How this game

how this game

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recommend me a game that's an /experience/


pretty excellent

definitely scratched an itch I didn't know I had

play on hard mode and in surround sound

you'll thank me later

Do you like Alien? If yes, get it.

level design and atmosphere are top notch. and i love a good sci-fi setting like alien. to bad the gameplay is sort of annoying.

My favorite game of the last few years, I think.

Very atmospheric. If you enjoyed the dynamic of Resident Evil 3 (constantly being hunted), you'll know that sense of tension.

If you love the original movie, the setting is pretty comfy for a horror game. Lots of great ambient sound and light.

very atmospheric.

gives genuine sense of fear and "ohfuckohfuckohcuck".

But I get bored easily in the synth bits.

Played about half way when you get to the new area after blowing up the other bit and stopped playing.

Pick it up in a sale for $7 or whatever.

pretty solid, but goes on too long for its own good.

If you're playing on the PC, download the INI from mod.db that changes the alien's search patterns. It completely randomizes how often it will search, how long you'll go without it showing up, etc. Even on easier modes.

It makes the game fucking tense as shit.

That stuff is optional. Fixing the god-awful FOV however, is not:

it is a video game

Absolutely gorgeous game with one of a kind atmosphere and a incredibly tense gameplay.

Agreed. Should have added that to my post. also, the link if anyone's interested.

It really nailed the visual style of the movies which was amazing but everything not involving the alien was boring shit.

How this game what?

Too long

How much will I enjoy this game if I fucking hate anything Penumbra/Amnesia type of shit?

I hate all the waiting and feeling helpless. I understand sneaking around, but I do so because of my own choice, not because I am some pussy that gets destroyed by anything.

Anyways, if it helps, I am into the whole Alien tier and I would love to play this game, but it's just those above concerns that... concern me.

Pretty fun, must buy if you're an alien fan. Only thing that sucks is that there isn't enough action, I loved blasting synths and humans with the shotgun.

Learn to type real sentences, you foreign retard.

i started my first playthrough on nightmare difficulty a few days ago because i just default to the hardest mode in video games now.

it's too hard but it's very fun anyways. i recently learned there's normally a HUD with your health and ammo and shit, and you have a map. sounds like shit

Great, but only if you aren't a pussy and play on hard or nightmare.

People suck it's dick but it's basically scifi outlast except with 20 hours of bad stealth instead of 2-3 hours of bad stealth



I played it with a cheat that made me undetectable

come at me

English, motherfucker.

Worth on sale. Good for download.
