I will never listen to Sup Forums again

I will never listen to Sup Forums again

You idiots keep saying Serious Sam is good game, praising it like some gem, so I gave it chance and bought Serious Sam 3, the fucking game is only about bullet sponges, right in the beginning I am being chased by super fast enemy who has seemingly unlimited HP I was shooting at him for like 10 minutes and then I died...


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Serious Sam 3 is not that good. Play The First Encounter and The Second Encounter instead.

git gud

there is nothing more to say

avoid serious sam 2 and serious sam bfe
OG first encounter is 10/10, second encounter is 9/10

Serious Sam is a shit series in general.

Painkiller sucks, too.

>bought Serious Sam 3
>right in the beginning I am being chased by super fast enemy who has seemingly unlimited HP I was shooting at him for like 10 minutes and then I died...
really gets the neurons firing

>bought Serious Sam 3
No you didn't.

>being chased by super fast enemy who has seemingly unlimited HP
it's anti-pirate protection, why did you lie to Sup Forums that you bought the game

I see what you did there OP, well played ol' chap.

>bought Serious Sam 3
>being chased by super fast enemy who has seemingly unlimited HP
really makes you lie.

SS3 is easily, easily the worst serious sam.

>Guns suck compared to 1 & 2.
>The maps go on forever and are dogshit.
>Enemies get introduced extremely slowly.
>Absolutely no environment variety compared to the original two and what there is looks like bland shit.

See if you like the other two.

>implying serious sam 3 is bad

I have to say that I was fucking horrified when he killed me the first time.

>OP got cheesed by anti-piracy protection

really activates your almonds

Nice meme

serious sam first/second encounter felt like games for adult person
serious sam 2 felt like game for kids

lol i thought this was m. bison before i zoomed in

That's because 2 was the sequel to the console version of the Encounter games which introduced the cartoon-Sam model and added silly cutscenes.

Vanilla BFE is just mediocre.
It's not until you mod the fuck out of it that it becomes great.

I prefer his console model to the duke nukem clone

Serious Sam is not good, anyone who claims otherwise is nostalgiafag.
I can appreciate it for what it means, and what it was but for todays standards it's shit

Don't fall for OP's bait. Instead let's discuss Serious Sam in a Serious Manner.

Do you guys think there's still market space for arcade shooters like SS? What improvements/innovations can the genre expect in the next decade?

Nice meme.

BFE has the best guns in the series.

And SS3 felt more like a call of duty clone than a Serious sam game.
The lack of color and modern environments made it lose luster, and they made the one-liners too edgy.

more textures per pixel, more polished art direction. Also, might add leveling/perk system from original crimsonland - that's it.

Because they recycled their modern military shooter and turned it into SS3. It's really obvious in the first few levels.

There is market for Doom 2016, same arena shooter Serious Sam was selling.

Did you pairate the game or something. That only happens if you pairate the game to punish people who pairate the game.

I belive so.
People are sick of new COD/Battlefield/other generic shooters that they'd eat shooters like serious sam up.
They just need better marketing. Some commercials and whatnot to get the word out to the mainstream audience.

>more polished art direction means muddy dark conceptart.org bullshit
the HD rerelease already fagged up the colors (but thankfully had an option to turn on the old ones)

Serious Sam 2 is probably one of the most boring games I've ever played.

I feel sick just thinking about it. It's so fucking bad.

>Hype up last boss
>"Lol last boss dies in one hit xDDDD troled uuu!"

And then there's some gay fucking dialogue from the devs during the credits where they're like "woow is that it?"

I think there is space for it, and there always will be. Arcade shooter is like tetris, if done right.

As for improvements, I think hardware got good enough not only to provide nice picture, but also to make something bigger, like, let's say, even larger levels. Perhaps one single giant map? Or maybe some sort of procedural generating. Think of game where you have big map, and AI plays role of Mental who decides where to drop hordes of enemies depending on player's actions.
Not sure how good it will turn out to be, but it is interesting experiment.

