Why is Captain Marvel the face to represent Marvel in MvC4?
Why not good ol' Cap or Spidey?
Why is Captain Marvel the face to represent Marvel in MvC4?
Marvel really want her to be as popular as Wonder Woman since she has a film in the works. I don't object to her being in the game, but it should've been either Cap or Spidey in the trailer instead of her.
Marvel is trying very hard to cater to people who don't read comics, i.e. women.
Will MCU be taken into consideration?
It seems like it will.
SJWs garbage.
Seems like a safe bet to me.
>Iron Man
>recognizable returning character
>Captain Marvel
>new hotness
Same deal with Ryu with MMX. Hardly the figurehead, but something people will get hyped about.
Sony owns Spider-man
Cap is a dirty Hydra Nazi
>Sony owns Spider-man
>He doesn't know
I fucking hate current day Marvel, makes me miss Bendis marvel back in mid 2000s., Atleast back then they where still heroes, now they are left wing mouth pieces.
>He thinks Marvel owns Spidey
Wait so what, Spidey wasn't in MvC3?
Do people actually buy comics much these days?
They own the movie rights
The real question is will anything else be taken into consideration.
Anything that Marvel/Disney doesn't own the film rights to will be disregarded. Thank Ike Perlmutter and the people of Israel.
Because she's a cute girl in a skintight outfit. This is a Japanese game after all. Don't pretend X-23 and Jill and so forth weren't over all the marketing material for the last two games.
Why is this always the answer people will goto? The real reason is that they want her to be the next posterboy which they tried before but failed. You would know this if you read comics when she was called Ms.Marvel.
>Its okay when Claremont does it
They've been pushing her for four years but never succeeded.
Instead of sticking with what made her popular, they're shoved her down everyone's throats and made her "perfect".
Isn't the Marvel vs Capcom Spiderman canonically dead?
Why did they ruin her design?
Marvel really wants to force her as one of their A-listers for some reason, and she has a movie in production. I don't mind so much, I don't know jack shit about comics and she just seems like a girl version of Nova who was pretty cool in MVC3.
But that spidey was on an arcade machine by the time someone pops in a quarter he's good as new
It's kind of hard to reject the insinuation that Marvel is catering to a "diverse", or should I say "All New, All Different", audience, though. It's just this time they may have pulled it off. Or, rather, they would have pulled it off if they made her side the right side in Civil War II.
Spidey is in all of them.
>the Marvel vs Capcom Spiderman
there's more then one Spiderman?
They want to hype her as much as possible for the movie and make her the female face of Marvel.
Isn't Captain Marvel the "SHAZAM!" guy?
Who the hell is this generic girl?
At least she doesn't look like a butch like in the comics.
>toy product line vs toy product line
why not add LEGO in there as well? i really, really do not care about "super heroes" in this age. If i was still 12 years old, that´d be awesome.
oh yeah, there's a shit ton
There's an entire comic run dedicated to all the different Spideys meeting each other because of some inter dimensional bullshit
Something about trademark bullshit between Marvel and DC
Women read comics
They just don't read capeshit comics
thanks for coming in and telling us how mature you are, on a board for video games on Sup Forums.
Although saying that Sup Forums has become normieshit since the alt-right took off like a tumour with a jetpack.
Because you don't read comics and have no room to comment on them. Ms Marvel/Captain Marvel has always been a big name for Marvel and they've always tried to make her break out in the same way spiderman iron man and cap has.
Civil War 2
Don't read it, it's shit like Civil War 1
>Captain America standing behind some random lesbian
what the fuck is this trash. Has Marvel gone full SJW pandering?
Captain America's a third party
He's just behind Carol for marketing purposes
Also Cap got his history rewritten by the Red Skull who is using the cosmic cube
By the way, Carol's not a lesbian but I wouldn't be surprised if she became one
>Isn't Captain Marvel the "SHAZAM!" guy?
>Who the hell is this generic girl?
>every casuals will think this
she's a literal nobody that Marvel is trying desperately to push because tey need their own WW but they can't use their actual popular girls because Fox holds the right. Protip: her most famous stories involve her being raped by her son from the future.
it´s better to push down manchilds and weebs hard than identify as the cringe that every working class person laughts at. you´re in the wrong side of history :^)
>Has Marvel gone full SJW pandering?
Yeah, they have. That's not even the worst of it, either. Black Woman Iron Man, Black Spiderman, black Captain America, female Thor, shit is fucking ridiculous
>Marvel wants a female hero to be one of the big faces of capeshit
>Instead of making a cool new hero with a cool new name and power, they steal Shazam's name and make the most generic Supergirl clone ever
Why? Why the fuck would they do this? Are they retarded?
>cap is hydra
Nice meme
And her second most famous stories have her be a sadistic and a drunk.
Carol's a mess and it's hilarious
>The Greatest. That's what they call her. Carol Danvers has been to the depths of outer space and back, but that still hasn't prepared her for her newfound status of biggest super hero ever. Yaas, Queen! Danvers may not like the crown she's wearing, but boy does it look good on her. Just watch out for the thorns it comes with--forces trying to take down everything Carol has built.
Captain America is evil and is masterminding everything, including killing Red Skull and taking over HYDRA
>black captain america
>no captain africa
missed opportunities tbhfam
>black Captain America
Captain Falcon gets a pass in concept because Falcon was pretty much Steve's sidekick when Bucky was gone.
