Should I pick this up for $10?

Should I pick this up for $10?
I've heard it's the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2.

>best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2

so, not as good as halo 3 then?

Yes it's good.
Study more ESL user.

The gameplay is great, the fucking map design is terrible. It's like every map is the size of lockout with the same shitty spawn system.


which call of duty is this?

There is a big update coming in a week or so.
Massive additions to forge and custom games + custom game browser.

>I've heard it's the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2.
I think you mean 3, right? Don't get me wrong, Halo 2's MP was really, REALLY good but Halo 3 further polished the mechanics, had The Pit, added Forge, and eventually got all of Halo 2's best maps. Except forge. And Terminal. Fuck.

>God tier
Halo 3, Reach (Invasion mode only)

>Demigod tier
Halo 2, Halo 5

>Bretty gud tier
CE, H2A, Reach (everything that isn't Invasion)

Halo 4

Anyway, yes, it's absolutely worth $10. MP is great, Campaign is bretty gud, would have been better if it focused more on Blue Team. I swear to god they better make Arbiter playable in 6

>It's like every map is the size of lockout with the same shitty spawn system
That's a good thing though, and there's always Warzone if you want to LAY SIEGE!

Best armor is pic related

Make sure you've got 100GB worth of space available.

Also it's not good

Where the fuck is it $10?

*except Turf


Do you want to buy the shambling corpse of a series that ended 6 years ago?

guardians actually seemed really cool im thinking about getting that too, also tomb raider and FFXV

last time i checked it´s 60GB

>last time i checked it´s 60GB

I uninstalled it when it took 80GB of space. That was about 9 months ago.

Halo 3 is just a shitty Halo 2 kid.
>God tier, Reach

>not god tier

but Halo 3 had the best multiplayer
>custom games

CE, H2, and H5 all have better multiplayer than Halo 3.
Not sure what your greentext is supposed to mean.

>update brings features that shouldve been there on release day
do you enjoy letting jews penetrate your anushole?

Stop nostalgia-fagging, also you're objectively wrong if you think Invasion wasn't one of Halo MP's best moments.

Again, stop Nostalgiafagging.

It's free.

all halo multiplayer was shit, the only fun multiplayer was custom games forge maps bullshit. Trash Compactor, the matador ring, mongoose race tracks. most fun I ever had in vidya