Why don't they make shooters like this anymore?

>Modern shooter
>walk down linear corridors
>Waves of enemies spawn
>shoot them down
>Next wave comes
>shoot them too

> environments have many branching paths
>Numerous opportunities for you to flank your enemy or be flanked if you're not situationally aware\
>Figthing actual squad of soldiers with tactics who are quick and deadly
>Can hear enemies call out their tactics and you have bullet time so you have a fighting chance


Its a shame F.E.A.R. 2 and 3 went back to linear environments and shooting waves of enemies.

I wish this kind of shooter had caught on desu.

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Jesus the Nostalgia is real.

Explains it all

>Caring about good game design is nostalgia

Nothing wrong with games going backward

>I wish this kind of shooter had caught on

It has. Its called Call of Duty.

Fears only redeeming point was the Slow Mo and gun play. The rest of the game is awful.


Its a pretty good article that explains how the encounter design was well done.

Nah the encounters in call of duty are nothing like F.E.A.R. The environments are extremely linear and have no flanking and no variety an tactical approach.

>only redeeming point of a game is the gameplay
kys kinofag

>Fears only redeeming point was the Slow Mo and gun play
>The only good thing was what basically made up 75% of the gameplay
So the game isn't that awful then?

There's more to gameplay than shooting stuff.


>that feel when headshoting someone with a handgun from the distance
>that feel when sticky mines
>that feel when slowmo physics with the shotty or nailgun

FEAR isn't perfect but its pretty fucking good. Mostly hate how dumb automatic weapons are, you tap LMB once, rifle fires 4 rounds and you hear only the sounds of 3. Its all random as shit and uncohesive, ruining the gunfeel a bit.

>environments have many branching paths

the fuck you on nigga?

there are like 3 main parts to FEAR


and there were rarely branches

all they did actually was make me get lost when there was one

>all they did actually was make me get lost when there was one

Perchance you should try Bioshock Infinite.

>that 25mm penetrator
>headshots make that clank clank clank sound
>pinning enemies to walls

FEAR is fantastic but
>> environments have many branching paths
This never happened.

not in a fucking shooter there isn't

>being so casual you need the enemy to literally tell you what they're gonna do to have a chance

Every area had multiple entrances and exits. Its why the enemies were so good at flanking.

What FEAR lacks in variety it makes up from sheer atmosphere and gun play. Playing in an office space 90% of the game would sound terrible but the way the environment and physics engine reacts to to gun shots and explosives really gives it life. The guns feel powerful and watching the chaos you create is so satisfying.

It's basically the game version of Hard Boiled.

Well there is.

It takes a wealth of energy and ideas to create a tuly unique and progressive game experience. First person shooters are, by design, devoid of these two things. What artist wants to pour their ideas into a game that has a central theme of betrayal or revenge, plus lifeless, one dimensional characters who exist either to get killed off or get angry.

It's rare that a talanted team comes together willing to put ego aside and dedicate their creativity to making gameplay their top priority in spite of a retarded narrative vision running the scene.

'many' is definitely an overstatement. There are a few areas with adjoining rooms or hallways that lead to the same place. It leads to one of the best tricks of the ai, where you think you've killed an entire squad, only to have one survivor sneak up on you because he looped all the way around.

Oh okay, that's fair enough.

wrong, idiot

Prove me wrong.

Not that guy but there is.
You also have to take in large consideration of map layout, placment of weapons/health/powerups and AI. But FEAR also does that really well (except maybe resource placement since you can find a health kit every ten feet)

So he's technically right but still a huge faggot

>It leads to one of the best tricks of the ai, where you think you've killed an entire squad, only to have one survivor sneak up on you because he looped all the way around.

People often praise F.E.A.R for its AI, and while it really is remarkable for its time, it's actually mostly a combination of it and a clever level design.
With that being said, I still think it's one of the greatest AI available in an FPS

>Can hear enemies call out their tactics
I think monolith talked about that being the key trick that makes people think the AI in FEAR and NOLF is more sophisticated than it is. I agree it's usually a nice touch and compliments gameplay, probably makes debugging/testing the AI easier too

Was there ever any mods for F.E.A.R?

Replica soldiers really have a shitton of lines that cover a bucket load of situations.
That made them stand out from the regular grunts in FPS.

I think that it allows you to pay attention and gives you time to react. Enemies are quick and it makes fights more tense.

Fear was linear af you retarded nu Sup Forumsaginal tryhard. It is literally the definition of a corridor shooter.


Fear 1 ain't bad for a 21st century FPS but it's got serious problems - little enemy variety, little level variety, and the 'horror' aspect of the game is a joke

>walk down linear corridors
>Waves of enemies spawn
>shoot them down
>Next wave comes
>shoot them too
That's literally the entirety of FEAR.

It was linear , but every arena had multiple entrances and exits so you could flank or the Ai could double back and flank you,

Why don't they make shooters like this anymore?
Literally "we don't give a flying fuck about realism anymore"

It's actually just one soldier(the "AI leader") which says all the lines IIRC.

The "leader" soldier will say "I am flanking", but there is actually another soldier who does the flanking. The final effect on the player is still the same anyway.

And the image doesn't want to load.
It's (was supposed to be) the Support Cannon webm from Lost planet 2 anyway

>environments have many branching paths
>Numerous opportunities for you to flank your enemy or be flanked
The article exaggerates this. FEAR has plenty of times when you have enemies in a hallway-type area in front of you or in a little arena. It also downplays how Half-Life also gave you rooms with little side routes and walkways for the soldiers to run around on.

>F.E.A.R. 2 went back to linear environments and shooting waves of enemies
This is nonsense, the FEAR 2 encounter design was basically the same.

Why does everyone have to exaggerate everything when talking about FEAR? It's a cool game but sheesh. inb4 some faggot talks about how its graphics are unmatched by modern games or some stupid shit like that.

fear 2 suffer because of the shitty fov, the engagement range is half that of fear 1 and the enemies who move around less than 1.

I haven't played these. Which FEAR games are the best?

Does anyone have that map design video of Fear with the diagram of the office layout?

>map design video of Fear

Fear 1 and the expanisons. FEAR 2 is decent but the maps aren't as complex. FEAR 3 is basically a different kind of game from the other 2. Never played it but people say it is only fun in co-op.


>"Audiologs" are answering machine messages that make sense for people to leave as a message on an answering machine.
>Hearing the soldier's voices coming through the radios
>Never being able to tell instinctively "this is where enemies will spawn in" based on map design.
>The levels feel like somewhere that would exist in real life.