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Well I'm excited I'm not ready to celebrate until these actually come out.
3D platformers never really died, Sup Forumstards just decided that 3D World was unacceptable just because it focused on platforming rather than collectathon'ing.
>YL still set for March
I'm waiting for the eventual delay, but I' hoping it doesn't come.
what game is that semen demon in the bottom left from
Man I legit forgot about a hat in time. I played some old pirated demo then I just stopped hearing about it. With Shantae coming out I just need for that new river city ransom game to be made and that and then I can be free to not care about kick starter shit again
>3D World
Is a 2D Mario group Platformer in 3D.
A Hat in Time.
>Is a 2D Mario group Platformer in 3D.
yes, and?
That's still, literally, a 3D Platformer
>bending the rules
Come on user, please tell me you're just pretending to be stupid
Is A Hat in Time really coming out this year?
Looking forward to all the others already, hopefully the industry has moved past the "traditional mascot 3D platformers outside of Mario don't sell" phase.
Anyone know what that game was called with the dark skinned boy on an island? It had a teaser for it many months ago. there was a giant obelisk thing that glowed in it
no, you are.
3D World is literally a 3D game with 3D environments and navigation. It literally is a 3D Platformer, just because it doesn't adhere to the common trope of being a semi-open collectathon does not invalidate it from being a 3D Platformer; if anything, you're the one who's trying to bend the rules with this arbitrary requirement.
Found it, it was Rime and it was actually 2 years ago. Any news on this shit?
and it will die again once they release and sell like shit because the majority of video game players don't care about a game unless it's an FPS/MOBA/FIFA/Madden
Sonic is going to suck though, you know it.
>3D world doesn't count
>But Crash, literally walk down a hallway Bandicoot remake is
Crash looks like some shitty drawing a three year old does. Than god it will bomba.
pretty mutch me when I saw the trailer
i'm pretty fucking happy
because i love jump'n'runs but the past few years they were dead
Sonic = Shit
Hat Girl = Shit
What ever that mario game is = shit
Crash = Looks like shit should play like old crash
>Hat in Time was supposed to be a "revival of the 3D Platformer"
>delayed so long it's now releasing amongst a bunch of 3D platformers with much higher pedigrees
Oh yeah i'm sure you could do better, your highness.
wheres knack in that image
you are one stupid fuck
>HD remaster
It's redone from scratch, those retards!
Knack isn't a platformer.
So we anons fuck reddit and have a child with it in the end?
I want a doujin of this
Don't forget the most exciting one of all.
>the snek game
We don't focus on what Knack isn't.
We focus on what Knack IS.
What's the bottom left and right?
Crash looks like Trash
A Hat in Time and Project Sonic 2017 (Not Generations 2 despite having Classic Sonic in it)
>snake mechanics
That looks pretty cool actually.
>2 corpse
>1 zombie
>1 Frankenstein
>literally who
$10 says in 2019 Mario 3D Whatever will be the only one people actually remember positively and frequently outside of "Oh yeah, that came out" threads.
>Hat in Time was shilling its paid demo like 4 fucking years ago
>still not out
Banjo-Kazooie is starting to get rom hacks
Holy fucking shit the 2017 is the year of the console mascot holy trinity.
looks amazing considering the simple concept of "you play as a snake"
>3D platformer
this is what happens when an indie makes a big game
>implying Crash is a mascot for anything these days
You can literally play that Crash Skylanders game on Wii U.
it'll go down as one of the greatest games of all time, like all of the other main mario games
well shit, I guess Mickey Mania is a 3d platformer too
Same shit I played years ago, just shit out in a different color
Same shit I played years ago, just with a new coat of paint
>Hat in Time
Never coming out
Guaranteed to be terrible
look at this faggot
look at him and laugh