What are your thoughts on insect/arachnid enemies in video games?

What are your thoughts on insect/arachnid enemies in video games?

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who care

So far, uninteresting, completely the same as any other enemy.

i like it

Ever since I played Crackle Cradle I can get enough of them anymore.
I wish I was kidding.

duke's dear freja is badass

ate a fucking dragon
was a noble's pet
shit would crawl over the level in NG+
probably made that fucking whirlpool too. asshole

I enjoy the inevitable whining from some pussy with "arachnophobia" on the game's forum begging for an option to disable them.

those need to be deadly fast and fucking scary, not just average weak critters you destroy with ease like stated

I havent been able to continue wth bloodborne because of the disturbing bug imagery, i kid you not, i noped my past the forest to byrgenworth, coudlnt face rom, went to the nightmare front and my skin crawled too much, couldnt make it. Castle cainhurst, the flea people? I couldnt fuckin do it man

sauce me senpai

It's like foot fetish porn. It does nothing for me, but I understand why it's fucking everywhere

>Foot fetish porn
Stop going to sites that cater to foot fetishists and it won't be "everywhere"

I like nerscylla, it is a fun spider to fight.

anyone have the earth defense force webm with the tarantulas flying towards the player?

I think they're so ubiquitous because their basically biological robots that are easy to animate with their jerky movements, nothing fluid or soft to worry about like trying to animate something with fur or more languid movements

Giant spiders scare me to death

Metro Last Light had those scorpion/spider things, they were really cool.

I've tried the "exposure therapy" way of playing games that have spider enemies and focusing on them. It didn't work at all. Shit literally makes my skin crawl.

>Shit literally makes my skin crawl

It's fanart from Crackle Cradle.
There's a bunch more on the boorus, but the game itself is kinda primitive and has no explicit sexual content, unless you count shit like vore and the bane of my existence: oviposition

I saw them done good only in one game


there will never be enough.
i believe they should be showing up in greater numbers at once and swarm you more often, like the hive in RE4.

Looked up the game on jewtube. For an indie 2d platformer it seems pretty well made. You can even go fast in it. Might give it a try someday.

It's a gold mine for ryona fetishists and if you're used to the indie action eroge quality you might even find it very well above average.
Just keep in mind that as games like this do, it's rock hard. But I think there's a simple imput for invincibility, so there's that.



I knew the undead posted on Sup Forums

I've had my suspicions as well.

>Don't talk to me or my son ever again


Spider enemies are nice, especially when you can exploit them to reach higher areas after running into a wall for 12 hours

fuck that shit.

also, what game is that, demon souls? DS2?

Name one (1) game.

Only good if there's a crunch sound when you hit them.

I love going against the Necrophage in Endless Legend. Their faction plotline is cool too.

Name some games where I can play as cool bugs, Sup Forums.

You are now reminded of how terrible DaS2 looked

How did they manage it?



Most of the time they are boring enemys that swarm you or use poison. It's always the same

>You are now reminded of how terrible DaS2 looked
I've been replaying DaS2 for the past few days, and it looks fine. It's not up to the standards of DeS/DaS but it's more than playable, and arguably the best of the bunch in terms of boss selection.

Vespoids paralyze you

This fucking game.
I remember this being on my grandma's computer.

they went from gothic to high fantasy


>I don't know what high fantasy is


Natural selection