Find the nearest furry to you and play video games with him or her

Find the nearest furry to you and play video games with him or her.

what is wrong with germany

>only 5 furries in Madrid

thank god, less population that should consider suicide

Latent nazism manifests itself in other forms.

Losing two World Wars took a toll on them. Look at Japan after we dropped two Bombs on their asses.

Nations and their citizens change for either the better or worse after traumatic experiences.

>closest furry 40 minutes away
>information included on page is his birthday, real name, and phone number

Playing with fire

how has someone not used this to go on a killing spree? the world needs to be purged from this autism

They imported too many goatfuckers.

I can't because none of them posted contact info

people have bigger problems than the fact that a bunch of nerds masturbates to imaginary exaggerations of animals

>8/10 furry girl, not fat
>lives 15 minutes away
>lesbian and taken

There's no furry in my city it seems, except for me.

>only furfags in your country are couple of faggots in big cities
Feels good man. On the side note, im surprised by the amount of them in Poland, considering how christian it is.

>there's a furfag within 40 minutes of my house
>fursuit and all

>tfw a 32 furry lives across the road

In Poland they're mostly in the regions that used to belong to Germany.

What a coincidence.

Ancient saxon genes

32 year old that is

Thats because nobody speaks or even bothers to learn english in czech republic so they never come into contact with furry stuff

Looks like you just found your daddy.



>Austin, Texas has two or three, despite housing Bioware, some EA building, Apple, and all the game masters of Blizzard
>notice a sign way too close to my house
>we meet on thursays outside of chipotle
>the meet is open to the public, but has gotten smaller over the years

oh right thats what they're trying to do