though, for a large period of CK2's timespan the HRE was no less unified than other kingdoms

France implodes every once in a while, but it's usually because of the Spanish eating at their southern border. And the newest patch nerfed them a tiny bit by giving more continental holdings to England at game start.

That said, a friend apparently has a France under personal union with Savoy in his current game, something I never thought it would be possible considering power discrepancies should have France at 100% liberty desire at all damn times.

I was fortunate enough to have a friend with close to 1000+ hours in it. We would set up our PC's next to each other on the weekends and just play when I first got it. I just kind of jumped into it and he helped me with the basics, then whenever I had questions he would help, so it didn't feel so daunting. I have over 150 hours now and there are still things I don't understand.

I'd suggest watching some youtube videos to gather the basics. Don't worry about learning everything, I was enjoying this game after my first few hours and I hardly understood enough to get by. If you encounter something you don't know or don't understand, write it down and try asking like in Sup Forums or google or whatever, and just grow your understanding of the game as you play. You can get by in this game without knowing like 70% of the mechanics and still have fun.

Can you name any other differences? Were there tribal lands and mechanics in it too?

In my playthrough of some tribal land, despite being strong and wealthy, all my rulings were still poor shitholes centuries in, compared to let's say western developed counties near the start of the game, frustrating, really

You couldn't play as anyone else except the christians in the first game. So guess that's one point for CKII. Also if you're playing as a tribe feudalize asap.

Well, you know that Austria can get CB to force Hungary into a personal union? Earlier, (like a year ago or something), if you pushed it, even if you had 0 AE with everyone else at the time, everyone between France and Poland would join a coalition against you.

Not him, but if I recall correctly in the first game you could only play catholics and orthodox lords in Russia.
Playing muslims was disabled, and I'm not even sure if you could play as the Byzantine Empire either.

How do I Madagascar in eu4? Also I don't have all the useful expansions like rights of man or common sense, been thinking about pirating them but I don't play the game enough for it to be worth

With the latest patch and the way institutions work those expansions are pretty much a must.

Fucking play the game you fucking faggot

What are all the expansions I'll need? I found a torrent with the base game plus all dlc but I don't think the base game is up to date

why would you want to play as a smelly nonchristian

Literally every expansion except for Res Publica adds something useful. Maybe El Dorado and Mare Nostrum can be skipped though. Also what's the base game version?

It can, but if you're pirating the DLC anyway, why not crack the main game? No Steam connection then.

I think it's 1.800 but I'm not sure, can't check right now

Just for reference, if it's indeed 1.8 then it's a two-year old version of the game. But if it's 1.18 then it's the second latest major part, with the latest being released basically a week or so ago. And Paradox patches tend to be full of balance and mechanic changes, a two-year old version of the game would be very different from what the game is like now.
Make of that information what you will

because you can be the flail of god and rape yourself some christians

that said, taking a turkish concubine as my previous ruler was not a bright idea

also who should I conquer next? lots of interesting targets around

First things first user, eat those russians to stop them from causing trouble on your northern border. After that, maybe Armenia or the Baltic.

Look up how to play online a bit, it's a bit more complex and difficult to get into than most games. Basically, you need to understand the game play is about trying to achieve the best traits and skills for your dynasty while ensuring your empire is properly passed on. A good character to start out as is King Mumu of munster. Conquering Ireland is rather easy and will teach you the basics.

I conquered all of Ireland which took awhile and became the ruler of it, then got really bored and stopped playing.


It's a buff in disguise to France since the Surrender of Maine event usually makes England DoW France as the aggressor, meaning France gets to call their allies while England can't.

100 infamy, even the smallest war I start everyone piles up on me so there's no real point in border cleanup at this point

>100-200 years pass
>game slows down to a crawl

Reaper's due really improves performance. During plague years, I can feel my FPS increasing when India, Eastern Europe, and the Caliphate lights up.
Less so in the heart of catholicism, I think that's because of the one-wife-at-a-time thing that results in less bloat.

So what is a good character to start as besides Ireland? I feel like every time I start someone who inst independent like in the HRE or Byzentines you just sit their doing nothing.

Spoonfeed me please.

Please spoonfeed me

Buy my DLCs you fucking faggot or I'll punch you in the balls


But CK2 is basically just roleplaying. What the fuck is wrong with you?

What start date?
If I recall correctly the earliest start date has a greek duke in southern italy that starts the game completely cut off from the Empire, and thus with a nice buffer against imperial scheming, and surrounded by relatively weak nobles.

If it's 1066, there's Tuscany.

Or in the Old Gods start you can just play as either the norse in britain or the magyars and headbutt the entire region with your event troops armies that are very likely to keep you safe in the short to medium term

>Paradox games

Wew lad

Based Johan posters

Based Cobra

If you start as a Muslim count, you can continually expand via the "conquest" CB as long as you've got 50 piety. It's only very helpful in the first few years, as if you're careful you can work your way up to a duchy with careful positioning. Otherwise, Pagans are fun. You can reform Romuva fairly easy if you start as Curonia (I've had Saxony annex me while doing this, not sure why) or others in that area while reforming Lithuania. Then you can spread down into Ruthenia or east into Rus.

Hello dear /gsg/, I hope the day finds you well today

CK2 > EU4

Prove me wrong
Protip: you can't

Unironic liquorpostig > EU4
Seriously, probably only Goy4 is worse than EU4

Neither are great games but at least in CK2 I can cuck people

>kinda like CK2
>wait for sale to buy
>its 10€, nice
>but wait, there is more
>40€ for all DLCs
>not buying all those DLCs
>not buying an incomplete game
>pirate it all, save money
Those devs just jewed themselves out of my money. I refuse to believe that those few fucks who actually buy all the DLCs outweight all the lost profit from people like me who would buy game+season pass if it was like 15-20€.

