The future of gaming

Upcoming years there will be very few
the male main Character in video games

Who fucking cares you fucking retard.

Fuck off.

As long as they don't start putting fat dykes as MCs I'm fine with this.

Isn't that good news?
Why would you choose to play as a male, anyway?


>Resident Evil 7
>the only female character is dead

>2 fighting games
>a fucking comic

are you gay?

So don't buy the games.
As far as i can see most gamers won't buy these sales will be garbage and they will give up on sjw shit.

All you gotta do is hold out for another 2 years. Just don't be like all those assholes fucking everyone over by buying that hitman game in installments.

OMG user, you can't just ask people why they're gey!

Im a dude...
Shes a dude...
I mean... were all dudes.

But whose dick are you going to suck if people can't choose to play as male characters?

They'd all still be shit even with men.
Marvel Vs. Capcom might have some dumb fun but it's an anthology of characters and frankly I have no problem with a game filled with pretty waifu's wearing spandex.

I don't see how this is stopping you from erping you degenerate fuck.

>4 characters shown for Marvel vs. Capcom so far
>1 female, 2 males and 1 male-like android.

Why donĀ“t U try to learn to write correctly instead of shitposting?

This tbqhwyg.
Though my only fear is that we're not necessarily going to get the kind of female character we want.
Or even worse, we're gonna get the kind of character we definitely DON'T want.

The main character of RE7 is male.

Literally all of those games have male characters

so there's only 5 games being released in 2017? wow, that sucks

Futa dicks, of course.

blame sony, the biggest sjw of the industry

uncharted lost legacy is just DLC
MVCinfinite is just a fighting game. theres no main character

didnt those 2 people on the UFC box retired already? why would they be in the next installment?


But I'm straight?

I wouldn't mind if it weren't for the fact the west can't make an attractive female to save their lives. Or make their personality not complete shit.
Tons of jap games have female heroines and I'm way into that because they're always appealing in some way.

Fuck the shrill harpies the west shits out.