>listening to Sup Forums at all
>thinking that there's an objective way to rate a game in the first place
>assuming that a bunch of random strangers on a burmese miniature horse breeding forum are in any way or form an authority in objectively rating a game

You aren't a very bright person, aren't you?

one hit? Who was that last boss?

They barely recycled stuff from it and most was made just for BFE.
Croteam wanted to have a time-travel mechanic in the game that let you switch between the grey and brown present and the colorful past via the mutilator bracelet but that was dropped due to budget and time constraints and we only got that lasso and drab looking environments instead.

Shit it wasn't even one hit, he dies during a cutscene and they don't even show him.



>Or maybe some sort of procedural generating. Think of game where you have big map, and AI plays role of Mental who decides where to drop hordes of enemies depending on player's actions.
>Not sure how good it will turn out to be, but it is interesting experiment.

They tried that with Shadow Warrior 2 and it turned out horrendous.

Except no one fucking says SS3 is great, they mean FE and SE and even then they are not great games just enjoyable ones.

>right in the beginning I am being chased by super fast enemy who has seemingly unlimited HP I was shooting at him for like 10 minutes and then I died...


He didn't die retard. There is no fucking corpse.

Serious Sam more like Bruteforce Sam.

oh you mean Mental? Sam killed mic

Serves you right fucking pirate poorfag.

SE is objectively better than FE altough I have a huge soft spot for that one as well
>more enemy types
>more variety in levels, game isn't set just in one country
>more guns
>more interesting bosses
>entire Pit level altough some people hated the weird rooms

honestly i lost interest because some of the maps are somewhat open yet give you no fucking idea where to go so i ended up just running around looking down one corridor after another

I was 12 when I bought the game, and I remember being super fucking disappointed with that lame fucking ending.

>getting lost in fucking Serious Sam

spot the milenial

i mean i kinda wanted to save it for playing coop but then even my gtx 1060 with an i7 and 16gb ram the game stutters pretty bad in split screen on the city maps

and EDF 4.1 kinda stole my interest

>let's discuss Serious Sam in a Serious Manner

i remember being disappointed even after they did same crap in third one

>there are people here right now who are actually falling for this weak ass bait

Sure is reddit here today.

You realize Mental is literally Allah and his servants are parody of muslims right?
Devs are Croatian and Croatia was under Ottoman occupation for a long time, there is even level dedicated to poland aka best kebab remover there was.
Based slavs.

lol what

> right in the beginning I am being chased by super fast enemy who has seemingly unlimited HP
The first comment explains how to beat him.

Oops. Here's the link.

Serious Sam 2 had the best shotguns in the series, fight me faggots.

>might add leveling/perk system
kill yourself immediately

The most impressive thing about them is that they probably have the most realistic depiction of the range of a shotgun in any FPS game.

Ah so that's why kamikaze are a thing. Really makes you think.

>hurr durr rpg elements
kill your mom, dog and a cat, you fuckhead - perk system in crimsonland was fucking awesome.

I would get a kick out of them adding a perk system, and having every single perk being absolutely useless.

Are you sure you "bought it"? Or did you pirate it?

>people resurrected as zombies died from decapitation
not a coincidence bruh

we're not talking about shit examples of useless, tacked-on rpg elements, but rather the ones that provide an actual change of tactics (and, since they last for only one level, you don't have to worry too much about, maybe, fucking up your skill tree)

Here's couple of perks out of top of my head:
1) hitting a target slows it down for some time;
2) hitting a target gives it poison damage (good for low-hp enemies);
3) hitting a target splits a bullet in two, which will hit other targets behind;
4) melee attacks one-shot anything, but bosses.

etc etc. Of course, some combinations of those perks would make you OP, but that's part of the fun (and nobody's feelings would get hurt, at least in single player)

What mods are those?

Touhou mods.