Power rankings:
Liquoria 2 > Darkest Hour > HoI 3 > Eu4 > CK2 > EU3 > GOY 4

You'd be surprised at the amount of people over at reddit and paradoxplaza who'll just buy anything Jewhan shits out

Shit power ranking 2bh

Is hearts of iron 4 really that bad?

Sadly, yes

its "bad" because it's more user friendly so /gsg/ hates the fuck out of it

i played HOI 2 & 3 and it's still fun as 4. just try it for yourself instead of listening to faggots from any general thread, /vg/ would be so good if there was legitimate game discussion instead of

>this game is shit
>nuh uh
>yes huh

in every single fucking general.

user don't be unfair, /gsg/ hates anything that isn't Kaiserreich and Victoria II modded by whatever resident modder they're worshipping that week.

>Implying that anyone that actualy played HoI 3 and Darkest Hour and enjoyed it can actualy HoI 4 and enjoy it
why would you lie on the internet

I buy the base game for mods access and then pirate the DLC

>it's more user friendly so /gsg/ hates the fuck out of it
Yes. That's the reason. Not the braindead AI. Or the stupid peace conferences. Or the fucked up diplomacy. Or the fact that every single conflict will inevitably turn into total war. Or the "Spend diplomacy mana to do everything" mechanic. Or the memes.

i'm not lying, i just like to fucking play video games instead of abiding by the same dumbass rhetoric this board & /gsg/ spew. there was nothing wrong with what i said, let them decide if the game is good or not by trying it instead of "the game is bad cuz i said so lol"

i honestly don't think it's that bad and while yes, it's flawed, i still enjoy it. some of the stuff needs work, i'll agree on that.

>needs work
If you mean "Needs 15 DLC and a lot of luck" then yes, you might be right

Yeah, but why though? Whats the point of literally risking your entire steam account to pay 10€ to people who are doing their utmost to fuck you over. Doesnt matter how small the chance is, there is a risk in pirating DLCs for steam games.

I would sooner just sent the money to their account and pirate the whole thing.

>playing as a Duke in England in the 800s
>Vikings come raid your shit while you're waiting for claims

getting really boring

>literally risking your entire steam
Nice try Johan

>If you mean "Needs 15 DLC and a lot of luck" then yes, you might be right
so you're admitting you could be wrong after all? alright.

While I believe HOI4 is the ultimate entry level noob game for autism games, I agree with a lot of your points.

>Start as a small country
>Decide I want to make the country into a great power
>Time to fill diplomacy mana, pick fascist guy
>If non-aligned I can do it faster, if not I guess I'll wait for a while
>Think I'll annex this little country next to me, sure hope I can do it before Britain or France promise their independence
>Okay neato I did it, now how about this country
>What's that? Declaring on them means I have to fight the UK? Fuck that, I'll wait till they're fighting the Axis
>Okay, big war underway. I'll just attack them, they probably won't attack me now
>*Shitty infastructured bog has called UK and France as Allies into your war*
>*UK has called literally everyone in*
>Now have to beat the entire allies to annex the tiny 4 country nation next to me
>The war is over
>Shit's been fucked
>Allies defeated
>Time to make my nation great
>Oh wait, Italy nabbed more cities than me so I'll wait
>Whatever, I'll just grab the land around me
>Pass a turn
>All the land around me gets claimed by someone else

I won't speak of AI and peace conferences, I will leave that for people who have more experience with the game than I do to decide, but people apply the tag of "mana" to things too liberally and too irrationally.

The concept of political capital is a thing and at least in concept there's nothing wrong with a system put in place to model a leader's ability to influence foreign and internal policy to go the way one wants it to.

Soon there'll be people complaining about cash mana in these games.

You seem to be fixated with a certain group of people while ignoring flaws on the games you play and not comparing it to already existing games, as if you haven't played them and just said so to gain some weight in the argument

>start up ck2
>ensure that history goes in the correct timeline

what could have been...

Yeah, thats whats happening. It doesnt make any sense to buy the game, just pirate it all.

this post made me laugh. thank you.

straight from reddit holy shit, kill yourself.

same here

I wish they had introduced the refund system 6 months earlier

>cash mana
If only. Finances aren't even present in HoI4, apart from industrial power allowing you to buy ressources (which is implemented pretty badly).
And the mana meme is justified here. You spend your political power on nearly everything. Wanna add/fire a minister or chief of staff? That'll be 150 mana. Wanna hire a big company to build better tanks? That'll be 150 mana? Wanna better your relations with England? That'll be ten mana up front aand a small amount every day. Wanna stage a fascist coup in the USA? Same. And so on.

But the mana thing is a real issue. Some people do meme it too hard, but as many non-major nations in game it fucks you up entirely.

>Want to do literally anything? Better go red or brown, using mana
>What's that? Your standard troops come with support equipment AND artillery, but you have shit all production?
>Looks like you need some military points, here are your options:
>Spend mana to get a guy that creates some
>Exercise, spending what little shit you CAN produce
>Send volunteers (don't forget to get cucked out of mana gain to go far enough down your focus tree to do so)
>Alright, your armies are a bit shit. Want some focused bonuses? You need some mana
>Wanna build shit at a non snails pace? Mana!
>Wanna get more manpower? Mana!
>Wanna get minor research bonuses? Mana!
>What's that? Want to do literally anything relating to another country? Hope you have some mana saved up.

How? Who did you start as?