ID: 1585 - 7080 - 5028 - 46
PASS: rage
RULES: ffa Sup Forumskend
Sm4sh Sup Forumskend
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thsi is bump
No, thsi is bump
No thsi is Patrick
No I am a bump
Boney bullying will be achieved
who the fuck do you think you are
Don't forget to find a partner/sign up for the teams tourney:
Dragboi u want 2 do dis?????
Jesus, does every FE character except marth have armor on their up b? gg chaos.
I'll team with someone if they want to but I don't guarantee we will finish the tournament and I'll probably be worse than you but hey I'll extend the offer
F am I might not be able to play next week, sorry
I'll come to shitpost tho
GG And yeah the all so aside Robin for some reason
Welcome to Town & SD
How are you doing Chaos?
everything about that match was fucking weird as hell.
I'm coming in.
Awesome I was using Roy last match and forgot I wasn't using Roy this match
As you saw I would up understage in a minute!
Bo7, who is your main my man?
wanna jiggly/ness? (~'v')~
>went from being sa pretty solid half decen tplayer to trash in the last month
I think it must be my controler. my gamepad has been playing up like crazy.
We've asked he won't tell us
Is there a group of people more cucked than spooky haters?
>They appeal to other popular players to leave the lobbies when spooky joins since if they do it themselves no one will give a shit
>Popular players cringe and go "lol no, know your place"
>They try to ban spooky in game by reporting him, he can't get banend anymore because he broke the report system by getting banned so much
>They spot him in another thread and report him, getting him banned, they only make him more popular and some other user who has never had contact with spooky recognizes how impressive his shitposting is, compares him to lanced jack
Is spooky kino?
Oh wait this is for next week? I don't know if I'll be free but if so then let's do it aloof!
>The good old Aaron + Yoky combo
>trying to shoryu in that lag
been maining these two punks ever since 64 desu
Can we not do this already the threads have been shit all week can we just play video games and shut up for once?
nice cloud
But that's what the shitters want, ban spooky and silence him. They have only made it worse.
Praise spooky, son of Kek.
lol luigis upsmash is like a magnet
How does an Ike even approach lol
i miss spooky lol
Sounds good to me. Guess we should wait until next week to set up account thingy.
Yeah just in case I gotta work
>that guy that takes the laggy joke match super srs
Did spooky get banned or something? What is everyone talking about?
Must stop... the urge to challenge the upsmash
odd I know you're out there lets go man its doubles time again
It's just one sihtposter who always mysteriously appears within 30 minutes of spopoky joining.
>Stickerbrush Symphony twice in a row
whomever the other guy picking Omega Jungle Hijinx deserves 72 virgins
Looking for someone for the team tourney
Noice one Boney
All these upsmashes!!! Haha
Why are all these matches lagging with us four?
one of you guys are lagging but no one will speak up and say who
>That save
Thanks Dayman
aaron is a lagger
It's probably Falafel I know it's not me picture related is my usual speed and I'm wired
Yeah my brother just got home and immediately opened netflix. DIdn't hear him come on because head phones. Going to sit back and wait for him to fuck off and leave.
I'm using a lan adapter with pic related
Sorry if I'm wrong Aaron but I don't lag when I play with Phil, maybe it's Chaos?
not me>me >
No idea what happened
Why do people like this game? Don't you people get tired of throwing out moves hoping they hit because everything else is too safe and guaranteed followups? That's about as fun as a math problem.
>Game starts to lag after Yoky is defeated
Sweet spike Chaos
>Don't you people get tired of throwing out moves hoping they hit because everything else is too safe and guaranteed followups?
to be fair most people just play the game normally, with items and just fucking about with their favorite characters. It's not like when you have people (I assume there are some here) that spend hours upon hours refinining their "technique" and stuff. And playing on the same 3 stages.
its falafel
>not Yoky
k isnt.
Using a lan adapter as well.
Please don't put my fire out
1v1 anyone? NNID: Agrael
Who wants to do it with me ?
Well, I don't see a problem with playing on the same stages because I personally think that hazards aren't fun at all. But I'm really just trying to understand what draws people to smash 4 instead of any other (((fighting game))). Smash went from open ended creativity to following your flowchart if you're playing at a decent level.
you in the states? that doesn't mean anything if you're out in 3rd world no where. could be someone else though.
It's not just played with him he's fine
Now if this is going to be our new big meme then I'm down
There are tons of flow charts in Melee and 64 they just look flashier is all.
Also tournament WHERE?
its falafel
he isnt good
If you're not tired of fighting me let's go!
No shit, the difference is that there's no room to do anything that isn't flowchart or fundamental to fighting games in smash 4.
Yes please
Didn't think I would put up a fight
>But I'm really just trying to understand what draws people to smash 4 instead of any other (((fighting game))). Smash went from open ended creativity to following your flowchart if you're playing at a decent level.
People who aren't good enough to play real fighters or something? I think the main reason people play smash competitively over actual fighters is because A. Nostalgia for melee and 64 or B. they aren't good at execution heavy games and prefer the way the movement is in smash.
>inb4 someone posts strawman melee button mash webm. That shit is baby level compared to some of the ridicolous shit in games like mahvel.
If someone posts the image for teams I'll make it since no one else is moving
Room's up, bo3. Gonna join the Team tourney after.
New Tourney
Id: 3747-3650-9105-06
pass: rage
I never do well against Ikes that know what they're doing no matter who I am.
How long until Bo7 has another mental breakdown? I went to bed shortly before the last one and missed it.
Would anyone like to team for the doubles tourney?
Hello Sup Forumseekend! The Teams Challonge tourney is set for next sunday~ to join simply find a partner here and have one of you sign up on the challonge page with both your names or team name. No worries you got plenty of time!!
I kind of imitated Ryan and END, dunno when to grab though
Btw brow it's fine to make tournaments but please keep it at a slower pace (3 or 4 weeks), last sunday the thread died badly
Sure, why not? Who wants to team?
Oh sorry this is going to be the last one for a while prettymuch
why? dont listen to twice a month isnt a lot at all and changes things up. sundays are dead days anyway
Fug ggs once again
not with that lag
GGs Aloof, don't know what happened that second game, I want to kill myself.
Gg Jonathon
Figures, I've always lagged a bit with you, do you have a LAN Adapter?
Joining! Nice to see you guys again.
Do you have any tips for me? I feel helpless whenever we fight.