I don't think you understand what Serious Sam games are. I enjoyed Crimsonland and its perks, but I would have SS to be turned into that. But I have a feeling it won't, so I'm feeling pretty good.
>2) hitting a target gives it poison damage (good for low-hp enemies);
Damage over time is actually good for high-HP enemies since you can just one-shot low HP ones.

Serious Sam 2 was both entertaining and comfy as fuck, everyone who says otherwise is a petty faggot.

By the way, only underaged autists could unironically think that Serious Sam 3 was a good addition to the series and wasn´t pandering to the worst of the worst FPS memes of this generation.

Not even Croteam likes SS2

Contrarian level: maximum.

Sup Forums has objectively bad taste

t. playing FF15 right now and enjoying the fuck out of it

Is this that new Mosquito pokemon

>Sup Forums has objectively bad taste
Thanks for proving your own point in the same post.

>uses the word "comfy" to describe a game
>uses the word "comfy" to describe an frantic action FPS game
>calls anyone else an underaged autist

how ironic

classic Rocketeer stats
classic Kamikaze stats
no reloading
no more hitscan Cloned Soldiers and Technopolips
BFE Enhanced
optional: enemy multiplier

Serious Sam can be comfy as hell

>no more hitscan
whats that?

When you pull the trigger, and the bullet is instantly at its target with no actual projectile.

It makes the clones fire laser machine guns and shotguns and the Technopolyps rockets instead of instant-hit bullets.

Croteam was just bawling about their publisher at the time because they were supposedly treated so badly, but that doesn´t change the fact that 2 was a solid SS game

stop embarrassing yourself

What's Four about?

I heard it's VR only which sort of killed the hype.


thats the developers trolling you, they put an unbeatable super fast enemy into the game as soon it detects that it has been cracked. this kind of protection is called "fade" which was first introduced with operation flashpoint, it gradually made the game unplayable by making your guns shoot more inaccurate the longer you play it.
Serious Sam developers Croteam decided to punish pirates with a terrifying boss monster, a lurid pink scorpion creature that zips around the screen at alarming speed and can never be killed. You can run and dodge his attacks for as long as you like, but he’ll always be there, chasing, watching, waiting to dash around a corner and spike you to death. While some might be put off by the horrifying thing, others that share Sam’s gung-ho attitude could view the stunt as an absurd hard mode.

VR is a side project that only four/five people at Croteam are actually working on.
The rest works on 4 and is lending their mocap and photogrammetry equipment to Gamepires for their game Scum.

My only gripe about the SS1 / SS2 shotty is that weird 7-pellet spread pattern (something like *.*.*.* ) of the shot.

Oh, didn't know that there was word for this bullshit.
Now that i think about it it makes sense why early levels are such garbage

I get it

OP is talking about the enemy that spawns if you pirate the game while making a post about buying the game. Implying that he is lying about paying for it.


>right in the beginning I am being chased by super fast enemy who has seemingly unlimited HP I was shooting at him for like 10 minutes and then I died...

thats what you get for pirating the game.


oh my god lol, op got burnt by croteam

I'm pretty sure only parts of croatia were under ottoman occupation and for not that long either. They literally were the military border between AH and the ottoman empire hence the funny shape and the entire east of the country just being called "military border". Got a fancy title from the pope too

Best copy protection ever.

I think this comes close: youtube.com/watch?v=YIXgi9qWzu8

BFE enhanced on serious is some of the hardest shit I've ever played, I'm stuck at that point where you exit the big pyramid and are wating for a pickup and I'm gettin gmy ass kicked

they also did this , your mouse freaks out as soon you get ganged.

I have never seen a laziest troll in my 3 months of Sup Forums.

Idk why SS is so praised by v, its nothing soecial just some run around and shoot like a retard abarge game

>played on easy

oh my god, this is glorious.

listening to serious sam soundtrack while getting torn a new asshole by an immortal pink troll scorpion. CROTEAM.. why are you so based.

>bought Serious Sam 3
>right in the beginning I am being chased by super fast enemy who has seemingly unlimited HP I was shooting at him for like 10 minutes and then I died...

Holy shit please be bait.