Also there already was a black Captain America years ago
Marvel is in the midst of attempting to force Ms. Marvel down everyone's throats right now.
why wont they make the story of a woman trying to overcome her failures? it would be much more entertaining that this "oh look a ther and how perfect she is! please buy her book!" that Marvel is pushing.
handmuscles arent supposed to look like stone
he almost looks like the rock guy from incredible 4
>Yaas, Queen!
>Why not good ol' Cap or Spidey?
Why not black cat?
>Cap got his history rewritten by the Red Skull who is using the cosmic cube
>Then Captain America is evil and was masterminding everything
>Then Captain Marvel got raped by her son from the future.
Is this considered normal writing for comics? Who the fuck likes this shit?
They probably thought it would be safe to just use an already established character.
It's funny, Inhumans were supposed to replace X-Men but the Inhumans came off as evil and apathetic to the M-Pox situation created by their own mist, Carol's still shit, and Cyclops is supposed to be like Hitler but he comes across as sympathetic.
Surprisingly, yeah. My buddy works at a shop and he suggests that it's been getting more popular instead of less.
Sup Forums you're so deluded, Trump will not bring Hitler back to life or make Breivik his vice president, stop contaminating the other boards with your filth.
Because that's the only way you can write a female character now. If she isn't completely perfect it's misogyny and the feminists go into a frenzy.
Because Marvel is DESPERATE for a female superhero to rival Wonder Woman, since they fucking ended up giving the rights to all their most well known and popular female characters to Fox.
Like, we wouldn't even be having this discussion if Marvel had the movie rights to X-Men because Storm would be in that trailer, zapping X with lighting.
Capeshit writing is some of the worst you will ever see.
As for who likes reading this, that'd be nobody Her books don't sell.
Comic fans avoid the bad and focus on the good stuff.
They're used to avoiding bad writers
She's bad guys now
Indieshit is even worse. Somebody post the comic where the guy is married with a dog, dies and turns into a stone and some woman has sex with him as a stone.
Depends on the writer for the most part
People cherry pick but there is legitimately good capeshit like there is bad capeshit
Name 5 female Marvel Super Heroes who
1. Are not knock offs of an existing Super Hero. (They can be part of a team but they can't just be girl version of X-Hero
2. Whose powers aren't TACTICOOL fighting technique with no actual super power
Now name 5 that Marvel didn't sell the movie rights to
these are the worst stories made by hack writers. Unfortuanlly, this is becoming the new normal for Marvel. there is a reason why I stopped reading Marvel. Do I have to tell you about that time Spiderman made a deal with the devil in order to save his aunt? And the Devil didn't wanted his sould, but his marriage? And that for a while Peter dated a fictional that looked like the writer's daughter? And that said daughter was underage (if I remember correctly?)
You're the only one invoking Sup Forums, dipshit.
but this shit doesn't fucking sell. Nobody wants this.
She is a bad girl, yes.
The best part is that it's still poorly written shit only that now the girl looks way less fappable so that makes her strong and independent or whatever.
I know but these retards will keep pandering to an audience that doesn't even give a fuck about comics even if it kills them.
they deserve to be killed then. I'll laught when they'll inevitably push a Marvel Rebirth out and nobody will buy it.
Scarlet Witch
Nico Minoru
Squirrel Girl
Damn that sounds bad.
Oh yeah, but when it's awful it's an special type of awful.
There's Scarlet Witch, Wasp,Tigra, Monica Rambeau, and Medusa
At the very least, Indieshit can be blamed toward a writer and a writer alone.
No editorial fuck ups, it's their fault.
He has the super soldier serum running through his veins
Also Chinese Hulk
Based Benes
(Except for the Wasp, she's an Antman derivative so no points for you)
Now : How many of them could Marvel make a movie that could carry itself and make fat stacks of cash?
>Deadpool is gone
She may be shit individually but it gives a company wide boost in image and likely improves sales in other series. Isn't marketing jewery great?
bad girls need to be punished
Cho's Korean and has been a character since 2005.
Banner's dead for now
There's no reason to make a solo female movie. Just pull a Harley and make a team movie with a main female character, Thunderbolts for Songbird and Runaways for Nico.
Has DC gone full retard too? I haven't kept up with comics ever since the SJW take over.
My fav cats
>There's no reason
Why not give them a solo?
Ironman got a solo.
Thor got a solo.
Captain America got a solo
Spiderman has been having solo's for years.
Are you saying none of the characters you listed are strong enough to carry a film on their own?
Isn't Captain America a black guy these days?
>look how QUIRKY she is! Guuurls can be le wacky too ;)
fuck off
>Kevin Smith
>Why is this always the answer people will goto?
Because if you bothered to keep up with culture surrounding comics this is not a hard assertion to make.
Nah, DC has stayed apolitical so far. They did released a Election Special but even that was apolitical since the write made the Hillary pastiche as bad as the Trump pastiched
There was an instance where Wonder Woman used the word "mansplaining" but that writer doesn't do work at DC anymore.
Rebirth has been pretty solid actually.
New Super-Man may be seem SJWist but even the writer (a Chinese American) thought the idea was stupid but went with it seeing potential. It pokes fun out how the Chinese plagiarize the West and even uses terms Chinese internet users use to mock how their government censors everything. It helps that Kenan Kong didn't replace Clark Kent. There's this one mediocre election themed issue where Penguin was clearly Trump but surprisingly the Hillary expy was played out just as bad (she's portrayed as a sadistic murderer). Superman (pre Flashpoint) now has a son but he's cute and actually is a likable character. The Flintstones is underrated and is actually well written.
hey man, the vegisexual oneshot is pretty self-aware